Started by @TeamMezzo group

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@Mojack group

i'm gonna be attempting this this year. I've already got a plot in mind, i'm just doing the worldbuilding for it and such (even if I'm not going to include all of those details in the story..they're nice to look at and have)

@TeamMezzo group

you can prep this month! it's preptober for a reason(or you can just pants it, write what you want during the month and pray to your preferred deity you can hit the word count!)

@Starfast group

I'm going to be participating again this year. I have 28 chapters planned so far, but I probably won't make it that far (last year I got to like 14 or 15 chapters when I hit the 50,000 word goal).
My profile is here if anyone wants to be writing buddies

Ohhh okay. Probably not going to do it then lol, I'm completely unprepared. Maybe next year.

Last year I did all my planning in like 3 days before Nanowrimo started and did just fine. Granted, I still had a pretty good idea of what I wanted my story to be, but you still have almost a month to plan.


I was always told that you weren't even supposed to start planning until November lol, my freshman teachers were misinformed.

@Starfast group

I was always told that you weren't even supposed to start planning until November lol, my freshman teachers were misinformed.

Lol how are you supposed to plan and write an entire novel in only a month?

@Starfast group

Yeah, I know it's not going to be good. But I guess I'm just someone who would rather have a pretty solid idea of what I want to happen in my story before I commit to writing it, if that makes sense. I'm not really someone who comes up with story ideas very easily, so having to plan a novel and write 50,000 words all in 30 days just doesn't really seem attainable to me (unless you add all your planning to your word count)? Idk though everyone has a different planning process ¯\(ツ)


Oh god endings are the biggest nope for me. I've finished exactly one book in all fourteen of my years off life and that was a book written for 2nd-4th graders


I thought part of the challenge was creating something completely new, all in 30 days (I only have to write 10,000 because I'm a sophomore HAH)


Mnope, just for funs. You only have to write as much as your grade level, so 5th grade is 5000, 10th grade is 10000. They might make everyone do the adult level where you are, idk

@Knight-Shives group

I tried to do Inktober but it's the 8th and I haven't yet did anything. Though I was thinking about writing a story and using every one of Inktober's prompts in it too participate


Oh, that sounds cool! I'm actually sort of proud of my Inktober drawings so far, and I'm trying to finish a children's book, which might include my drawings and I am BUSY (especially with theatre)


Guys, wish me luck TwT I'm trying to write ten chapters this month, fourteen chapters for nano, and then eight chapters in December. I'm working on the last book of my trilogy, and I need to finish it this year TwT