I found a Hamilton bootleg with the OG cast yesterday and it made my entire goddamn week. Unfortunately it got copyrighted this morning but hey, at least I finished it.
I downloaded that on my Google drive last year
Probably could’ve just given it to you
He's alive!
Alive? Oh that’s debatable.
Me though. Anyway, where have you been??
Alive? Oh that’s debatable.
Happy autism awareness day. Did you wear blue?
I will be but as of right now, no
I got da blue sweatpants. lol.
I've got my blue sweater for my therapist costume
I got my blue jeans and a dead brain cause the,ACT's killed it.
It's MPA week for me but I'm so thankful that spring break is in two weeks. That's what I'm living for.
God our spring break was two weeks ago
Mine hasn't started yet. Senior trip is next week, which means I get a week away from my brother and then spring break is the week after.
I'm slowly dying whilst I wait.
I'm so tiiiiiiiiiired…
Hewwo. We ever gonna continue this?
I don't know, Darren died again. I'm seriously worried about him.
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