(Nope! Go ahead!)
(Nope! Go ahead!)
(Nope! Go ahead!)
It was later in the night, at around 11pm. A slight chill to the air, but not anything major. But chilly enough for Kuno to realize something wasn’t right upon waking up.
Indeed, he realized it all quite quickly. Well, he didn’t realize it, what had happened. He just noticed he was in a very unfamiliar place to him. It didn’t take long for his eyes to adjust to the dark, and to realize he was surrounded by the trees; similar to Sedori, almost. But not quite. The trees of Sedori were more..tropical. Jungle. This was no jungle.
Kuno gave himself a look over. He still had everything with him, there was no one around….though he did look around the area to make sure that was right. He was, aside from the few animals that there were. Small things, like birds. Not many though.
Kuno released the breath he didn’t know he was holding. With that over, he checked his surroundings and realized that just 5 feet away from him, laying on the ground was his spear. The spear was of Sedorian design, of course, it had been made there. Kuno made his way over and picked it from the ground. Decorative feathers were twined around the tip. If he needed to leave it somewhere, he may, but for now, he was in an unfamiliar setting, in which he felt…frankly, a bit unsettled in. Where was this?
Speaking of settings…
Standing around here, thinking; he was gonna get nothing done. So Kuno decided to begin walking in a random direction. Eventually, he’d get out of the forest.
Which, apparently, didn’t take that long. He noticed as the trees got less and less, and what seemed to be a structure was ahead of him. But this was odd; it wasn’t a Sedorian one. He could tell by the lack of flags or identification. And the guards. Rather, the lack of them. Was it an enemy post?
Kuno lowered himself further. He should report it, he should report it..but he couldn’t, he didn’t have a radio or any communication on him. But perhaps there was a radio inside? At least, somewhere where he could get some communication done. Kuno crept forwards, attempting to stay in cover in his approach. He didn’t want to gather attention. Currently, he was unsure of the inhabitants of the…house? He wasn’t sure what to call it right now. He’d stick to post for now.
Quietly, trying to make as little as noise as possible, Kuno resumed his approach on the ‘post.’
(Sorry! I must have missed this!)
Analaya pulled her hair into her usual ponytail and scowled. It was that time of the day, of the week, the time she hated most. She had been dreading it ever since it had ended last week.
The call.
The phone call she got from her supposed friend, who was more needy than anything else, and would talk for hours and hours and hours without stop, but would be asking Ana questions to make sure she had been listening. It was awful, and took time out of her day that she could be using to do something more productive, like working on her latest mission, or something.
It sucked.
Taking a deep breath when she heard the ringtone, she picked up her phone, and, after a moment, clicked Accept.
"Hey, Lay-lay," said a familiar voice.
Ana sighed. She stepped out of her apartment room, walking through the halls to the outside, where there was relative quiet near the forest. "I told you not to call me that."
She stared off into the trees, making a face at the prattle that was coming through the phone, only listening a bit. Then, she spotted movement in the woods, and narrowed her eyes. She pulled the phone away from her ear, muting it and making it quieter, straining her eyes in the direction of the movement.
Kuno recalled back to his time of sneaking through the Sedorian jungle. But this wasn’t a jungle. Nor was it Sedori. Instead, it was a completely new environment, one that Kuno had no information about. Perhaps he could get what he needed from the post. But something had him stop, right in his tracks.
Kuno stayed still, pressing against the wood of one of the trees. He lightly gripped his spear, glancing out to the outside of the post. A human. Had they seen him? He couldn’t quite see the person clearly from this distance. Perhaps they’d heard him? But no, Kuno was sneaky. He was good, he was sure of it. Shaking his head slightly as he peered from behind the tree, the feathers on his helmet shook slightly, taking another peek. Perhaps he could go around.
He stayed completely still and silent after that, seemingly awaiting whoever was out there to make a move first.
It was a person. Dressed in strange clothes… maybe there was a Renaissance Festival nearby? Ana shook her head. That didn't seem likely. Maybe the person was insane. They were near an asylum, maybe he had run from there.
"Hello?" She called out, her phone call forgotten. "You there, in the trees. Are you okay? Do you need me to call someone?"
Kuno stiffened. So they’d seen him. This wasn’t good. He backed up again, further into the trees, considering his options. He could just run back into the forest again. That would be easy enough, but he didn’t know where anything else was. Although…
Kuno glanced back out to the person that he could see standing out there, across from him. They did not seem to have anything on them. What would an unarmed person be doing out here? He crept forwards, straightening his stance as he strode from the treeline, this time, almost completely out.
Spear in hand, he stopped in the ground, staring directly at the person who he now identified as a woman based off of her voice. He didn’t seem to be going towards her at the moment..instead, just thinking.
The figure, who seemed to be a short man, maybe a boy, started to run, and then turned back, coming out into the open. Ana tilted her head. "Are you okay? You seem lost." The guy did, indeed. He was wearing strange clothes, and seemed… different, from the way he held himself, and the way he handled the weapons with ease.
She hung up her call and moved toward the new person, stopping a few feet away. "What's your name?" She asked gently.
Kuno continued to stare, listening to the woman’s words. He took note of her tone as well. She didn’t seem to be aggressive..Sedorian, maybe? But her clothing did not look like she was of Sedori. Nor did the words she speak make it out to be that way.
He tilted his head for a second, slowly, then looked back again. “None of your business,” he spoke, his tone defensive. Kuno was ready to move just in case.
"I know, it's not" Ana said soothingly. "I just wanted to know." This guy seemed like a loon. He had on weird clothes, talked in a weird accent, and seemed to be insane already. Only the observant gleam in his eye, and the steadiness of his voice, made her hesitant to completely proclaim him insane.
She smiled at him. "I'm Ana." Usually, people would calm down after she spoke to them. To tell the truth, it felt a little bit like talking down to a very small child, but hey, it usually worked, so she wasn't complaining. Well, not too much, anyway.
Kuno stayed almost completely still as he listened to her. Her voice was calm, oddly enough; something Kuno was not used to. Especially the smile. Why was she smiling?
Kuno switched his spear to his other hand, and seemed to shake his head slightly, but it wasn’t in any sort of gesture towards her or anything. Instead, he spoke up again. “I’ll tell you who I am if you tell me..where this is..?” He glanced around.
The guy looked confused. Like he didn't know where he was. What was wrong with him?
"This is Heber City. In Utah." Ana smiled gently at him. "It's no wonder you don't know where we are. Not many people know the existence of this place."
Her phone rang, loud in the stillness, and she flinched.
Kuno listened. But none of the information seemed familiar to him. Utah? Where was that?
“What is..Utah..?” He asked.
At the noise of the phone, Kuno stepped back.
"You really don't know what Utah is?" Ana looked at him as if he was crazy. He probably was, she realized. He didn't seem to ever have seen a phone before, he seemed way too on alert, still not wanting to tell her his name, and he was dressed weird and talked strangely.
She ignored the call. "Are you not from the United States? Because if you aren't, your English is very good." She should call the police. He could be an escaped criminal.
Kuno seemed to tense up at her mention of the United States, tightening his grip on his spear. Sedori was miles and miles away from the States, how did he end up here, in the midst of enemy territory?
“Of course I’m not from the States,” he seemed to spit out the words. “I’m from Sedori!” And of course he knew English..among others, English was a pretty common language taught.
"From where?" Analaya furrowed her brow. "I've never heard of there."
Must be a made up place. He really is a loon. She backed away. "I'll be back." She needed a place to talk where this strange guy couldn't hear her, where she could call the poloce so they could come and take this asylum prisoner away.
She’s probably going to alert the authorities of my location..that a Sedorian has infiltrated…
“No,” Kuno suddenly said, all too calmly. Spear pointed forwards, he spoke. “I must not have my location compromised.” Especially in a situation like this. If the Americans learned of his presence, there was an extremely high chance he wouldn’t make it back to Sedori. He couldn’t let that happen.
Ana blinked. Her calm, sweet mask broke. "Look, dude, I don't care who you are, but clearly you've broken from the asylum. I don't care where you think you're from. I'm calling the police, so they can take you back." When he pointed his spear at her, her expression froze into a look of anger.
She was no longer Ana the kind, sweet person. She was the government agent, and she was being threatened. She pulled her gun from where it had been conceiled under her jacket and pointed it at him.
Kuno faltered, just for a brief moment. Despite most of his expression hidden, his eyes hardened. “Asylum?” He spoke, almost quietly. “Asylum?” He then repeated.
“Kirekosi rhete yesi…!” For a moment, Kuno spoke in Sedorian, his voice harsh, as if he’d been offended. But stopped the moment he saw the gun. He backed up, even further this time. “Foreigners are always the same..” he muttered, shaking his head. It wasn’t the first time he had a gun pointed at him, though he was hoping for it to not be the last time either.
(Sorry, I didn't see this!)
Ana shook her head. "Well, where else are you supposed to be from? Because I really don't believe that you're from Seda-whatsit. You're probably insane, and you need to get back to the stupid asylum before you hurt anyone." As she did when she was angry or frustrated, she started talking in Russian. "почему, черт возьми are you even Вот? тупая сраная мать!"
“First of all, it’s Sedori- second of all, I am from Sedori! How do you not even know the name of the country that your own is at war with?!” Kuno yelled out, never dropping eye contact with her.
"I should know who my stupid country is at war with!" Ana yelled back, gun steady in her hand. "And there's no such place as Sedori! I should know, I've studied this stupid globe. And even if it does exist, где ад седори?"
Kuno faltered, just for a moment as he glanced to the side. He quickly looked back at her though and raised one of his hands and pointed at her again. “Yes, you should,” he shouted, “you should know!”
“I have no clue what that means!” He added in addition to the Russian. “I speak only English and Sedorian!” Speaking to himself in a somewhat quieter voice, he added on, “Glorious motherland..”
"But I don't," Analaya practically snarled. "I've been with the government for 6 years. I think I would know. Where do you think it is, anyways, your little imaginary country? In the middle of France?" She scoffed. "Подонок. What the hell is Sedorian, anyway? Your pretty made up language?"
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