@Eli-the-transboi group
Hey-! I’m bored and wanna start a rp so come and make a character sheet if ya want! Preferably this will be a 1 on 1 but more people are also welcome! ^^
Hey-! I’m bored and wanna start a rp so come and make a character sheet if ya want! Preferably this will be a 1 on 1 but more people are also welcome! ^^
Hi! I am also bored. Do you have something in mind?
Hm- what about a fantasy kinda rp? We can do a generational rp or like an apocalypse rp- or do you wanna do more of a kingdom type of rp?
I like fantasy and I don't mind if you want to do a kingdom type of rp.
Mk cool! I wanted to let other people pick- who would you like to be in the rp?
(You can also make a character sheet if ya want!)
Ok… Umm, I’m not really picky but I guess it would depend on the situation/plot…
Ok well i was thinking prince meets person of choice and they either become friends or more- romance, comedy, and maybe drama-
That sounds good to me. I'm fine with being the “someone” the prince meets.
Ok cool! Just tell me who they are and their status- in character sheet or not its cool! Ill make one soon- i gotta make the character-
Ok. I actually may have a character. I just need to tweak a couple of things.
Mk pog! Take your time!
Full name: Meghan Hill
Nicknames (if any): Meg (once you get on friendly terms)
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight.
Personality: At first meeting, she seems pleasant enough with anyone but she’s more than a bit jaded and doesn't trust anyone but herself and the few relatives she has but even they don't know everything. She is fiercely protective of the very few people who made it past her walls.
Appearance: Meg is 5’8”, very athletic in build, her eyes are a deceptively warm brow, long dark brown hair that she often styles into a tight updo of some kind, which actually highlights her sharp facial structure.
Favorite/usual outfit or attire: On normal days, she often wears simple peasant dresses with an old dark-colored cloak that has a few hidden pockets added to it for small weapons. Though she finds it easier to maneuver in riding pants and a man's shirt when she has to fight. She often carries a satchel with her that carries a thick journal, a couple of charcoal sticks for writing or sketching, and a couple of extra weapons.
Likes: reading, writing, sketching, and occasionally fighting.
Dislikes: Being unprepared or underestimated, needing help.
Hobbies/Talents: Drawing,
Strength: Great fighter, decent at healing and tracking,
Weakness: A bit stubborn/prideful. She hates to admit when she's in over her head.
Family: just her mom and an uncle but he's a traveling merchant so they don't see him often.
Backstory: Her mom is a popular baker and her father was a carpenter, though he often left in the middle of the night to gather some wood. But five years ago, her father was killed by what people say must have been a wild animal. Meg has always had doubts about what really killed her father but has struggled with finding an occupation of her own. Her mother plans for her to take over the bakery but Meg did try apprenticing as a healer and even tried hunting. But neither of those jobs have stuck.
Other: I don't know if her background counts as middle-class or lower so… 🤷♀️
I like it! Ill get mine up soon! Just so we’re on the same page, are you ok with lgbtq characters? Cause mine is gonna be pansexual
That's totally fine with me.
Full name: (prince) Aaron Emmett
Nicknames: Engel (meaning angel in German)
Age: 23
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Personality: Aaron is a very stubborn, yet soft hearted man. He loves his parents with all his heart and he gets treated like a angel. Mostly because he is an only child. His nickname labels him well since he is known for being incredibly kind and generous to everyone he meets. Even if he is a little skeptical, he still helps people in need. He is slow to trust people and is known to be distant of others even if he is so kind.
Appearance: https://artbreeder.b-cdn.net/imgs/252ab1209945709218b8a7dbff58.jpeg he is 6ft2 with a very muscular build. Even if he seems very healthy and strong, he still has a slightly sickly look to him. This is due to a few complications from when he was born.
Favorite/usual outfit or attire: he usually wears black or dark colors in public and cloaks with boots. He has a Victorian style to him and he keeps his long, wavy hair half up and half down. When in the castle, he will wear very colorful clothing and lots of gold and silver jewelry. When he’s alone, he wears comfy, oversized clothes.
Likes: art and music.
Dislikes: bad textures, and bad people.
Hobbies/Talents: is a very good artist and singer. He can also play several instruments and is very athletic and flexible.
Strength: he is a very good fighter and has never lost a fight in his life.
Weakness: he tends to overthink EVERYTHING.
Family: he was born into the royal family and is the king and queens only child. He is adored throughout the kingdom and is treated like a god. (Even if he actually doesn’t necessarily enjoy it.)
Backstory: Aaron was born a very sickly child, hence why his name means miracle. It is true that it’s a miracle he’s alive and healthy.
Other: he has a very high metabolism, but a very weak immune system. He is hardly ever allowed out of the castle without supervision to make sure he doesn’t get hurt. This is probably why he escapes the castle so often.
He’s amazing!
Thanks! I had to look around for ideas- XD I’ll get the starter up soon!
Great! I can't wait!
Aaron climbs over the palace walls, yanking his cloak from a rose bush as he jumps down. He huffs. It’s been way too long since he’s had some privacy. Sure he understood why his parents were so protective, but he was a grown man! He could take care of himself! He makes his way towards the town, looking around and smiling. Not a lot had changed, and he was happy. He liked his kingdom. Not very many people were poor. Only the ones who decided to waist their money. The buildings were sturdy, and there were plenty of resources. He hums and he shoves his hands in his pockets and walks down the street to the center of town. Fresh goods were always on display at stands. Freshly baked bread, bright red apples. And beautiful art displays. He hums a soft tune as he enjoys the scenery and atmosphere of it all. Sure sometimes he wished he could live here. But he also was grateful for what he had now.
He blinks as he hears a band playing and he smiles warmly. Ah…music. He crosses his arms as he listens, his eyes softening.
Meg sighed as she brought a fresh batch of loaves out to be sold. The smell was always calming and brought back better memories from before… She shook her head and focused on arranging the display neatly.
Fortunately, it didn't take long and her mother came out from the kitchen so Meg took the opportunity to step outside. She needed some fresh air and maybe she could even find some inspiration to sketch today. The thought brought a rare to smoother face as she grabbed her satchel before following the music.
Aaron sways slightly to the beat of the music, humming along with the tune. He always found comfort in music. Even before he was born, his parents would mention how he would react to music. He glances at a girl walking towards him and he smiles softly at her. She looked nice, maybe she was nice. He tilts his head, taking note of her art supplies.
Meg appreciated music and enjoyed listening to it but for the most part, it was just a good way to find people. She noticed the man almost dancing and gave a polite smile when he looked her way but didn't approach further. Even from here, she could see that he was a handsome young man.
She raised a brow as she followed his gaze to her collection of papers before laughing softly, almost to herself. She flipped to a blank page and gestured toward him with her piece of charcoal, silently asking if she could draw him.
He smiles, his dark brown eyes seeming to glow. He nods slightly and returns his attention to the music, then back to her after the song ended. Should he talk to her? He sucks in a breath and walks over to her. “Pleasure to meet you, madam.” He bows slightly. Despite his thick German accent, his voice was incredibly deep and raspy. This seemed to be quiet uncommon for any other German man.
(Sorry had to edit for more detail-)
Meg smiled back and had managed to get a rough sketch of him started before the music stopped. She had just glanced up to get another look at him to draw when she saw him heading her way. “A pleasure to meet you as well, sir.” she curtsied in reply, closing her book for now.
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