forum Assassin’s guild//Finished Rp//Look for part 2
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower_Mad_Elder

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Alexander tried to contain his excitement noticing he was embarrassing Eria "this will be useful…"Alexander walks out if the shooting gallery and into his room to work on the mask.


Eira watched as Alexander left the room, smiled then shook her head. No, she couldn’t crush on Alexander. No.. but.. no, she had to focus and make a few changes in the dagger. She left the shooting range.


One leg after the other she got out of the car, in front of her a marble building, that looked so clean she could probably eat off it. The guild looked like it belonged in the trash, compared to this beauty. Many others were only just arriving, pretty dresses makeup. But it was somehow different, they seemed more masquerade ball, while Zhavia was at the most fancy dinner. She wanted to shy away and not keep eye contact with anyone, but the would ruin this whole mission. A smile upon fire face and an elegant walk showed everyone she was here for businesses and nothing else. All eyes were on her as she walked by, many whispers erupted around her, some were good and others not so much. She could already tell who were the witches of the school. When the doors opened it was like a completely different world. The walls were white along with the ceiling, the floors were a black and white marble that matched well with the black staircases that went each direction. There were many rooms all down the side of the entrance, she assumed it was the classrooms and didn't pay much attention. "Hello," a voice came from behind making her jump a little. She hadn't been paying much attention to those around her, she was too busy admiring the building. "Hello," Zhavia responded with a smile. This girl was small, in fact most of the girls here were. She was a bit taller then most the girls and wondered if there were height restrictions she didn't know about. This girl was few inches shorter than Zhavia, just as small around the waist though and had a bit more of what Zhavia was lacking. She had straight long black hair that went to the middle of her back with hazel eyes. All Zhavia could think about is how you can do anything with hair that long? Most assassins had shorter hair to make sure it didn't get in the way. "My name is Kenzie." Kenzie gave a slight nod to Jessica, acknowledging she was there. Jessica hadn't said a word, and Zhavia was happy about that, she was always so rude when she talked. Kenzie snapped and a maid came walking out of what seems to be nowhere. Seriously where did she come from? Zhavia thought. "This is one of the schools maids, she will be taking." She side glanced at Jessica. The nobles wouldn't say it but they looked down on anyone that didn't meet their standards. And Jessica was one one those people. "I'm sorry darling, I didn't catch your name," She said politely, but her tone of voice came out mixed with a bit of disgust. "Jessica," She said taking a bow. "Right." She used a open hand toward the direction of the maid. Nobles never pointed, it was considered rude. "This maid will take Jessica to your room and put your stuff away." Kenzie did another open hand point, but it was wider this time showing the whole room. "Come, let me show you around."


It had been a few days since Zhavia left, she missed some things about the guild. The fighting was one of them, the realness. Here, it was talk properly, walk the right way, tea parties. Who has tea parties. But she liked it here as well, the feeling of being in charge, not thinking about how your going to survive the next day. It was clean here, no blood spill, maids cleaned every night when everyone was asleep. But there was still no sign of the boy she was supposed to kill. She met many young noble ladies, and they all felt fake. There was one girl, she wasn't necessarily and noble. Her father was a high ranking guard and the man he guarded liked him so much that he paid to send his daughter to this school. She was the only girl allowed to practice sword fighting with the boys. Zhavia so badly wanted to join, but couldn't. The way she got her exercise was sneaking in to the gym and working out while everyone was sleeping. She punched the bag many times, sweat dripping down her body. It felt nice, it made her not feel so alone. "Someone had the same idea as me I see," A boys voice came from the door, it was dark so he couldn't see that she was a girl, but he got closer and found out she would be in so much trouble. "Its fine I wont tell, I knew something was different about you. Sure your acting is good but.." He walked closer. "I'm Uriah, and you are?" She wipped the sweat from her forehead, no use in the act if he knew it was an act. "Zhavia," she took off her boxing gloves and tossed them to the side. "You're not like the other girls." Her looked her up and down, and she did the same. "I'm from a smaller country, so I apologize if me not having the same rules as you makes me not ladylike." She never imagined someone would come this late. "No, no song get me wrong, its different, I like it." Uriah pulled off his shirt and went to the weights. He was good looking she wouldn't denie that. "How long have you been here?" She gave him a look. She didnt want to talk to anyone, especially someone like him. "A few days," Taking a shower and going to sleep sounded like heaven. "Going so soon?" He smiled and set the weight down. "Well, Zhavia hope you have a good night." He was weird and different.

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(She wants to join, her character is awesome!)


(excuse me i'm just dropping a profile here and then im gone till i get the go ahead)

(Name: Krista Pearce
Nickname:Grey Fox
Age: 19
Appearance: Dark grey hair, shoulder-length. Pale skin. Blind in her left eye (like how Nick Fury's looks.) Her eyes are dark brown
Personality: Cold. Doesn't let people get close to her. Logical to the point of wanting to hit yourself for not realizing something. Argumentative
Secret personality: She is insanely touch-starved. Is honestly terrified at the thought of being abandoned. Believes love is stupid. Is literally the worst at keeping a straight face when someone tells a dirty joke.
Background: She was raised in the streets, became a master thief. Sometimes was hired by people to do their dirty work. She got caught stealing something from one of the Assassins. They threw her in a cell to question her. She managed to pick the lock, get out, AND steal what she came for. Only for her employer to throw her out without her pay, and to call the cops on her. She killed him. She returned to the guild with the stolen item and info as to why her employer targeted them, as some sort of peace-offering. She joined not too long after that.
Hobbies:Whittling. She can also sing, but the last person to point that out no longer has ears.
Fav weapons: Her daggers, Agatha and Aetherius : Also uses garrote wire
Most skilled at: Lockpicking, moving silently. Climbing.
Pet: A black furred mouse named Riddle)

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(Isn't there only suppose to be one? Like my character is specialized in stealth and another is specialized in technology.)