forum As a religious person, what stories do you wish you saw more of?
Started by @Twitchy

people_alt 4 followers


Maybe more stories about atheists/agnostics and religious people having a good, fair clash when it comes to their beliefs. The stories that I've seen that are like that are very thought-provoking and interesting, where everyone is sincere in their beliefs and all get a fair chance to explain WHY they believe it. I guess I just like to see faith given a fair chance, but not be the "be all end all" of human existence.


Could you expand? I understand but what types of arguments have you seen or do you want to see? Also, what books or movies have you seen with this in?


Well there was this webtoon called Hominids (or something), which is about way back in the past when there were many different groups of differently evolved humans. The primary groups were a "tree-dwellers" group and a mountain group (the most human). Basically the tree-dwellers believe there is no god, and no morality. The mountain people had a very strict religious system that was pretty oppressive. Then one day, a human from the mountain who was banished was taken in by the tree dwellers. It was really interesting to see how they broadened his horizons on his opinions on morality, when all the while he held true to his belief in god. Eventually, others started to believe in something higher than themselves because of his sincerity. It was kind of obvious to me that the author was more on the side AGAINST organized religion, and he was probably an atheist. But it was cool to let him give that mountain dweller a lot of importance to the plot, giving his faith a fair chance in the story. He also had a faction of mountain people who didn't like the organized religion, but had faith in god still. It wasn't preachy or shaming anyone for believing in a god, basically, and it explored the benefits of both sides.


when you explain it like that, I feel the exact same. I've been watching a show called vikings where a christian is taken by a viking as a slave. It's a great relationship were both religions are shown and challenged loads of times, and they both respect each others beliefs while people around them are too angry to attempt to try to understand too, but this relationship affects them all anyway.


Same. A lot of people in the LGBTQ community,though not everyone, and people supporting them think Christianity and God Himself is evil because of Christian jerks. There has to be a movement to stop all this misunderstanding of LGBTQ vs. God. Yeah, a lot of His followers are jerks because we're humans and humans do bad things but God isn't like any of us. So please, don't blame Him for our wrong actions.