Tyler nodded "Betty already told me"
Tyler nodded "Betty already told me"
”When did she tell you?” Henry asked, a little disappointed that he had been left out of the loop.
Lysander almost winced, figuring that Betty must have told Tyler when he was away.
"when she was crying. . ." Tyler started to say but stopped when Betty cut her off with hand gestures
Henry looked back and forth between Betty and Tyler. ”What happened?” he asked.
Lysander sighed. ”It was my fault. I wanted to do something nice for Betty but I had to visit Charles first and… He kept me away for a week.”
"by the way Tyler I met the father of your baby and he's a dick' she said
Henry rolled his eyes at Lysander’s explanation. ”That sucks.” he said a little sympathetically since he knew that feeling.
Lysander nodded and turned to Tyler, curious about Asher’s father.
"yeah he's a perv too" Tyler said
"Yeah I noticed he can't keep his hands to himself" Betty said
”Who is he?” Lysander asked. ”Besides Asher’s biological father.”
Henry gave a small smile at his brother's wording.
"a shapeshifter"both Tyler and Betty said
Lysander raised his brow slightly in surprise. ”Wow. I haven't seen a shapeshifter in… Feels like a few centuries.” he admitted.
”Yeah, and that guy was a bum.” Henry remembered.
(should like make Marie pop up sometime)
Betty groaned rubbing herr head
Lysander looked at his wife. ”Are you alright, angel?” he asked.
"yeah my head just hurts" she saidd stumbling a bit
Lysander gently put his arm around her to keep her from falling before just picking her up and carrying her to the couch. ”Could one of you get some water for her?” he asked Tyler and Henry. ”The kitchen is right over there.” he pointed out.
She held a hand to her head tighter groaning in pain
”I’ll get it.” Henry agreed, darting into the kitchen… but he wasn't alone.
Marie was hiding herself and floated after the blond vampire. When he turned on the faucet to get the water, she made it stick so it wouldn’t turn off.
Blood started the drip from her nose
Lysander bit his tongue to keep from swearing in front of Asher but stayed at Betty's side.
Henry on the other hand… ”What the hell. Come on.” he cursed softly, trying to turn the water off. ”Hey, guys! I think there's something wrong with your sink.” he called out.
"you know guys I feel fine* she said but all the wild her eyes turn white and her head and got twisted to the side making her collapse
Lysander looked up at his brother's voice but turned back to Betty at her comment. ”I don't think you do.” he said before she collapsed. ”Betty? Betty?” he gently shook her shoulder to get a reaction from her.
Betty was out cold unconscious
Lysander sighed and stood up, looking at Tyler. ”Will you keep an eye on her while I help your boyfriend?” he asked.
Suddenly got Tyler got pushed to a wall
Lysander looked around in surprise, trying to find what had caused that. ”Are you both ok?” he asked Tyler.
Marie almost scoffed. Of all the things she would do, she wouldn't hurt the child. She just wanted Lysander back and that freak of a woman out of the way.
Betty opened her eyes with a gasp her nose continuing to bleed
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