forum High Schoolers Create a haunted house in order to pass AP Calculus (no more #Vender) (#BRAIN) (#JJ) (CLOSED BUT FEEL FREE TO STALK)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

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Nessa sighed, "You need to get a new set of locks, Team Emotional mess is getting new door nobs, If you want to pick up some Pizza on the way back I ran out, also oranges, we could all use an orange, also security cameras would be nice but Jane might get mad at me for blowing the budget."


//okey dokey Sly :)

“Lots and lots of practice,” Jane agreed. “And I can probably figure out something for the cameras… we’ll see. It might actually save us money in the long run, anyways.”

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Venus nodded. "Okay," she whispered.