Austin laughed. "C'mon guys" he said.
briania rolled her eyes " Go get your own prince charming" she teased.
Austin laughed. "C'mon guys" he said.
briania rolled her eyes " Go get your own prince charming" she teased.
"Yeah, let's go!" Val started up the engine of her black truck. Clyde threw the backpacks in and got in the back.
Briania thre her backpack in and got in the back with clyde since austin and val were in the front.
"Alright, so we get to my mom's house, get the GPS, get our stuff, get some food, and we're off." She squealed happily as she pulled out of the school driveway and heads to the road.
Briania rolled her eyes ¨your a little excited don´t you thin val¨ she said.
"Why shouldn't be? I've been stuck in this state all my life. Now, we get the chance to see something more!"
¨ But I like this state if I wasn´t in the state I wouldn´t have met any of you¨ she said.
"I like it too, but there's so much more to see." She sighed. She pulled into her mom's driveway and cut the engine. "Now let's make this quick."
Briania jumped out of the car and stretched her arms.
Clyde got out after Briana. Valerie hopped out and went to the front door. Clyde took Bri's hand and followed after Val.
Briana smiled as she leaned into clyde´s touch.
Val walked into the room and smiled. Her mom was at the kitchen, cooking up a storm. She turned and smiled. "Hey you guys! Come to get your things?" She took Valerie into her arms, and gave her a kiss on the fore head, she did the same to all of them.
"Yeah, Mrs. Reese, and to steal some food.." Clyde added as she kissed his forehead. She laughed. "I would never let you kids get on the road without and food."
Briania walked in. ¨Yeah but clyde will eat it all because he´s a pig¨ she teased.
"I sure am!" He laughed. Val told them to take a seat, she was a sucker when it came to food. "The road can wait…" She went into the kitchen to help her mom. Clyde pulled Bri to the couch.
Briania smiled as she leaned onto Clyde´s chest
Val called Austin into the kitchen, she was stirring a big pot of creamy soup. "Come and taste." She told him.
Austin smiled and held his mouth open.
She fed him a warm spoonful after she blew it a bit. "It's mushroom soup. My mom likes to add cream cheese and chicken to give it a more creamy texture and more taste. I think it needs a little more salt. What do think?" She asked.
Austin nodded ¨yeah¨ he said
Briania softly hummed one of her songs
"Yeah what?" Valerie giggle. She kissed him. "Tell what you think." She gave a pout.
Clyde ran his hands through her hair, closing his eyes. He loved listening to her sing.
¨It needs a pinch more of salt¨ Austin said
Briania stopped and leaned up to kiss clyde.
Valerie nodded and turned to add more salt.
Clyde leaned into the kiss and placed his hands on her waist. "We can't do this on Mrs. Reese's couch."
¨All I did was kiss you¨ Briania said with a smirk
Austin smiled a valerie.
"Yes, but you intended to do more. So i'm going to be the bigger mate and stop you before you do something we'll both enjoy." Clyde returned that smirk with one of his own.
Valerie looked back at Austin. She blushed. "What?"
Briania rolled her eyes playfully.
¨Nothing¨ austin said as he shooke his head
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