forum High Schoolers Create a haunted house in order to pass AP Calculus (no more #Vender) (#BRAIN) (#JJ) (CLOSED BUT FEEL FREE TO STALK)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

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"You know one day when we're not raising money for the AP test I won't have to run anymore and I will sit and get fat because that is my goal in life" Nessa grumbled. She grabbed a Misterclean eraser and hacked at the red stains on the counter left from the paint spills. "Uncle wouldn't let me though because, and I quote, ' if you get lazy Nessa how are you going to defend your self if you're in trouble' "


Nessa through up her arms, gesturing wildly "That's what I said but according to him it's harder to kidnap someone who can fight back so I mean he has a point"

@Imperfect_Autumn group

"Who said fat people can't fight?" Blaine questioned as she looked out the door for Venus and Ender. Noticing that they were making their way back, she smiled.

This should be good, she thought.

Deleted user


(Oh, dear… What have I done?)

(I’m already gonna draw fan art of them)