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forum School RP 2 (Closed Stalkers are welcome even if I still don't believe they exist...)
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 72 followers

Deleted user

"I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable," she replied, brushing her hair behind her ear despite her stylish beret.

“Right,” Cooper nodded as he walked out to the car.

"Au revoir, Maman!" Fleur called.
"Au revoir, ma petite Fleur!"
Fleur blushed, then followed Cooper, hesitant to ask the question again. Her hair blew back with a slight breeze and she clutched her beret to avoid losing it in a sudden burst of wind.

Deleted user

"I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable," she replied, brushing her hair behind her ear despite her stylish beret.

“Right,” Cooper nodded as he walked out to the car.

"Au revoir, Maman!" Fleur called.
"Au revoir, ma petite Fleur!"
Fleur blushed, then followed Cooper, hesitant to ask the question again. Her hair blew back with a slight breeze and she clutched her beret to avoid losing it in a sudden burst of wind.

Cooper sighed and got into the car. “You look cute,”

Deleted user

"I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable," she replied, brushing her hair behind her ear despite her stylish beret.

“Right,” Cooper nodded as he walked out to the car.

"Au revoir, Maman!" Fleur called.
"Au revoir, ma petite Fleur!"
Fleur blushed, then followed Cooper, hesitant to ask the question again. Her hair blew back with a slight breeze and she clutched her beret to avoid losing it in a sudden burst of wind.

Cooper sighed and got into the car. “You look cute,”

"Oh, um, thank you," she replied softly. "I didn't know if I should've dressed this casual or not…"

Deleted user

Lillian's attentioned turned to the TV, "Don't plan on sleeping yet?"

“I dunno. I was just gonna watch something and then if I fall asleep whatever,” he looked over at her and smiled, the light from the TV was the only light illuminating her facial features.

Deleted user

Cooper sighed and got into the car. “You look cute,”

"Oh, um, thank you," she replied softly. "I didn't know if I should've dressed this casual or not…"

“Isn’t your mom worried when you’re gone overnight

Deleted user

Cooper sighed and got into the car. “You look cute,”

"Oh, um, thank you," she replied softly. "I didn't know if I should've dressed this casual or not…"

“Isn’t your mom worried when you’re gone overnight

"Not when I talk to her about it first, and I am usually very good with that," Fleur replied, looking through her little purse.

Deleted user

Lillian smiled back, this brought her wayyyy back, "Sounds good. I think I'll join you."

“I’d love that,” he replied softly and pushed their foreheads together.

Deleted user

Cooper sighed and got into the car. “You look cute,”

"Oh, um, thank you," she replied softly. "I didn't know if I should've dressed this casual or not…"

“Isn’t your mom worried when you’re gone overnight

"Not when I talk to her about it first, and I am usually very good with that," Fleur replied, looking through her little purse.

“Ahh.” Cooper nodded and started the car.

Deleted user

Cooper sighed and got into the car. “You look cute,”

"Oh, um, thank you," she replied softly. "I didn't know if I should've dressed this casual or not…"

“Isn’t your mom worried when you’re gone overnight

"Not when I talk to her about it first, and I am usually very good with that," Fleur replied, looking through her little purse.

“Ahh.” Cooper nodded and started the car.

She looked over at him. "Why?"

Deleted user

(Hello pretty boy.)

(I should acknowledge that I actually love this. Hello gorgeous)