"True. But nothing is more important then you," Theo shrugged a shoulder, "See you at lunch!" He called as he watched Makhail disappear.
"True. But nothing is more important then you," Theo shrugged a shoulder, "See you at lunch!" He called as he watched Makhail disappear.
Mikhail's face turned even redder at that, if that's possible at this point. "S-See you at lunch!" He called back, staring at the ground as he walked to this. I keep blushing at such small things. Idiot.
Lunch rolled around quickly, much to Theo's liking. He had a great group of friends, and Mikhail was there which was one of the reasons why he liked the break so much. And also food. Theo practically skipped to his locker and looked around to see if he could find his best friend.
Mikhail walked to his locker, quickly putting in the combination before it opened and a note fell out. He looked a bit confused as he picked it up and opened it to see what it said. 'Why are you even here? Go back to where-ever you came from. Oh, wait, you don't know where you came from. Oops, sorry. But still do die in a ditch or something, it's not like anyone would care.' He quickly crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it away, knowing Theo was around here somewhere.
Once spotting Mikhail, Theo weaved through, well pushed people out the way to get to him, “Hey. Everything okay over here?” He asked softly, leaning against the row of lockers.
Mikhail glanced at Theo when he came over and nodded. "Yep, why did you ask?" He asked, hoping Theo hadn't seen him throwing the paper away.
Theo shrugged and smirked a little, "Aren't I allowed to ask my best friend how he's going?" He raised a brow, "Come on, the guys are waiting."
"Are you going to use that for everything now?" Mikhail asked, heading towards the cafeteria after he put his stuff away.
Theo scratched at the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly, "Maybe…? Come ooon, I'm hungryyyyy." He grabbed Mikhail's hand and practically started dragging him towards the cafeteria.
Mikhail chuckled and followed Theo to the cafeteria, a small smile on his face. "That's a yes, isn't it?"
"No! Why would you ever think that?" Theo grinned and sent Mikhail a wink as they sat down.
Mikhail chuckled, his face turning red at the wink again. "Don't lie to me, Theo. I can tell when you're lying."
Theo held his hands up in surrender, "Fine fine, I'll only use it when I have too"
"Promise?" Mikhail asked, a small smile on his face as he sat down in front of Theo.
Theo smiled softly back and held his pinky finger out, "Pinky promise."
Mikhail also held out his pinky finger and wrapped his around Theo's finger. "Good."
"You guys are actually three years old." A red haired boy said as he came and sat next to Theo.
"Shut up Bradly." Theo grumbled.
Bradly chuckled with a small shake of his head, "Whatever. Hey Mikhail, how ya going?"
Mikhail chuckled and waved at Bradly. "That's how you have to act when you're with Theo, or else he doesn't understand anything."
“Is this gang up on Theo day?” Theo crossed his arms.
“Yes, yes it is.” Bradly replied, taking a bite out for his sandwich.
"It always is." Mikhail said with a slight laugh.
Theo pouted, “You’re supposed to be my best friends! I trusted you.” He said, placing a hand on his chest dramatically.
Mikhail chuckled again. "You do realize other best friends call each other bitches? We treat you much better than them."
Theo shook his head with a small laugh, “I know I know. I got pretty lucky with who I can call my friends.”
"You did indeed get lucky." Mikhail replied, glancing around the cafeteria.
(I just realized there's a song named wish you were gay and I'm listening to it rn)
(Ehe, yeah, it’s a great song)
“Hey Brad, where are the twins?” Theo asked, turning not to the red head.
“Thomas is sick and Will stayed behind to look after him.” He shrugged.
“Ah, okay,” He turned to Mikhail, “Whatcha looking for Micky Mouse?”
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