forum Adventures in Vostrua! (High Fantasy RP OPEN)
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Vozalynn nodded as she stood up and walked over to the group, her nervousness coming back. "I heard talk of a letter?" She asked no one in particular.


(Can I let my character have apple juice in his backpack. Like it’s not that random. Okay, yes it is. But i mean when i have no idea what to say, can I just be like, “Louis got out an apple juice box and sipped it quietly.”?)

(Lol maybe you can order it from the kindly waitress lol?)



(I’m laughing so hard my mom is judging me. XD)


She nodded, taking out a letter from her bag. "I guess I found the right group." Vozalynn pulled up a chair and sat down.


Marya smiled, satisfied that she'd pointed the short girl in the right direction. She walked towards the back, coming up with more drinks as men yelled at her from afar.


“Where is the waiter, I want apple juice.” Louis mumbled, looking around, still keeping an eye on the group who keeps on metioning the letter.

(Now I'm laughing.)


(since Louis has a weird thing for apple juice, I've decided to make Vozalynn have a weird obsession with fruit)

Deleted user

Rhoan, despite himself and his own agitation, gave her a grin.
"Happy to meet you," He held out his hand to her, "I'm Rhoan-Rhoan Cirloch. I'm Lachtish, if you couldn't tell by my accent."


She wiped some sweat from her forehead and tied on a new apron before serving another round to a group of men who were already too drunk.

Deleted user

(since Louis has a weird thing for apple juice, I've decided to make Vozalynn have a weird obsession with fruit)

(Is everyone gonna have a weird obsession? Rhoan should have some. How about.. olives ._.)


Vozalynn waited for everyone else to introduce themselves. She wasn't stupid. I'm not giving away my identity that easily. For now I'll go under a fake name…Lilah. Lilah, a dwarf from the far right corner of Riain. That way, they don't know my name or where I live.


(since Louis has a weird thing for apple juice, I've decided to make Vozalynn have a weird obsession with fruit)

(Is everyone gonna have a weird obsession? Rhoan should have some. How about.. olives ._.)



(since Louis has a weird thing for apple juice, I've decided to make Vozalynn have a weird obsession with fruit)

(Is everyone gonna have a weird obsession? Rhoan should have some. How about.. olives ._.)

(Marya is obsessed with…..guns. She loves her some guns)


(since Louis has a weird thing for apple juice, I've decided to make Vozalynn have a weird obsession with fruit)

(Is everyone gonna have a weird obsession? Rhoan should have some. How about.. olives ._.)

(I think so, Luna has this weird obsession with ice and snow. Like she'll just make some and starting eating it.)


(since Louis has a weird thing for apple juice, I've decided to make Vozalynn have a weird obsession with fruit)

(Is everyone gonna have a weird obsession? Rhoan should have some. How about.. olives ._.)

(… yes. I will start a trend. Yesss. Be obsessed with olives.)


Luna mustered her confidence, squeezed her eyes shut, balled her hands, and introduced herself, "HimynameisLunaandI'malsofromStrothrod."


Marya froze when she saw a flash of blond hair and blue eyes. Ice blue eyes. Could it be? No. He couldn't have found her. No. Her heart started thumping and the weight of her locket pressed down on her chest.
To Marya, with love.

Deleted user

Rhoan jumped as another girl sputtered out an introduction. He blinked, "Um, what? Did you get the letter?"


“HEyyyYy. I heard you guys talking about letters?” Louis said cheerfully. He usually was cheerful, but maybe the apple juices he just bought made him more cheerful.