forum Academy for the Supernaturally Gifted #2 (Closed with ame-the-ghostie) (1/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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She catches her breath for a few moments before looking up at Avdey. “Okay…”

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She follows him and looks around. She seems much less energetic after the running.

@RhysTheFirebird group

He stops at the doir, knocking.

After a moment, it opens and a girl stands there, short, standing at about 4'10 with a makeup brush in her hand opens the doir, "Oh. . . It's the bloodsucker prince." She looks at Leta, "And. . . Fresh meat as well." She smiles warmly and sticks her free hand out, "Clara."

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(Not me making you wait for a short response,,)

Leta looks at Clara, wide-eyed, and shakes her hand. “I’m Leta,” she says a little quickly.

Deleted user

(Sorryyyyyy <3)

Leta nods, and looks between the two of them, slightly confused. “I’ll be fine.”

@RhysTheFirebird group

(It’s fine <3, I meant that in the kindest way)

Avdey bares his teeth at Clara, then vanishes.

Clara smiles at Leta, “COme on, your bed’s over there.

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(If that ain’t a mood)

Leta smiles back, trotting over to her bed and sitting down. “Thank you.” She tilts her head. “What was that all about, by the way? You and Avdey seemed to not like each other very much…”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Clara laughs, “We like each other. . . Quite a bit, honestly. We’re close.” She sits down, looking at Leta, “He’s just a sourpuss. And well, it’s fun to call him blood-sucker. I’m the only one who can get away with it.”

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Leta blinks a few times. “Oh! Okay.” She looks around. “How long have you known each other?”

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Leta looks at Clara. “That sounds fun.”

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Leta tenses slightly. “Uh- no- is that something I should be worried about-?”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Clara stares at Leta, "Well, yeah, Avdey's always had trouble controlling his blood-lust. He used to bite me all the time. And others as well. You're lucky, you smell like human. So much, I'm surprised he didn't bite you. His control must be getting better."

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Leta shudders. “Oh… I’ll keep that in mind.”

@RhysTheFirebird group

"Oh, don't act like that, it doesn't hurt at all. It usually feels pretty damn good. Just, be carful, you'll probably be in his sights until the human smells fade from you."

Deleted user

Leta huffs. “Well- it still sounds scary. And I will be careful, don’t worry-“

@RhysTheFirebird group

Clara sighs, "He's been to any different schools, and each time he was kicked out because of his blood-lust. He won't be happy to lose this one as well. He seems to like it here. So, please, be very careful. around my friend."