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Started by @knightinadream group

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@knightinadream group

May 28, 1707

Everyone knows about the Crimson Sun ship and its crew. From Scotland over to the British American colonies and down to South America, people tell the news and tales of this pirate ship along with its captain: Admiral Viper. People say many things about the young captain. He's ruthless yet kind towards his crew, cunning, intelligent, and loves danger. Admiral Viper is one of the many captains that brings fear on land and ocean.

These days, the North Atlantic oceans are littered with pirates. It had become such an issue that the Royal British Navy had littered it with ships of its own. Every ship is full of men from every corner of its empire to capture and kill these buccaneers. Some actively go after ships like the Crimson Sun while others float and wait for action. For the King Arthur, it never waits; it will never wait for the Crimson Sun and Admiral Viper. There's a lieutenant, a young man from a British noble family in Barbados, has been going after Viper ever since he stepped foot on the King Arthur ship.

Much to the lieutenant's luck, he will not be the one catching anybody. It wouldn’t be the luck of the King Arthur's either. But for Admiral Viper and the crew of the Crimson Sun, they've struck gold. On May 27, 1707, the Crimson Sun attacked the King Arthur and sunk it. Several British navy officers were either killed or managed to escape. The only one to not coward was the injured yet determined lieutenant who became the only hostage taken.

Admiral Viper is now one of the most successful and richest pirates that ever was. He decided to not kill the only hostage, thinking that the handsome lieutenant is worth much more than everything else they looted. Perhaps they can sell the lieutenant for ransom. The infamous pirate captain isn't sure what to do with this person. This indecisiveness may get more difficult if the Royal British Navy tries to rescue the lieutenant, or if him and the lieutenant fall in love.


  • At least one detailed paragraph per response (experienced rpers)
  • Since this is a pirate-related rp, there will most likely be gore, blood, and all that fun stuff
  • We can discuss roles and whatever. This will be a mxm.
  • Names like "Admiral Viper" and the ship names are just placeholders.
  • Sexy times will be omitted and skipped over
  • Please try to respond at least once per day. My response times will vary, but I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible
  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules ofc
  • Have fun! This is our rp so let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions. It's all good! :D

@knightinadream group

(cool, here you go! i'll post mine as soon as i can!)

Theme Song(s):

@knightinadream group

Name: Teodosio "Teo" Francisco Guerra Vela
Alias/Title: Admiral Viper (also called "the Admiral" and "Viper")
Age: 25
Sexuality: Gay
Appearance: Teo is tall man with a husky build and a tan complexion. He stands roughly around 6'4". Teo has sharp features along with a well defined jawline and strong nose and cheeks. His eyes are hooded shape. The irises are a dark brown shade. His dark, thick eyelashes and eyebrows give him a sultry, typically handsome appearance. Teo has dark black hair with soft curls and waves. It is long and pushed back, going down to the middle of his back. Teo likes to have the top part of his hair or all of it in a man bun. He also has a full beard which makes him more appear more mature and scary. Without it, he looks 18 (or a "baby" as everyone calls him) and not a lot of people are able to tell that it's him. His back is covered with lashing scars from the times where he was arrested by a British officer. His hands are covered in calluses. On his left hand, there is a scar that goes diagonally across the palm. Generally, Teo wears a black ruffled long sleeve shirt, red trousers, brown boots, and (sometimes) a black tricorn hat. He also has a piece of rope tied around his waist like a belt.
Personality: For as scary and intimidating as the world knows him to be, Teo is not that bad of a person (minus the murder and pillaging part, I guess). When it's not time to carry out an attack, he's a pretty chill person. A good guy to sit down and have a beer with. Teo's a cool-headed person, more or less. He enjoys being around his crew; he looks after them and treats them well compared to what other captains do. He is a cool-headed person that prefers to analyze and create strategies rather than acting on impulse. Teo's always ready to jump to action though; he loves the thrill of going out on a whim. In whatever it may be, he is persistent as much as he is always curious or trying to obtain something. He has his methods that he ever so carefully plans out. Teo carries a big soft warm heart, but sometimes he'd rather be known as a ruthless pirate than a soft, gentle person.
Likes/Dislikes: The Admiral likes the sea, snakes, stargazing, knives, spending time with his crew, drawing, physical affection, and learning new things. He dislikes talking about family, being alone, the British, French, and Spanish fleets, storms, being on land for more than a few days, mangos, forgetting words in English and Spanish, and having to shave his beard.
Background: Teo was born on July 28, 1682 to a Spanish seamstress and blacksmith in St Augustine, Florida. The thing is is that the blacksmith is not his real father. His biological father is a Spanish general who enjoys sleeping with women and deciving people. Teo's mother, Aurora, and the general were having an affair for a year. The general was stationed in St Augustine, far away from his wife and five children. Aurora thought that the two were in an actual relationship, but the reality came crashing down when she told the general that she was pregnant. A family friend, Manuel Eduardo Guerra Borja, proposed marriage to save her and the baby. With no other option, she accepted and eight months later, Teo was born.

Life for little Teo was complicated to say the least. Money and food was always hard to come by, his parents always fought, and this man named General Cardoso was always making Teo's family's lives a living hell. As much as Aurora called her little boy an angel, he always got caught in trouble for something. From the time he was seven to fourteen, Teo would get caught for stealing something; usually pieces of food. Every now and then, he got into fights too. Sometimes he got away with it and other times he didn't. One night, being at his wit's end, Manuel got into a fight with Teo over the boy's troublemaking schemes. He blamed Teo for ruining his parents' lives and told the boy that the best he could do was run away.

And that's exactly what Teo did. He didn't where to go or what to do, but fate would change for him. Years went by where he did odd-end jobs. At one point, he became a servant for an Englishman named Lord Charles Walsh. His Lordship was a terrible man, yet was a great at teaching Teo English. Teo was sent to Barbados to work for Lord Walsh's son-in-law's family. Although he was far from home, trouble was always around the corner. After falling for Lord Walsh's son-in-law and getting caught kissing him, Teo ran away once again.

He went from working in a noble estate to working in a tavern. While cleaning up the bar, he met Victor the Vulture, captain of the Crimson Sun. Life on sea was rough for him at first, but boy, he fell in live with it. The crew was tough on him yet they looked after him. They gave him the nickname "Viper" for his knife-wielding abilities. Also anytime they would land on an island, they found Teo playing with a snake or two. He does love snakes; they're adorable. One time, Teo terrorized some British privateers with a long black snake he named "Muerte." The addition of "Admiral" came along around the time he was twenty-fourteen. He was like the second captain of the Crimson Sun. It was only when Victor the Vulture was killed in battle did he become the real captain of the ship. Now Admiral Viper and the crew of the Crimson Sun rule the sea.
Theme Song(s): Snake Charmer by Saint Motel; Crucified by Ghost B.C.
Other: Teo is in the middle of teaching himself how to read. He has this book of fairytales that he uses to practice. Also, he has a little sketchbook full of random drawings. Some are landscapes and others are faces of people he remembers.


Name: Robert Edmond Walton
Alias/Title: Lieutenant Walton
Age: 25
Sexuality: bisexual
Appearance: Robert has a slender but sturdy 5’11 frame, long limbs but also broad shoulders, as well as a Roman nose shape. His skin is quite tan from all his time spent outside, and his face, shoulders and arms are splashed with freckles. His top lip is fuller than the bottom lip, and he has a prominent chin. With his colorful hazel eyes and his thick, expressive eyebrows, it’s very easy to tell what he’s thinking or feeling. He has fluffy auburn hair which he usually keeps in a ponytail at the nape of his neck. He usually wears a loose shirt tucked into a pair of trousers, with a waistcoat and coat. These are generally a range of blues, greens, and browns.
Personality: Robert is basically the resident therapist, the hyperactive class clown, and your big brother all wrapped into one. He has a lot of big feelings, and he’s not afraid to share them (most of the time). He loves connecting with others and is very extroverted, though sometimes it’s to the point where it can get a little annoying. Usually his problem is in his volume and speed; people have either told him he’s too loud or too quiet, or that he talks too fast. He loves hugging and physical touch is his guaranteed love language. At the same time, he values his independence and likes to travel, and even when sitting or standing you’ll find him moving or fidgeting in some way. Robert is either extremely stubborn or extremely impulsive in a very chaotic friend kinda way. This can make him difficult for others to handle, because sometimes he’ll switch between the two in the middle of deciding something. Additionally, his need for independence makes it hard for him to accept others’ help or advice. Added with the stubbornness and impulsivity, he’s kinda… kinda a mess-
Likes/Dislikes: exploring, having a good drink, his family, sunrises, traveling, stargazing, making friends and being with friends/ storms, small spaces, feeling trapped, being told what to do, being bored, sitting still
Background: Robert sometimes feels that his entire life is one big irony. He was born to Lord andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) and Lady Catherine Walton. Although raised in such a privileged, polished life, he soon proved to be too wild for it. His parents often called him a “problem child” who: did not listen, did not sit still, did not do as he was told, often got distracted by unrelated things, had a forgetful mind, talked too much, and generally had poor manners. They often compared him to his older sister Margaret, who they saw as a much more well behaved child. Though they hired a tutor to teach the children and hopefully to get Robert to behave, but this only made him good at appearing well behaved. Sometimes he was punished with spanking, other times he was forced to work on the sugar cane plantations with his father’s slaves. This didn’t do much to solve things. If anything, he liked working on the plantations because it was much more stimulating than anything else. But of course, the work was grueling, especially for his young body. Margaret, being the kind, sympathetic girl she was, often snuck out to bring food and water to her brother. Eventually this grew to sneaking food for the other slaves and indentured servants too. However, this couldn’t last forever.
Eventually, when Robert reached his teen years, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) Walton thought it would be better for if he went to live with his uncle. His uncle, a merchant and trader, and a much kinder man than andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), offered an apprenticeship to Robert, who accepted. And so Robert was taught the ways of trading and seafaring. He often accompanied his uncle on trips, shipping sugar cane to England. Business was good, but not without trouble. Robert still couldn’t seem to shake off the problems he had as a child, often failing to wake up on time or settling on a deal too quickly, or forgetting to count their stock of goods. And, because he was now older, he often found himself getting too close with the other young sailors on the ship, too close indeed. Though there were many times where his uncle reprimanded him or sent him off to do more chores to make up for his mistakes, he adjusted to his apprenticeship quite well.
Of course, there was more trouble than Robert’s apparent behavioral problems and the regular challenges of living at sea. His uncle had told him about pirates, the criminals and thieves of the sea. There weren’t as many in those days as there are now, but they still had to be wary. It wasn’t until one day, when Robert was around 18, that he experienced an altercation with them. Though they had tried to steer clear of them, they were quick, and soon overtook their ship. Thankfully, no one was killed (though the pirates were very forceful), but all of the goods and any valuables were taken. His uncle experienced a loss in profits from it, and it left Robert with a lot to think on. Some time after they returned to Barbados, he went to his uncle and asked if he could discontinue his apprenticeship. He would join the Royal Navy, he said, and take care of those pirates so his uncle wouldn’t have to experience a loss like that again. But, there was also an ulterior motive for this. Although life as a merchant’s apprentice had been a nice change of pace, he had already begun to find it rather repetitive and thought it was time for yet another change of pace. His uncle was rather taken aback by this, nearly thinking he was joking, but he eventually agreed and let him go.
Robert has no idea how he made it all the way to lieutenant. Perhaps his previous experience and his identity as a nobleman’s son helped, but this environment should technically be very bad for him. They gave orders all the time and expected you to be punctual, neither of which suited him all that well. He forgot things all the time and wasn’t very well mannered, and yet. And yet, he rose through the ranks. Perhaps it was because he was good at doing things. He was good at cleaning, managing the ship, strategizing ways to capture pirates. He had many more encounters with pirates since joining the navy, though of course it was not the only thing he did. Often his time at sea was simply fulfilling a commission from the crown or something similar. But, as the pirate problem grew, the more time that was spent trying to control the problem. But that was okay with Robert. He had received letters from his uncle saying that he had more trouble with pirates, but that he believed the Navy would protect them. It was only a matter of time before he caught wind of the Crimson Sun and its Admiral Viper.
Theme Song(s): “Guitarrada” by O Grilo, “Ship in a Bottle” by fin
Other: I think it’s safe to say this man has claustrophobia and ADHD

@knightinadream group

Another day at sea, another success for the crew of the Crimson Sun. They had done only what few had done before: take down a ship of the British Royal Navy. The chaos that ruptured on sea had soon returned calm in a matter of hours. One ship sunk whereas the other remained floating in victory.

Today was a new day for the crew. They celebrated till the break of dawn. Now most, if not all of, the crew was now sound asleep. Yet the captain, Admiral Viper, was up. He stood on the main deck, gazing out into the sea. The flag of the British Empire was held in the hands of the Admiral. In the middle of battle, he had climbed up to get the flag out of spite. Not to mention, he had found it funny if he had someone take down their flag and put the British one up.

Teo was not sure what to today. Him and his crew had just done something that they all dreamed of doing, now what? All the loot had been distributed between everyone. Some of the crew are doing ship maintenance. Others were going on with their daily duties. For being a feared captain, he didn't feel like one at the moment. He was awake, but tired. He wanted to go back and sleep, but felt restless at the same time. The Admiral deeply sighed. His thumb rubbed against the cloth of the flag. In long strides, Teo began to make his way to his cabin. He said "hello" and "good morning" to crewmates he passed by. It was one of his favorite things to do. After all, there's nothing wrong saying "good morning" to the crew. A happy crew is a strong and scary crew.

Just as he was about to step into his cabin, the quartermaster, Edmar, approached him. "Captain, what should we do with the hostage?" Edmar asked. Teo let go of the door handle, then turned to face the quartermaster. Edmar was much shorter than the captain, but he carried himself as if he were tall. He always had to brush away his brown hair since his bangs always got in the way.

Teo sighed. What is he supposed to do with the hostage? The navy would probably pay a high price for him. They were days away from any island. "Well…how about you get two guys to bring to me. Alright?" He watched as Edmar nodded then went off. Teo clutched the British flag, throwing it onto a chair as he went inside his cabin.


Robert was fairly sure he was supposed to be dead. He almost wanted to be dead, or even better, had escaped on dinghies with the other officers. Like this, as the only prisoner, he had essentially been left behind, or at least it felt that way to him.
He had been caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. Below deck, completely unaware of any unwelcome company. He had heard the sound of cannon fire, but for some reason assumed it would stop on its own. That’s how it sometimes was, all that was needed to do to take care of the pirates was to fire the cannons and sink the ship. He would have never dreamed that they managed to come aboard. He had simply been keeping count of their provisions when he turned, seeing strange men approach him. And that was when he heard the screams. The last thing he remembered was one of the men hitting him over the head.
And now he was here, tied up in a small cell. At first he became afraid, but it quickly became rather boring. Being in such a small space, unable to move was still quite distressing however. It was like that for a while; he woke up just before dawn to the sound of the pirates celebrating and spent a while assessing and eavesdropping on the situation. But after a certain point, it became clear that something was wrong. Pain hit him any time he tried to move. He must be injured, but he couldn’t find out where. Did he develop a concussion from being struck on the head? That seemed the most likely possibility. And so he decided to lay down and stay still, which was a bit of an easier task this time because of the pain and dizziness. Hopefully no one decided to kill him yet.

@knightinadream group

The Admiral wasn't in his cabin for long. All he did was put all of his hair up in a bun with a ribbon. He did his best to fold up the British flag before placing it in one of his desk. It would be amusing if they took down the ship's flag then use the enemy's instead. Then they could get close to another ship and attack! Teo smiled at the thought. It'd be terribly risky, but boy, he does love risk.

A knock came from the door. It was Edmar. The quartermaster explained that the two men he usually had dealing with moving hostages were both in a drunken slumber. Not to mention, he was pretty sure that something is wrong with the prisoner. Either an injury or illness or something. Edmar wasn't sure. No one was. They just locked up the man and that's it.

Teo got up from his chair then ambled outside. The quartermaster followed after him. "Here's the plan…I go take a look at this guy, talk to him, and see if he needs…uh…what's it called, again? Medicine? Help?" He started to slowly stroke his beard. As the two were on the middle of the main deck, he stopped. "You think that…he is…uh.. still alive?" The quartermaster shrugged. The Admiral then added, "I go see."

So he went down to the jail cell by himself. He never liked going down there. It's crowded and there's only three cells. Teo stepped in. His eyes laid on the hostage. No one ever taught him what to say to hostages as a captain and sadly he doesn't have any snakes with him. So, he went with the first thing he thought of. Teo leaned against the wall, "Feeling alright, great esteemed guest?"


Actually, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad if he was killed. It would at least put an end to his misery, and it would save him from anything worse that could happen. So when he heard footsteps coming into the cell, he assumed that was what would happen. They had decided it would be better if they disposed of their imprisoned navy officer, and had come to do just that, first thing in the morning after the thrill of taking down a navy ship had worn off.
Robert lay there with his eyes closed. He only opened them when the footsteps had stopped. Onyx eyes and sharp lips greeted him, but in a moment his gaze flickered around, taking in the rest of the man’s appearance. Although he was dressed a little differently than the rest of the pirates, Robert could not guess who he was. So, he just blinked forlornly at him.
“Oh, not at all sir,” he sighed. “If you have come to kill me, make it quick. I’d rather not be subjected to this utter pain and boredom much longer.”
Should he sit up, and show that he had at least some dignity left in him? It sounded like a lot of effort, and being tied up made it much more difficult. He just lay there, tired and aching.

@knightinadream group

Something about the hostage seemed off to him. Teo is no doctor, yet he is one of the only men on the ship who had some sort of medical knowledge. Although it's not enough to officially be a doctor, it's enough to stich a gaping wound up. Amyone could tell that there's something wrong with the hostage. So far, he hasn't made any eye contact with him. Not to mention, he was practically laying the same way a dead man would have if he were one. It could be a terrible headache or a wound of some sorts.

Teo bit the corner of his lip. Kill this man? No. The captain was sure that he would not kill whoever this Englishman was. He softly chuckled while shaking his head. Strolling over towards the cell door, he grabbed the key out of his pocket. "Pain and boredom," the Admiral sighed. While twisting the key between his fingers, he strolled over towards the cell door. "I can kill the pain and boredom," He offered, "but I don't think I will kill you."

Thanks to the rusty ol' key, he was able to get the door opened. He shoved the key back into its pocket. "Let's take care of the pain part first." Teo knelt down next to the hostage. "So…what's hurting you and where?" His hands were rested on his hips. He tried to get a closer look at the hostage, but he was already kneeling next to the guy. At least the hostage looked handsomely alive; that's a good thing.


Robert felt like curling into a ball under the man’s gaze. He didn’t, because it was childish, and he wanted to stretch out more than to curl up. It would also probably cause him pain. When the man unlocked the door of his cell, Robert couldn’t help but sigh with relief. The world was open to him now; he wasn’t squashed in between cramped walls.
Then his eyes widened. “You won’t? Well, I suppose killing the pain and boredom is more preferable,” he exhaled, not quite sure if he could trust him yet.
Robert coughed. Now he felt cramped again, but now it was another person closing in on him instead of a door or wall. “Head,” he croaked. “Hurts to move, too.”
He tried to stretch out his limbs more, so he would feel more relaxed, but of course it only brought pain. Only when he stopped moving did the pain cease.

@knightinadream group

Teo slowly nodded his head. Being captain still had a learning curve for him. Perhaps he should've delegated this to someone else on crew. At this point, he was going to say whatever first came to mind. Surely a poor choice on his part, but he was still exhausted from yesterday.

"Well, the captain said so," He mumbled. That sounded about right. It's true after all. "And he said that I should help you get better after all, I am the one with the most medical knowledge on the ship." That's sort of true. While he's no where near being a doctor, he can clean up wounds and is good at stitching.

Slowly, he stood up. His knees cracked. Teo glanced around as he rested his hands on his hips. "I don't think that this place would be helpful for health stuff…." He continued to look around. "We'll take you to the captain's quarters cause it's more nicer and has more…space to it." The Admiral looked back at the hostage then asked, "You think you can stand or should I pick you up? I am a very gentle…pirate."