forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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“You never know, love. Have you tried before to write anything?” He asked, setting aside the laptop and snuggling with Nathaniel again


"Yeah. In school." He snickered again. "And I despised it with every ounce of my being, which, to be fair, was not a lot of ounces."


V laughed and nuzzles Nathaniel’s head “it still isn’t. Writing isn’t for everyone but maybe if you tried writing something you were genuinely interested in, you’d like it.”


Nathaniel shrugged. "I dunno… maybe you're right, but I'll save the story writing for another day. I haven't got any ideas anyhow."


V nodded and pressed a kiss to Nathaniel's head "that's fine love," he sat up with a stretch and gently nudged Nathaniel off. "I'm gonna call Urielle to make sure everything's alright."


Nathaniel nodded. "That's a good idea… I'll keep quiet so I don't distract you." He said softly.


V found his phone and plopped back down onto the couch, pulling Nathaniel into his lap as he called urielle.
"V? Hi, is something wrong?"
V tilted his head in slight confusion "uhm no, just wondering if everything's alright with you because of yesterday, did I wake you or something?"
He could hear shifting before Urielle responded "yeah, we had a long night and decided to sleep in. We're alright though."


Nathaniel listened to the conversation silently for a bit, nodding when Urielle said they were alright. That's good…


V could hear more shuffling in the background and then Jarvis's voice asking if everything was alright.
V blushed, realizing that he had just awoken both of them. "hi Jarvis, sorry for waking you too."
He could hear light laughing "it's alright, we needed to get up anyways, thank you V."


"Hi Urielle, hi Jarvis." Nathaniel piped in. "What time is it, anyway?" He asked, glancing around for a clock. "Should we be sleeping?"


Hi Nathaniel!" they both called with a laugh "no, nath it's only 3:00, we're the ones who should wake up. we've both been out cold since what? 1:00-ish? anyways, you two should come over later on, we still need to find you two a tailor." Urielle said
V nudged Nathaniel's head gently "what do you say love, want to go over later?"


"Sounds good to me." Nathaniel grinned and purred loudly for a few seconds, not particularly caring if Urielle or Jarvis could hear him. While he was sure all angels could make the sound if they desired, purring seemed to be largely unique to him. And while strange, it definitely wasn't new. He'd been doing it ever since he was born, to be honest. "I'd be happy to go visit."


Urielle laughed when he heard the purring "Alright, give us an hour to get dressed and call up the angel and then we'll call you guys over." he said, both saying their goodbyes before hanging up. V set the phone aside and cuddled with Nathaniel and fell back onto the couch


Nathaniel huddled close to V, still purring and seeming quite content for the moment. "Should we change or do you think we'll be okay in this?" He asked.


"Yeah, this is fine, we're not going far anyways, just to the hotel room." he kissed Nathaniel's head and smiled at the purring "Adorable kitty cat," V said softly, stroking nathaniel's hair


Nathaniel stuck his tongue out playfully, though he was clearly enjoying the petting. He fluttered his wings a bit and cuddled closer to V.


He smiled teasingly and pressed a kiss to Nathaniel's lips, shifting slightly so that he could hold him better as his lips brushed against Nathaniel's.


Nathaniel sighed happily and rested his head on V's shoulder. "I love you…" He murmured. "I love you so much…"


V cradled him against his chest and pressed a kiss to his temple, shutting his eyes in complete bliss. "I love you more my angel." he whispered, lightly playing with Nathaniel's hair


"Noooo…" Nathaniel melted into V's touch and closed his eyes with a happy sigh. "Impossible, love…"


"oh really? how is it impossible for me to love you more than any other angel could ever try, more than words could ever say, more than any action could convey? hm?" he tilted his head curiously and looked at Nathaniel, twirling a strand of hair around his finger


Nathaniel flushed and buried his face in V's chest. "B-Because I love you more…" He said softly. "You mean more to me than anything ever could."


"ah, well then thats slightly different than what I thought you meant." V cupped Nathaniel's cheek and stroked it gently with his thumb. "you're my everything Nath, I wouldn't want to be in a world without you in it." he kissed his nose and hugged him close, burying his face in Nathaniel's neck, a slight rumbling in his chest that mimicked Nathaniel's purring


Nathaniel grinned sunnily and purred in reply, hugging V tightly. "I love you so much, V…" He kissed V and buried his face in the other's shoulder.