forum I Have a Problem.
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Deleted user

I feel like a lot of people might have already asked this question, but I'm gonna ask it anyway. So I usually watch a movie or play a video game and think "Oh, that's cool, I want to write something like that!" But then it either turns out exactly like my source of inspiration, or I give up on it because NOTHING IS BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL! I have basically dug myself into a very deep hole (plot wise) and I am in desperate need of assistance. Send help.

@The Seliph-loving Gryffindor who also loves dragons and cats

I based one of my villains off of Orson from Sacred Stones, but I made my villain different. Like, Orson just talked to his dead wife, the game never said that he murdered her so that she could stay with him forever. My villain kills toms (male cats, and just so you know, she's from my Warriors fanfiction, so she's a cat, too) and freezes them so that they can stay with her forever. She even defrosts them to… well, it's better left unmentioned. Anyway, my point is that you can still take some creative liberties for your story and characters. Hope I helped.


I like that other stories inspire people to write, but I really think it's important to make it your own, no matter how badly you want it to be like someone else's story. In the end, it's about honoring the person you admire's story by not copying it. And to be proud of your own work! I always get inspired by other books and movies and TV shows, and it's okay to include stuff that is already shared by hundreds of stories, like dragons. It's the unique parts that make the story amazing that you should leave in that story.

Usually I write down stuff that I like to read about, usually stuff about character development or "the moral of the story." Just make a list of all your favorite books and movies and stuff, and really sit down and try to figure out why you liked it so much. Once you've done that, you can use those elements in your own writing. That's what I do, at least. :)

Deleted user

That…was actually really helpful. Thanks, I'll do that.