forum “What’s your name?” “I... can’t remember.” // CLOSED with @maglo-the-stressed-person
Started by @the-void-phantasmic language

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@the-void-phantasmic language

WARNING: This roleplay will have mentions of and implied acts of self harm, as well as mentions of medical torture. There will also be violence and mentions of it, and of course swearing. If you’re uncomfortable with any of these topics, or any others not mentioned here, do not engage.

Ok, so I’m trying to step out of my comfort zone a bit by doing more one on ones, but I figured it might be easier if I make the plot for this one. And make it a character I’m super hyperfixated on atm.

Not really expecting this to gain much traction, but hey, it’s certainly here lmao.

Important note: This is going to be set in the Spider-Verse, so if you aren’t a fan of that then this isn’t for you.

My character, Alice Miller, was recently recruited by the Spider-Society. Some people found it a bit strange, since neither her powers, nor how she had gotten them related to spiders at all. But nobody really bothered to say anything, a new member is a new member, after all.

But she’s struggling a bit. Anxiety, trauma, general distrust and fear of people… she’s got a cocktail of issues, and nothing really to help her.

That’s where your character comes in. Your character has been part of the Spider-Society for a good amount of time, and you decide to try and befriend the newcomer. This, of course, is difficult since shes just as scared of you as she is of everyone else. But not impossible.

AKA: I want to write some platonic fluff with some depresso added into the mix.


  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules.
  • I’m a minor, and I don’t feel comfortable writing romantic or sexual content at the moment. (We won’t have to worry about that since my character is aro/ace, but still good to specify.)
  • Please be active at least once a day.
  • your character can be mean, but you can’t.
  • on that note, you can curse but using any slurs will get you kicked out immediately. I feel very strongly about this.
  • 2-3 sentence minimum. I get it, we get tired and can’t write as well for the day, and that’s okay! Just try your best, nothing like “She sneezed.” and we’re on good terms, lol
  • Also, if you think you may not be active for an extended time period, please warn me first.
  • No godmodding or powerplaying. It’s sad I have to say this.
  • I will give you a character template. You may edit the template a bit to match your character and preferences, but I would like it to stay moderately detailed. And please, don’t just send your character’s Notebook page.
  • if I’m not familiar with your style, I’ll ask for a sample.
  • I do reserve the right to say no. If our styles clash, or I otherwise don’t feel that we’d be good role playing partners, I may turn you down. It’s not about you, and I will say I’m a little nitpicky about writing styles.

Character template:

Basic Info

Nicknames (if any):
Gender and pronouns:


Skin tone:
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair style:
Other blemishes:
Body type:
Usual outfit:


Basic personality:
Background (optional):
Physical conditions:
Mental conditions:

My character:

TW: mentions of self harm, medical torture, and shitty friends.

Basic Info

Name: Alice Miller
Nicknames (if any): None.
Alias: Phantom
Age: 15
Gender and pronouns: Female, she/her


Skin tone: Pale
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eye color: Bright blue.
Hair color: Jet black.
Hair style: Chin length, messy and tangled.
Scars: Scars on her arms from self harm, mainly cutting/scratching herself. There are also faint scars on her cheeks from scratching. There’s a small cut on her chin from a childhood accident, and puncture wounds on her chest, wrists, right forearm, and the back of her neck, all from repeated IVs and injections. There’s a scar across her throat from a slit throat, and a small burn scar on her left leg.
Other blemishes: Freckles dotting her cheeks, nose, and shoulders.
Body type: Thin (almost dangerously so), flat-chested, and when she’s healthy she’s fairly athletic in build.
Usual outfit: normally, she just wears baggy hoodies, jeans, and old sneakers. Nothing special, really.
Suit/Costume: Basic spandex Spider-Man style suit. Her suit is mainly light blue, with white gradients on the hands and feet and white eyes. She wears a navy blue oversized jacket over her suit, with three pins: a pin with a ghost on it, a pin with the aroace flag, and a pin that’s just black scribbles. Her mask has white stripes extending from the corners of her eyes to her jawline. Her suit has a hood.


Basic personality: She’s kind of scared of people, pretty quiet and reserved most of the time. She’s rarely ever relaxed, and she’s either extremely observant or just shut down. She can be a little over apologetic, and overreactive, but she’s trying her best, please be patient.
Sexuality: Aromantic, asexual.
Hobbies: She likes to walk sometimes.
Talents: She isn’t quite sure, but she’s very agile.
Background (optional): ———

Alice Miller had a pretty normal childhood. Her family was well off, she got good grades, and she had great parents who she loved very much, and vice versa.

Alice had a best friend, named Jessica. Alice and Jessica had been friends since they were little. That is, until Jessica got an offer she simply couldn’t refuse… no matter the consequences.

When Alice was 14, a few months before her birthday, Jessica handed her over to a couple of people who would then take her to a lab for human experiments. They were trying to create super humans with certain abilities.

Alice was brutally tortured during these experiments, being pushed to her physical and mental breaking point. She had gained some powers in the process, and those abilities were also exhausted for the sake of science.

When she was 15, she’d finally escaped, and was later found and taken in by the Spider-Society, in hopes of gaining a new recruit. But she’s having trouble adjusting, and some people are having trouble with patience, causing her to be even more stressed out.

Physical conditions: She’s very prone to sensory overloads.
Mental conditions: PTSD, anxiety
Powers/Abilities: Heightened senses, faster healing ability, levitation, creating illusions.
Other: She’s especially scared of enclosed spaces, the feeling of being trapped, medical needles or IVs, and medical environments in general. She avoids some parts of HQ because of this. She also has an ongoing habit of self-harm.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Oh also, I know I mentioned the whole “your character can be mean but you can’t” thing, but I hope none of you would actually submit a mean character for this prompt. That would kill the purpose tbh.

Deleted user

Name: Kreo Parker

Nicknames (if any): Kreo, Aster/Asta(Shorthand for his Hero name)

Alias: The Astral Spider

Age: 19

Gender and pronouns:


Skin tone: Pale Blue

Height: 5'10

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Gray

Hair style: curly!

Other blemishes: glowing star-shaped freckle-things

Usual outfit:

Suit/Costume: A dark blue spider suit, speckled with stars, and with a hood and pockets


Basic personality: A cheerful outgoing spider person. Talks to people often, initiating conversations. Quite caring, wants to help people out, naturally curious He does enjoy private time as well, loving to just be up somewhere he can see the stars, drawing by himself.

Sexuality: TBD

Hobbies:Drawing, star gazing

Talents: pretty acrobatic, good at drawing

Background (optional):was bitten by a Astral Spider in high school,

His Harry Osborn died and was corrupted into a Powerful Black Hole Green Goblin during his gap year before college. A few years later, he was fighting the Goblin, when they both got pulled into Peni Parker's universe, which is when he was recruited into the Spider-Society

Physical conditions: N/a

Mental conditions: ADHD

Powers/Abilities: Spider-sense, creates web shots through an innate ability, Said webs can be woven to bring visuals to life(Draw a net, a small grenade, or an energy blast) though it is not a fast skill

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice walked across one of the bridges in the lobby of HQ, weaving around people the best she could and staring down. She usually liked going on walks. It used to calm her nerves, but it didn’t anymore. Maybe it was the people, or maybe it was because she was in an unfamiliar place. Or maybe it was just the anxiety. She didn’t know why she was always scared and upset, she just knew nothing ever helped anymore.

She didn’t know why she was here in the first place. The people who took her here—she already forgot their names—probably told her why, but she couldn’t bring herself to listen and remember things very easily. She was barely comprehending the whole multiverse thing, but all it meant to her was that she didn’t have to go anywhere near the lab again.

She was supposed to do something, right? She couldn’t remember that, either. . .

She whimpered slightly. Trying to remember things stressed her out even more. She started walking faster, making her way into the room on the other side of the bridge. She put a hand on the wall and followed it until she found a corner, then leaned against the wall there and slid down to the floor.

She tried to focus on breathing once she realized her chest felt tight. When her chest felt tight, it hurt, and she couldn’t breathe, and it made her want to cry. And crying was bad. But she found herself blinking back tears anyway.

Deleted user

Kreo swings into the Spider-Society from a portal, landing onto a bridge, having just finished another hob to catch an another anomaly. Thea lands down beside him, holding the anomaly captive in one of the very high-tech red cages. Kreo waves her bye as she heads to add it to the Rogue Gallery near Miguel's hideout.

Once she leaves, Kreo swings around, feeling the breeze as he swings and thwips under and over the bridges. He scans the bridges for a good non-crowded spot to perhaps draw as he waits for Thea to return. As he does, he sees a young spider-person pacing down the bridge, looking quite scared, walking into one of the halls. Kreo hadn't seen her around before, or at least not talked with her. He decides to follow after, letting go of his web to land on the bridge she was on, and proceeds to follow her down the hall. He finds the girl curled up on the floor, hyperventilating he thinks? "Are you okay?" He exclaims, crouching down in front of her.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice was quickly brought from her thoughts as someone came towards her and crouched in front of her. She flinched and backed farther into the corner, staring at him with wide eyes. He was already way too close.

She hadn’t processed what the person had said, so she didn’t answer. Maybe if she stayed silent enough, he would go away? That wasn’t likely. She didn’t know what to do, she was pretty much cornered. But he didn’t look like he would hurt her… Looks could be deceiving, though. She should know that by now.

She had a hand on her chest as she struggled to catch her breath, a tear escaping her eye as she blinked a few times. God, She looked absolutely pathetic. As usual.

Deleted user

"Hello?" Kreo waves his hand in front of her face, trying to get a reaction. Nothing. Hm. He sits down, criss-cross in front of her. He decided he should wait, as she seemed to be having a moment, and wasn't responding to him. So instead, he'd wait for her to catch her breath, calm down, or whatever exactly she was dealing with at the moment.
He also schootches back a couple feet, to give her some space to breathe.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice remained curled up tightly for a while, ignoring the person in front of her and focusing on breathing. She closed her eyes tightly and placed her hands over her ears, so she wouldn’t be overstimulated.

Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Repeat.

In. Hold. Out. Repeat.

She repeated these steps, both physically following them and reciting them in her head. She’d completely forgotten that there was somebody near her. That is, until she opened her eyes again. She tensed, but kept breathing steadily. As steadily as she could, anyway, which was still a bit shaky. She lowered her hands and stared at the person warily.

“Who… who are you? What do you want?” she asked, her voice wavering.

Deleted user

Kreo smiles now that she responded. "I'm Kreo! Kreo Parker. Another Spider-person. I just saw you walking, you looked pretty scared. I thought I'd say hi, I don't think we've talked before. Then you kinda sat down and looked like you were panicking, so I thought I'd wait for you to calm down. So…. Hi!"

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice tilted her head slightly. Why does he care, was her initial thought. She looked puzzled as she pieced Kreo’s words together in her mind. Kreo Parker. He wanted to talk to her, for some reason. Saw her panicking. Decided to wait on her. She nodded slowly.

“…Kreo. Hello.” She stayed silent for a moment, not sure what to say. “It’s… nice to meet you?” She said a bit awkwardly.

Deleted user

"Nice to meet you too! So when'd you get recruited to the Society? whats your name?" Kreo asks, smiling broadly as he asks the questions.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice bit her lip nervously, still alert and watching Kreo closely. She took a deep breath, trying to put on a pleasant expression. She still wasn’t smiling, but at least she didn’t look upset anymore.

“Um… just recently, I guess,” she answers vaguely. She hoped Kreo wouldn’t push much further than that. Her name. What was her name? She never heard it much. “…Subject 369.” She said, almost automatically. She shook her head slightly as she realized what she had said, touching a spot on her neck subconsciously. “Uh- Alice, I mean.”

Deleted user

Kreo decides not to comment on the 'subject' part, as he could tell that would be a not fun topic to make her talk about. "Well, nice to meet you Alice! So what sort of powers do you got? Like, aside from spider sense, and the usual package. I myself, I've got some star stuff." To illustrate this, he weaves a pair of webs to create a glowing blue sphere in his palm.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice looked down for a moment. She didn’t really have any of the “usual” powers that everyone else had.

“I don’t have a spider-sense. Or anything else that would be the ‘usual package…’ I can heal faster, and I have heightened senses. I can also levitate and create illusions…” she trailed off slightly. She didn’t want to say too much, mostly because she didn’t like talking about herself.

“I’m a bit of an outlier, I guess.”

Deleted user

"Huh. Weird. Mostly cuz I'd think Miguel would have an issue with a non-spider-person in here but…. Eh. Thea doesn't have any actual webbing, basically her only power is heightened intelligence, so its not that weird. You've definitely got a unique power set though! You say you can make illusions?"

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice furrowed her brows. Who was Miguel? Oh, right, the really scary one. He always looked mad at something, and she was never sure what. She shivered slightly, then nodded.

“I don’t really know what I’m doing here. The whole thing was kind of a blur…” she paused. “But that’s not important. Yeah, I can make illusions.” She cupped her hands in front of her, and a blue sphere similar to Kreo’s appeared, floating above her hands.

Deleted user

Kreo grins at their matching visual examples. "Hey, twinsies!" Kreo's stomach rumbles, he shakes his hand, letting his orb dissipate into light particles. He turns to Alice and asks, "Want to grab some food? Its about lunchtime I think, and as you can tell, I'm getting hungry."

@the-void-phantasmic language

Alice blinked at Kreo. Was it normal to be this happy about talking to someone, and finding something slightly in common? Maybe it was. She closed her hands, and her orb disappeared as well. “The illusions only work as a distraction. You can’t touch them, or use them offensively.”

She wrung her hands as she considered Kreo’s request. It would be a good idea to branch out, get to know the people here. But she was scared. Scared they would hurt her, yes, but also that she might get too close to someone. The last time she got too close, it ended in months of torture that she had just barely escaped from.

But getting food with Kreo wouldn’t cause that, right? She needed to think logically. They would get food, maybe talk a bit more, then probably never cross paths again. And she probably needed to eat, too. She rarely did.

She nodded at Kreo, then stood up. “Sure.”

Deleted user

"Exellent!" Kreo turns and takes a web slining pose, but then stops. He turns around to face Alcie, and asks,"You don't web swing, right? Do you want to just walk via the bridges, or want to ride on my back to get there?"