forum Andrew, Onix, Pepper, and Azrael's adventures
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Azrael: Oh, okay. "Goes back to sitting down."

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"Azrael's doesn't ever wear a dress. She wears pants and a shirt"

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Azrael: "Throws her scythe towards Howl" fetch.

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Pepper: Now how do you get it from in here, to in there? "Points to Howl"

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Onix: "Whispers to Azrael" Let him take the Scythe. Then call it back to you. He'll come flying to you and you can knock him out.

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Azrael: "Whispers to Pepper" I understand.It's the only way.

Deleted user

Onix: "Whispers to Pepper" When he's knocked out, give him the shot.

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Onix: "Whispers to Azrael" Not too hard tho…

Deleted user

"andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) joins.

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer): "Hello aga- "See's howl on the floor And sighs" What happened now?