“Let’s go kick butt.” Eira said, a wicked grin passing over her face.
“Let’s go kick butt.” Eira said, a wicked grin passing over her face.
Luna frowned as she put the earpiece in, “I dislike this already.”
Alexander cracked his spine "this is gonna be fun…"
Sparrow took out one of the maps “ok so there is an entry way through this vent here but I have a feeling that’s a trap so I found this one here.” She pointed to a small room “it has a window and is hidden within the walls. There’s also this one which is through the garden up the vines and into the hugest room.” She said pointing
"I'll just follow where ever you guys go," Zhavia yawned standing to her feet and putting the ear piece in.
“Well I’m going to be in the garden with my bow and special arrows.” She stated “unless you guys need me somewhere else?”
Zoe sighed as she put the ear piece on as she leaned against the wall.
"i'll take the small hidden room, ambushing any patrolling guards to help keep any of us going through the halls unseen."
Krista just waited for someone to give her a direction. I'm the newcomer here. It's safer to wait rather than intrude.
"i'll take the small hidden room, ambushing any patrolling guards to help keep any of us going through the halls unseen."
"Yeah, but you would think it would tick them off that some of their guards went missing?" Zoe spoke up as she looked over their plan. She was a master of stealth and infiltration, she should be helping lead the mission right?
"you have a point, what do you think i should do?"
"I think we should go all out stealth, we don't let them know what we're there or that we've ever been there, send a scout first and then we'll talk."
"That sounds like a better plan." Krista pitched in. "Mind you the best plan would be to infiltrate and kill higher ups, leave the lowers leaderless." She mumbled the last bit under her breath.
"they might have planned for that and have body doubles, too many possibilities, stealth would be the best bet."
Krista pondered this for a moment. "Do they know we're after them? Assuming no, my plan would work, depending on their hierarchy. Take out the leader, followed by his subordinates. Or blockade any escapes and gas them all."
She nodded to herself, unaware that she was speaking aloud. "Assuming they know, few possibilities. One, they could be cocky and ignorant. That would be our second best option. Two, they are wary and have guards. That would jeopardize Alexander's idea, they'd notice guards missing. Three, they are paranoid and have body doubles and/or traps. That would jeopardize my plan."
Krista snapped out of her thoughts. "Let's go with Zoe's plan."
"You guys haven't even heard Cyrus's plan, he was the one worked the hardest for this and study. Well, him and Krista. While the rest of us were off doing out own thing, so I say we listen to what he says," Zhavia butted in. Sure their plans were good, but Cyrus a might have a well thought out plan with jobs for each of them. "This mission will fail if we don't have a leader and I believe Cyrus is that person."
Luna looked to Zhavia, "That's what I was thinking. Cyrus is the one that always has a plan, and Zoe, you always suggest stealth for these missions. It always sounds decent, until something goes wrong and everything turns to awful. So let's wait for Cyrus and hear his plan. Though I'm not sure if he should be leader. We'll have to see what his plan is first."
Krista nodded. Seems fair. Everyone else did disappear for some time. she collapsed into a kneeling position, getting comfortable while she waited.
"A leader is someone who thinks things through instead of taking action right away, someone who is level head and can give orders. Sure Cyrus isn't the best fight, but he has the qualities of a leader." Zhavia rolled her eyes. "So, please tell me he's not right for leadership. The rest of us explode at the slightest thing, so he would make sense because he is level headed, him or Eira. The rest of us in a no." There was no why Zhavia would follow anyone else. Luna doesn't do well with people, Zoe so explosive that she wouldn't think rational. Alexander wouldn't be to bad, but he doesn't seem like the type that would want to be leader. Kirsta isn't trusted and right now neither is Zhavia and she wouldn't want to be leader, she knows she not the type. She's just as bad as Zoe with her temper.
Zoe rolled her eyes at the speech. "Ok first, that was wayy unnessicary and second of all I don't think it matters which personality for a leader, but only the plan they take sure some of us are hard-headed but at least we have a good plan and are able to execute it properly so it works."
Luna let out a sigh and pinched her nose, "Are really arguing about this? It's so stupid."
Zoe shrugged. "Technically I'm not arguing, I'm adding in my point of view."
"I think we still should wait for him, he can add to the plan or have a better one." Alexander suggested putting in his ear piece.
Luna muttered to herself, "Que lo que estaba diciendo, los cabrones."
"Oye, no comencé esto!"
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