In a forest, far from the humans and their destructive nature, there is a hole. In the middle of a forgotten wood, amongst the ancient tress who protect their cryptic friends, there is a hill with a round, mossy door with no handle. There is a manhole cover in a suburban neighborhood. In a rural park near a playground, there is an upright ring of naturally bending branches, the air shimmering inside with blurry lights. There is a waterfall, cascading down a small precipice, that no human has ever seen the backside of.
These, my fellow inhuman humanoids, are the secret entrances to a special place, untouched by mankind.
If one of us were to take up the journey, to travel to the undiscovered wood, they could be free of the humans and free to live as their ancestors did; as cryptids should.
So raise your wings, flex your digging talons, prepare your multi-dimensional travel. Think of the sun, unobscured by pollution; think of dirt without chemicals. Think of the Cryptic Forest, and come home.
Hive buzzed in circles in their chamber.
If they had been a single being, it would have been considered pacing, but that wasn't quite the right word for them. Pacing would be taking paces, and that would require legs. Not that Hive had any shortage of legs; being a cloud of bumblebee-like insects, they had an infinite amount of legs. And yet, they paced in an anxious swirl, round and round in their underground room. The sound of the hundreds of thousands of tiny wings, whirring and buzzing and humming, would have deafened a person. But they were alone. So very alone.
Once, there had been a thriving community of other creatures in those underground passages. Dozens, hundreds even, living out their fantastic lives in the forest above, and the open sky above that, and the root systems far below. But now…
Now it was only Hive. Just Hive, buzzing around the small cave that had once been their safe haven from all the clamor of the others. Now they missed the noise, hustle and bustle of fellow cryptids.
We need to bring them home … But how can we? We are only ever us and we cannot masquerade in the world of mankind as anything other than us … Can we contact them from here? … We have the human computer … It may be too old to communicate effectively with the humans' new devices …
Hive whispered among themselves, trying to find a solution. It wasn't just that they were lonely, but the forest needed more cryptids to survive. As a hive mind of insects, Hive had a certain…connection to the forest. The relationship between the trees, the air, the magic lifeblood of the forest was symbiotic with the creatures it sustained and protected. With only Hive and maybe, just maybe one or two others scattered in the forest, it was slowly fading. Dying. The air felt thin. The water, less alive. The outside edge, an impenetrable wall of thorns that would only part for the inhuman, was shrinking inward, and in some places it was even withering away, leaving gaping wounds where human bacteria could find purchase.
We can't let that happen … There must be a way … If there are others still here … We must search for any who remain … The forest is still huge, even if it is curling in on itself. How can we search the whole space when we are so few? …
The cloud of humming insects slowed in their pacing. They had lost several minds over the years, their numbers diminishing slowly. They had once been much mightier, many more minds and many more wings.
Are the dragons still here? … They left for adventure many years ago … How do we bring them back?
Hive knew they were thinking in circles, even as they flew in circles. They had thought all of these thoughts before. But maybe…
It is time for action … Thinking will not cause them to return home … We will try the human device …
So they whirled out the doorway, the curtain that had once covered it now a shredded heap on the floor. Down the passage, into another room, out the foxhole and into the open air aboveground. Hive realized that it had been a very, very long time since they had been up there.
They flew through the trees at breakneck pace, to a little building that had been constructed long ago. The door was shut tight, but a windowpane had a chip in it. The gap was only a couple inches. They flooded the one room, coalescing at the desk that wobbled precariously as Hive surrounded it and the old computer monitor.
They hesitated. How exactly was it that they planned to contact other cryptids? There were so many of them out in the human world, lost, afraid. Perhaps unaware that they didn't belong with mankind. And Hive didn't know any of them, or where to find them.
Then they remembered that several tens of years ago, some of them who were more passably human had set up a secret network for cryptids to communicate. Hive awkwardly maneuvered the mouse to click on the email. There it was – the email address that the cryptids who ventured outside the forest used to use to communicate.
After a moment's thought, debating among themselves, Hive typed a simple message into the email with multiple other people – they used to call it the group chat.
come home. the cryptic wood needs the rest of us
They knew that it could have been typed wrong – they'd always had a rudimentary grasp of the written word and how to phrase full sentences to others – but they could only hope it was understandable, and that the message got out.
Now, all that was left to do was wait for a response, and plan for the possibility of no response. Hive felt lighter now that they had taken some action, but also more anxious now that there were continuities to plan for. But they had been good at continuity once.
They buzzed in circles again, pacing… but now they were planning.