forum the leaf-bare ball (𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚛𝚙) {CLOSED! STALKERS WELCOME}
Started by @Spring group

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@Spring group

~ Lavenderwhisker flicked her tail tip, she heard Starlingbloom and she softly smiled. Opening one of her mesmerizing golden eyes, she noticed Starlingbloom grooming herself. Purring softly, she opened her other eyes and yawned. "good morning, ladies." she quietly mewed, looking down at Stormpaw she sighed and then looked out at the snow covered clearing. The white speckles of snow fell down, she smiled. "I love leaf-bare……the snow is just……just so calming…." the white molly looked down at her paws, a beautiful white rose (roses are my favorite–) lay at her paws. "a rose?" she whispered, instinctively she bent down and sniffed at the rose. "these are my favorite…." she purred.


"Good morning, Lavenderwhisker~…" Starlingbloom purred, nuzzling against the medicine cat affectionately. "I found it on my walk and I thought of you. Looks just like you, don'tyou think?" She lay down beside Lavenderwhisker and started grooming her gently.

@Spring group

Lavenderwhisker shyly giggle, "it does…." she leaned into the other she-cat. "I feel like I have to get you something now…"


"You don't have to get me anything, Lavenderwhisker. I just like to see you happy." Starlingbloom nuzzled into Lavenderwhisker's cheek, purring contentedly.

@Spring group

(I'm getting a mental image of this happening it and it's by far the cutest thing ive imagined this week–))

Lavenderwhisker licked Starlingbloom's cheek and smiled, "i'm gonna get you something anyway… deserve it…"


(They're adorable ee)
"If you insist, darling. What do you say about going to the leaf bare ball together?" She crooned, resting her head on Lavenderwhisker's shoulder.
(Imagine a yin yang style drawing with them 👉👈)

@Spring group

"I would love to go to the ball with you." she mewed, "you'd look absolutely gorgeous with your mask on." she giggled, snuggling up closer to Starlingbloom.


"And you as well." Starlingbloom purred softly and curled her tail around Lavenderwhisker. "We can dance together and everything, hmm?"

@Spring group

"why, of course. Let's just hope you're not as clumsy as last time." The molly teased, remembering how Starlingbloom tripped over her owns paws and fell into her last time. Lavenderwhisker could clearly remember the embarrassment on the pitch black she-cat's face. "It was pretty amusing to the other clans, hm?"


Starlingbloom stuck her tongue out playfully. "Yeah, yeah. We've been over this. Someone from Windclan definitely tripped me." She tucked her head under Lavenderwhisker's chin and purred.


Sagewhisker looked on affectionately. Then she chuckled. “No dreams of doom from Starclan then, sister?” She almost regretted saying anything, not wanting to interrupt or ruin the mood.
As Stormpaw swam through the murky landscapes of sleep, she could make out loud purrs and murmurs. The scents of her mentor and her sister were joined by another, more unfamiliar scent.
Stormpaw slowly opened an eye. She could see Sagewhisker near the entrance of the den, where snow was drifting inside. Then she noticed the movement near her.
Her eyes completely flared open and she jumped, stumbling away from Lavenderwhisker and Starlingbloom, yelping in surprise.


"Yeah… all of the Windclan cats are. But no matter. I'm not going to fall this time." Starlingbloom insisted. "I'm staying firmly on my paws unless it's purposeful."

@Spring group

Lavenderwhisker opened her maw to respond but was surprised by Stormpaw yelping. The white molly squeaked and jumped in surprise, almost toppling Starlingbloom over. Lavenderwhisker snapped over to Stormpaw who looked at Starlingbloom and her in surprise. "S-StarClan! Stormpaw! are you okay?!"


"W-What happened?!" Starlingbloom jumped to her paws when she was startled, her eyes wide and her fur puffed up in fear. She meowed quietly, her ears flattened back against her head.


Sagewhisker nearly jumped herself, her question from earlier vanishing from her brain. “Are you alright?”
Stormpaw shook herself. “Fine, as long as you two remember to do your cuddling away from me,” she said snappishly, going over to Sagewhisker and curling up next to her.
Her ear twitched again. “Please excuse my apprentice’s behavior. She doesn’t do well this early in the morn’.”
She then turned to Stormpaw. “We don’t speak to a warrior or a medicine cat like that, you know this.” she scolded.
“Sorry,” Stormpaw murmured.


"N-No problem…" Starlingbloom lay back down, cowering a bit. She was clearly embarrassed at being startled so badly. She buried her face in Lavenderwhisker's fur with a soft whine.

@Spring group

"N-No problem…" Starlingbloom lay back down, cowering a bit. She was clearly embarrassed at being startled so badly. She buried her face in Lavenderwhisker's fur with a soft whine.

Lavenderwhisker watched Stormpaw go to other nest, lay down and curl into a little ball. She sighed, and looked over at Starlingbloom who was burying her face into her soft fur. the medicine cat chuckled when she heard a soft whine coming from the black she. "Who put a thorn in Stormpaw's nest?" she whispered, a playful tone to her voice as she licked Starlingbloom from between her ears.


Don't mind me throwing my boy in here–))

~ Fawnstar stirred awake, his vision blurred for a few moment before his eyes focused out onto the clearing. He noticed the familiar pelts of his deputy, Smokewing, and one of the cats, Hailflight. He sat up in his warm moss nest. He sighed, as he began to groom himself, his mind wandered back to when he was deputy under Whitestar. It had only been two seasons after Whitestar's death, the former leader had died from his wounds after ShadowClan attacked. If he was being honest, he was kinda glad Whitestar had finally passed. Whitestar had been a horrible leader and he only cared about his strongest and more feared warriors like his son, Rainfrost and Scorchfeather, Rainfrost's mate and the best huntress and fighter through out the clan. Fawnstar shook his head, that was over now. He was leader and he was going to change the Clan for the better. He quickly finished grooming himself and padded out into the clearing, he blinked in surprise as his paws met cold, soft snow. Had the first snow of leaf-bare had started?? He purred, that meant the leaf-bare ball would start!!

~ Smokewing's eyes brightened as Fawnstar appeared. She got to her paws and trotted toward him. "Good morning, Fawnstar." She mewed with a smile. "Are you ready for tonight?"

Hickorykit turned his ears back and looked down at the ground, kneading the moss beneath him a bit. "I don't think he likes me… he always finds some excuse to go off and do something outside of camp when I try to spend time with him…" He said softly.

~ Hailflight glared over her shoulder at Larchclaw's sleeping form, then looked back at Hickorykit. "Well, Larchclaw is a mousebrained excuse for a father. If he doesn't want to spend time with you, that's his loss. He has no idea what he's missing." The red-and-white she-cat smiled at the kit, and snuggled closer. "It'll be okay."


~ Starlingbloom shrugged and huddled closer to Lavenderwhisker. "No clue… it wasn't me." She kept her face buried as she cuddled up with the medicine cat. "Scared me half to death, though…"

~ Hickorykit hung his head a bit and nodded, moving a bit closer to Hailflight. "I just… I don't know what I did wrong. Why doesn't he like me?" He asked weakly. "He won't even talk to me…"