@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
@left2wonder here we are!
@left2wonder here we are!
Sweet! I'm excited! Have anything in mind?
Um… I want something wholesome- but I have no plot lol
What kind of wholesome?
Um.. 😅
Like romance type stuff?
Sure lol
(I'm not very good at romance, but I guess I can give it a shot. Like I said when we PMed, I won't go beyond hugging and kissing and anything that might suggest further depth I prefer not to go there.)
That's why I said wholesome lol I'm perfectly fine with pg
(Sweet! Want to create characters then? Also, what environment/time period are we in? Fantasy or real life? You name it.)
(Sorry I never got this, after I'm done with my classes today I can make a character sheet and a timeline.)
(And I would probably say real life)
(Alright! not the best at it so if it gets too boring i apologize O///O but there's a first time for everything!)
(It's fine they aren't as tricky to stay on top of which I sa why I prefer them over group rp's lol)
(true enough)
Would you like to send character sheets?
(yes, I'll get right on it! You want to be the girl or the guy? Because of my religious preference, I only do girlXguy relationships)
(I play girls the best so if you wouldn't mind playing the guy?)
(sure! I'll get that sheet started!)
Name: Tanner Vide
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Hair: Raven black, kind of long but doesn't go past his shoulders
Eyes: Blue
Body type: Average, his skin has a very slight tan to it
Height: 5"9
Race: American (i'm sorry it's basic)
Personality: He's very quiet and collective. Can be reserved with his feelings but can talk to others easily.
Strengths: Calm in the face of the worst possible danger
Weaknesses: Doesn't express feelings very well and can come across as cold
(smol boop)
(Oops sorry)
Name: Nikolai (I made a last name but forgot it)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: Nikolai is shy girl mostly spending her time with a good book, or with her cat. she's not much of a talker she usually listens to what people have to say rather than give her own opinion on the subject.
Appearance: she has a very distinctive jaw line, her face being over all skinny it's almost an oval shape. Her eyebrows are expressive and neatly plucked, they're more of a square shape And her eyes have almost an almond shape to them hair is long and straight, Her black with ice lavender tips that go up about 6 inches. Her hair is healthy to the point where it shines in the sun and she has no split ends, and she has no specific hair cut to it, letting it grow naturaly. She usually has it in box braids or just let's it go with no style.
She weighs 170 lbs, standing at 5'7". Her skin tone is a medium taupe, having a natural tan to her skin. she's fit and energetic. Her waist is slimmer in shape, being an hourglass figure," , black ripped jeans, and a hoodie or basically anything available.
(sweet! i like the amount of description you put into her! you want to start it or should I? Tanner is one of my old characters so it'll be a hot minute for me to get a good feel for him.)
(Thanks! I've gotten pretty good at making character templates. She isn't even the most detailed 🤣. But I don't really care you can start if you'd like!)
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