Genre Lounges
Mixed bag
0 unread of 37 threads
Everything else (even the other genres with lounges) — any genre goes here!
@Dayzed commented
Science Fiction
0 unread of 22 threads
When tech takes your story to the next level, discuss SF here.
@Cackla-the-Phantasma commented
Dungeons & Dragons
0 unread of 72 threads
Roleplaying, campaigns, and other D&D stuff
viper commented
0 unread of 27 threads
Boy meets Girl. Girl visits forums. Boy does too.
@Serenity88 commented
0 unread of 58 threads
Fantasy worlds full of magic, kingdoms, races, and more.
@Eli-the-transboi commented
0 unread of 18 threads
Worlds set in the good ol’ old times of the past
@HighPockets commented
0 unread of 7 threads
Stories with suspense, anticipation, anxiety, and... thrills!
Deleted user commented
0 unread of 5 threads
For all kinds of mystery chats: detective, crime, whodunnit, and more.
@Nightmare_Eclipse commented
0 unread of 9 threads
Stories set in our world — or at least an Earth-like world
@StarryWolfy commented