forum Romantic One on One? [CLOSED]
Started by @Uh.Yeah.I.Sure.HOPE.It.Does!

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Sera took a deep breath before throwing away her cup and sitting down in her office. After a little bit of boring work the CEO walked. "I've assigned you to a job. You will be working on it for the next 2 months with the loyal Nathan Lewis. You are scheduled to meet him in his office in half an hour. I wrote down the number on this post it.: He slapped a post it on her desk. "Thank you sir." Sera said, looking at the note.


"Come in," Nate called to the person, assuming it was his new partner. Who would catch him on the day he had coffee spilt over him. Great.


"Sounds like a lot of fun." Sera sighed. "I'm just gonna say what we're both thinking. This is really awkward. Do you wanna go out to lunch or something later? Ya know, to break the ice? It will be much better to work together when it's.. less awkward."


"I mean, I was planning to pop home and change during my lunch break. Maybe tonight or tomorrow?" He sat back down.


"Tonight works." She wrung her hands and looked around. "And the changing, that makes perfect sense I mean why wouldn't you change?" Nervous laughter. "Here's my phone number so we can work together better. I better get to work now." Sera forced a smile, and walked out of the room.


(I've gtg, I should be on tomorrow though.)
"Right. If you need any help, you know where I am." He called after her. He typed her number into his phone and texted her 'Hi, it's Nathan.' so she'd have his.


Sera's head pounded. She put her fingers to her temples and thought hard. She knew this would be awkward, but despite everything she had a little bit of a crush on this guy. "What to do what to do…" She muttered.


Nate got back to work but in the back of his mind, he was thinking about meeting her tonight. For some reason that he couldn't quite place, he wanted to impress her.