forum “What’s your name?” “I... can’t remember.” // CLOSED with @maglo-the-stressed-person
Started by @the-void-phantasmic language

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@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice flinched back a bit, not enough to be too obvious, but still noticeable. She cringed internally at the thought of Kreo carrying her around. That would bring a whole new chain of anxious thoughts, and she barely knew him, let alone trusted him not to drop her or something.

“No, I don’t… Let’s just walk,” she said quietly.

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"Okay then!" Kreo responds with an upbeat grin. Kreo leads the way, heading to the cafeteria, crossing over multiple bridges in order to make their way there. Finally, they arrive at the cafeteria. "So what are you going to eat Alice?" Kreo asks, as he gets in line.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice falls in line after Kreo, looking around nervously. There were much more people than she was comfortable with in here. She was already having trouble registering things, so she decided to focus on Kreo’s voice.

“I’m not sure…” she mumbled.

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"Well, we've got time." Kreo says, pointing to the long line. It turns out That when there's only one cafeteria, it gets busy. Bonus points for the fact that most spider people find it extremely funny to eat a burger themed after their own head.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice felt a tiny sense of relief. At least she had time. She was terrible at decisions, even little ones that didn’t mean anything. She tapped her foot and bit her lip, keeping an eye on Kreo as she thought to herself. Surely she could just get away with getting the same thing as him.

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Kreo began to hum, as he waited for the line to move. He decided to give Alice a break from strenuous conversation, so she could focus on making her decision, and also, he thought she maybe wasn't the type to want to be constantly talking all day, everyday. So he just thought to himself, humming. He wondered if Thea had eaten lunch yet. Probably not.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice took a deep breath and sighed. She let Kreo’s humming distract her slightly from the rest of the noises. Strangely enough, she found one of the quietest noises to be the easiest to focus on. It made everything feel less loud. The line moved along at a slow pace, pausing every time someone struggled with their decision. She hoped she wouldn’t hold up the line. That would be embarrassing. . .

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(Oh crud I didn't realize it was my turn. I knew this existed but I forgot it was my turn. Sorry I'll get a response for this in a moment)

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After approximately 10 minutes, Kreo and Alice arrive at the register. "I'll take One Spidey-burger(trade marked) with fries and a lemonade please! And she'll have…" He trails off, giving Alice the floor to answer. Hopefully she had enough time to figure out her order by now.

@the-void-phantasmic language

(No problem)

Alice blinked and looked up at Kreo, slightly startled. She had zoned out a bit longer than she thought. Even with the long line, it had felt like a very short time before she was put on the spot. She bit her lip, thinking for a moment, then looked down again. “Uh. . . Same thing as him. Please,” she said, mumbling a bit.

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Kreo chuckles and walks to plop down at a booth, waving Alice over as they wait for their order. "So whats your opinion on the spider-burger? Like how it has a face on it?"

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice slid into the seat across from Kreo, leaning against the table with her elbows and propping her chin up with her hands. She observed their surroundings closely, as if expecting something to happen at any second. She glanced at Kreo for a moment. “It’s. . . Certainly a choice,” she said.