"They do, that's true," Ana acknowledged. She had landed on a touchy subject for him, it seemed. "Well, she, then. Why are her hands metal? Did she get them cut off or something?"
"They do, that's true," Ana acknowledged. She had landed on a touchy subject for him, it seemed. "Well, she, then. Why are her hands metal? Did she get them cut off or something?"
Kuno nodded, looking back to the photo. “Well you see, I don’t know. No one knows. The Leader is very secretive of her history, you see? She doesn’t tell just anyone about what happened to her hands.”
"Of course she is." Ana rolled her eyes. "Okay. So, is that it? That's your proof?" She put her hands on her hips. "They are very good photos, but how do I know that they're real."
Kuno froze. “What..what more proof do you want? How can I prove to you that they are real? Because I assure you, the photos are quite real!”
"What was it you said about me not being able to go to Sedori?" Ana asked. Then she frowned. "Wait… why are you here in the first place, if your so-called country is at war with the US?"
(Sorry for lack of response, had some family stuff)
Kuno held gaze with her for a few seconds after the questions were asked, before glancing away. “I..” His voice began almost confident and loud, but drifted off. “I don’t know.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing here, I’ve never left Sedori to begin with! I don’t have that level of permissions to leave Sedori!” He paused. “and of course you’re not able to go to Sedori, with the war!” Apparent war, anyways.
(It's fine, I totally get it!)
"I… see." Ana shrugged. "Well, do you have any idea why you're here in the first place?" She brushed some hair from her face and stared at him, trying to weigh if he was being serious or not.
Kuno took some time to reply. “No clue,” he gave a very slight shrug of the arms. “I’m apart of the branch of the Sedorian military that rarely goes out of the country, so I really have no clue..”
"Then… how did you get here…" Ana blinked. "I mean, okay. What on earth do you do, then? Stay in and protect your home turf?"
“Yes.” Kuno nodded. “That’s pretty much it. I defend Sedori alongside many others.” He looked up into the sky for a moment.
"And people actually know where Sedori is?" Ana shook her head. "I'm almost impressed. Then again, I'm just a low-level official. They wouldn't tell me high-security stuff like this." She shrugged.
“I mean..yeah? A lot of countries know, given they’re able to sit in our waters, sending groups of people over in attempt to attack us, day and night. Not that it ever works, of course.” Kuno stated the last part with some pride in his voice.
“Wait..” He paused, looking at her. “You’re..an official?”
"Yup." Ana gave a rueful grin. "Not a very good one, though. Just another one of those mindless thugs who know which end of the gun is which." She shrugged. "Which, apparently, is something that not everyone knows. It's stupid, really."
Kuno stays silent, staring at her for a long while. “I have never met an official of another country before..” He states, after a few moments. There was a protocol for this sort of stuff, right? Now, if only he could remember…or maybe not, maybe it was best to ignore standard protocol in a new country.
He falls silent.
"Yeah, well, you're likely to meet more." Ana rolled her eyes. "If you know where to look, and who to ask, you're likely to see us all over the place. Although, I still don't know the half of them." She shook her head. "Secrecy is pressed too heavily on us, seriously."
“Secrecy seems to be a common trait in a lot of countries,” Kuno admits. He learned that some time ago, a fact which apparently surprised him to a degree. “Although I don’t think you know secrecy until you’ve met the Sedorian officials.” Was that an attempt at a joke? Kuno’s tone seemed to attempt one, but he wasn’t exactly the best with it.
Ana grinned at him. "Well, I wouldn't know. But given your pictures, they all seem super mysterious and whatever." She grinned. "That flag? And the metal hand? Soooooo subtle."
Kuno didn’t display any visible reaction, although any reaction he had to her grinning at him would’ve been hidden away. He seems to stay silent after that, only speaking up moments later.
“So, what now?” He didn’t really want to say it, but he was getting tired of standing in one place. Kuno had no problem retreating into the forest, although it was foreign so it would be a new place for him, despite having spent nights in forests previously. “You gonna call someone on me or something?”
Ana snorted. "Alright, Mr. I'm-so-serious. Don't joke with me." She shrugged. "I dunno. I already called someone to come take you, and they thought it was a joke. So… I guess you can go back to wherever you came from and just… go there. I'm not gonna stop you."
Did he want to come inside? Ana didn't know. She wasn't great with this whole "social cues and hinting" stuff. SHe was bad at it.
Kuno stayed silent after her words, looking around. After a while, he brought his hands together and looked at her. “I uh..don’t have anywhere to go, though.” There was the forest, but was Kuno really willing to stay another night outside? Not really. But he wasn’t sure if she’d let him stay around the area either, given their conversation and how it was going.
"Really? Then where did you stay before?" Analaya gave an incredulous laugh, then stopped and took a deep breath. "Never mind. It doesn't matter." She motioned to the building behind her. "Do you want to stay here? Or in a hotel or something?"
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