@Becfromthedead group
Cyrus held his hand out to Zelda as he watched his friends leave. The black and white cat rubbed her face against his hand and purred gently as if trying to soothe him.
Cyrus held his hand out to Zelda as he watched his friends leave. The black and white cat rubbed her face against his hand and purred gently as if trying to soothe him.
Sparrow opened her specs and quickly typed in a command. Her room in the bunker suddenly flipped, hiding all her weapons. Only Eira and Cyrus would know how to access them
"This is incredible!" Uriah inspected all the weapon's that were hanging from the wall. Since his father was in weapon design and a seller he knew all about materials and how good a weapon is with just looking. "These are all made very well." Freedom wined at his feet as he looked. It was a bit sad he would have to leave her behind, the mountain path would be to dangerous for her and he wasn't about to put the only thing Zhavia left behind in danger.
She smiled and walked towards the hatch “come on, we should go now.”
Uriah bent down and gave the dog one more hug before following behind Sparrow. "I'm quite nervous actually." He laughed a bit. "I've never done anything like this before." He took out the map and head towards the forest where they needed to go.
“Come on, it’ll be fun, just the two of us.” She smiled
Uriah patted her on the head and smiled along with her. "Yeah, it will be." Sparrow was a lot shorter than Uriah and he thought it was cute. "Well, we should reach the mountain path in about a day, if things go as planned." He folded the map back up and put it in his backpack.
“Why don’t we “borrow” horses?” She asked
"Borrow?" He raised an eyebrow knowing full well that if they took horses they weren't going to give them back, or at least he did. "Well I do need my own animal companion, and horses are pretty cool." He smiled and stopped from walking. "So where are we going to get these horses from?"
“I saw a small farm not too far from here.” Sparrow said to him, taking out her specs
"Alright, let's go!" Uriah was extremely excited and hoped one of these horses would become his pet sidekick or whatever they call them. "I love riding horses. Thank goodness that's something I actually know how to do." He smiled as he followed behind Sparrow closely.
Sparrow laughed “you’re good at everything you do.”
"Hm, I'll have to disagree, but I am good at a lot of things this is true." He laughed. There were plenty of things he could still work on and get better at, like being an assassin. "I see the farm." He peered over the hill and looked at it from above already trying to decide which horse he liked. It was weird stealing something, since his father was rich and could just buy him anything he wanted.
Sparrow nodded and walked over to where the horses were. She looked around for a certain light brown horse. “Talon!” She cried when she spotted him
Uriah blinked a couple times confused by how Sparrow already knew the horses. "So I take it you've been here before?" Bending down he squeezed through the gap of the fence and looked at all the horses that were around.
“Yeah, I do.” She simply said. She turned back to Talon who whinnied and pet his muzzle
"I'm going to go take a look in the barn." Uriah didn't see one that caught his eye yet and he really wanted a good horse. The sound of horses was like music to his ears. Walking down the aisle he saw many horse, but there was this one at the end that was beautiful. It was a dark chestnut and white, it almost looked like someone had painted on him. "Well aren't you a beauty." The horse walked up to him and blew air in his face.
“Well he’s a new one.” Sparrow said, curious
Uriah looked over to the plank next to his stall. "Prince huh?" Seemed like a fitting name for him. "Well he's definitely the one." Uriah ran off to the tack room and got a white saddle and reins that had good designs on them. Leading Prince out with a rope he tied him off to a pole and began to ready him for their journey. "Its nice to have horse as well because they can carry a lot more than us." In his hand he had special packs the hook on each side of the horses saddle. Tossing two over to Sparrow he put two on his own saddle and began to empty his backpack into them. (This is prince, just so you have a better idea of what he looks like. https://pin.it/omanrcqy5fujdw)
Sparrow dumped her pack items in the bags then jumped on Talon. He whinnied softly and she rubbed him between the ears
Uriah hopped on Prince and as soon as we was on he felt powerful, maybe because Prince was just a big horse. "So are we actually stealing them or do you know the person that owns the horses?"
Sparrow stayed silent and started riding out of the barn. She fed Talon a sugar cube and sat up
It was strange she didn't answer but Uriah decided not to ask anymore. "Alright, now we should get there faster." He followed after her, lightly bouncing up and down as Prince walked. He knew after this trip he was going to be sore since he hadn't rode in awhile.
Sparrow smiled, grateful that he didn’t press on the matter. She rode to catch up to him “shall we?” She asked, gesturing to the mountains
It had already been hours since they left and Uriah was starting to get a bit bored. "How much longer to the mountains?" The ride was nice but there wasn't much to do and he was hurting since he hadn't rode in a while. "I wish we could just be there already." He laughed and looked over at Sparrow.
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