forum Adventures in Vostrua! (High Fantasy RP OPEN)
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Luna sat there attempting to muster up the courage to talk to them. Why in the world did someone send her a letter, she couldn't even entering a simple conversation.


Nyir shrugged one shoulder. "I have a soft spot for chocolate, I suppose. But baked goods are not my favorite." She shook her head, annoyed at the benign nature of the conversation. "Did you receive a letter?"

Deleted user

Rhaon was surprised to see more and more people piling into the tavern, ending with a nervous looking dwarf. A dwarf! This was what? The second time he'd seen a dwarf! They normally stayed north. He stood quickly, so quickly in fact to send his chair clattering to the ground behind him, and immediately internally cringed.


Luna turned to see who had let there chair fallen behind them. It was a human male, taller than her, and defiantly tanner.


Vozalynn looked around, emotions of awe and nervousness fighting each other. There were so many races in one place. Elves, orcs, half-elves, halflings, and dwarves of course. She froze in the doorway, unsure where to go.


Marya turned to see the falling chair and yell at the customer.
"If it broke, you have to pay for it." she demanded, putting her hands on her hips.


She jumped at the noise, looking over at the boy who had created it. Vozalynn had spent some time studying the different countries and it was quite obvious that this boy was from Lacht.


Luna snickered at the waitress yelling at the customer. She would have done the same in her position, but watching someone else do it was a lot more amusing to her.

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Rhoan, finding that many of the eyes in the tavern on him, decided to play this off. He left the chair on the ground and strode confidently forward towards the bar, preparing for a nice, cold drink to wash down his humiliation. As he came up he caught the tide of a conversation, "..receive a letter?"
He turned to see an elf, and another elf? Half-elf? He couldn't tell. He approached them.
"Did you two get the letter?


Luna overheard the man ask the other two elf girls if they received letters. That's it I'm talking to them.
"Uhm, I received a letter," she said as she approached behind the man.


Vozalynn stared in awe at the boy's confidence as he completely ignored the situation. He just…left it. In front of all these people. I guess that's what it's like being an adventurer. I should try that. She noticed that she was still standing in front of the doorway. Vozalynn shuffled over to a booth by the wall, furthest away from the tall and burly men that were glaring at her from the bar.


(oml it takes me so long to type out Vozalynn's name correctly so sorry if I don't respond quickly)


They were talking about letters. Her eyes widened and she thought back to the letter lying on her bed. Marya did a quick turn, but first proceeded the smack the man who left the chair.


(most of the characters I rp as are sassy boys so I thought I'd change it up)


(most of the characters I rp as are sassy boys so I thought I'd change it up)

cough cough MICAH cough cough CADE cough cough


Vozalynn glanced over at a diverse group of strangers. Letters… She overheard their conversation, but decided to listen in for a little longer before revealing why she was there.


(most of the characters I rp as are sassy boys so I thought I'd change it up)

cough cough MICAH cough cough CADE cough cough

(except Micah he's not sassy but Cade can be…)

Deleted user

Rhoan, in the mist of pulling his letter from his vest, stumbled back from a sudden, stinging blow to his face.
"What the-" He looked up trying to figure out the culprit.


Marya caught a glimpse of a small girl, hiding in the corner. Hips swaying, she walked over, thinking of something nice to say, but what came out was:
"Stop hiding. You look weak."