forum We All Get a Serial Killer (O/O)
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Ava frowns at this information. If he has internal damage, there’s only so much she can do to help. With a sigh, she pulls out another rag and hands it to him. “Let’s start with something easier, shall we? Do you want me to put your nose back into place or should we clean stitch up some of your cuts?”

Deleted user

Cam sighed softly and took the cloth, gripping it in his hand. "My nose. I can do the rest by myself." He shut his eyes a little, tentatively ready for the pain he knew was going to approach.


Ava shrugs and nods. “Okay,” She agrees. If he can do the rest himself, she’s defintely not going to protest. Carefully taking ahold of his nose, she snaps it back into place with practiced movements. She enioyed that a little more than she probably should have. Now that that’s done, she hands the kit over to him. “Have fun.”

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Cameron pulled his face out of her hands without a gasp, just a small wince and a tight grip of the cloth in his fingers. He took one cloth and held it to his nose, pinching it and setting the kit onto his thigh, where it stayed until his nose stopped bleeding.


Ava hops up from the couch so he can finish cleaning himself up. She moves over to the table and picks up a bottle of vodka. “I have a feeling that you’ll be needing this more than me,” She tells him, tossing it onto the couch beside him.

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Cameron glanced up and watched the vodka bounce next to him. "I don't drink vodka," He grunted, looking back down as he opened up the kit, pressing the cloth to his mouth, deciding to just bite down on it. He lifted his shirt and started tending to smaller scratches on the plain of his scarred chest.


“Your loss,” Ava tells him, unbothered. When he lifts up hid shirt, she’s a bit surprised to his that his body mirrors her own heavily scarred one. Not to to rude and caught staring, she turns and takes a seat at the table. She reaches into her shirt and pulls out her necklace. With a sigh, she runs her thumb over the familiar pattern on the front.

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He rubbed alcohol on a few of the scratches and just left it there, pressing experimentally on a bruise before letting his shirt back down. He'd have to go to the hospital anyway, to make sure no interior damage had happened. He went to his legs, rather blind to the fact she was still sitting there.


Clicking open the locket, she examines the interior for a moment before closing it and tucking it back into her shirt. There’s no need to go down memory lane right now. She glances over to the man to see how far he’s gotten with his injuries. The sooner he finishes, the sooner he can leave. She turns back around with a quiet huff.

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Cameron glanced up once at her, huffed back and continued pressing into a fierce wound. He hummed softly and finished up with the pressings and pulled his pants back up, checking on the bleeding from his lip and teeth.
"Do you have a mirror?"


"I think so," Ava responds, standing up and crossing the room. Once more, she unlocks the cabinet and starts to shuffle through it. The task takes her a minute but she eventually finds what she's looking for. "You're in luck," She tells him as she pulls out a decent sized mirror. After locking the cabinet again, she walks over to the couch and hands him the requested item.

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Cameron took it with a faint "thank you", still wishing to be polite. He looked down at the mirror at his beaten up face, sighing and running his thick fingers over his blackened eye. He opened his mouth and felt around his mouth, feeling where a tooth was knocked clean out. Nice, another trip to his dentist.


Ava merely nods her head before stepping back. Even after he's been cleaned up a little, the man still looks absolutely awful. "If you don't need anything else, I'm going to head out." She needs to get back to the tower and check on Kreja. The dog is probably waiting for his supper and he gets anxious if she doesn't check in on him often.

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"Yeah, I think I'm going to go, too. I have a dog to check on," He said nobly, standing to his feet. His legs only shook faintly under him, but he felt stronger. He slipped his mask on again to hide his face.
"Thanks, and stuff."


Ava perks up a little at the mention of a dog. Now she's now entirely regretting not killing him. Had he died, that poor dog would have been left alone. "You're welcome, and stuff," She tells him before heading over to the door. Yanking it open, she allows him to walk out first.

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Cameron nodded and plucked up his guns, slinging his rifle, the same that shot her a couple weeks back, over his shoulders, and the pistol he threatened her with into its holder. He limped out, propping himself off the wall beforr starting at a run. He didn't look back at her as he started out on the main sidewalk to avoid any fights.


Ava locks up the warehouse before starting to head home, eager to get back to Kreja. After a moment of walking, she huffs and changes directions. She should probably make sure that the idiot doesn't collapse and die before he gets home. She scales a nearby building and starts to follow him, using the roofs to start out of sight. He's armed and can usually probably take care of himself but if he gets jumped again…..

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Cameron was pawing at his pistol in case he was attacked. But after a few minutes of limp-like jogging, he made it into the safer part of town, where he immediately swerved away into an alley and scaled a building. He glanced behind him, to catch a flicker of movement.
"Who is there?" He called softly.


Ava pauses and ducks behind a chimney on the roof of a townhouse when someone scales the building. She's fairly certain that it's the idiot that she's been following but she can never be too careful with situations like this one. Upon hearing the man's voice, she causally steps out from behind the chimney and steps over to him. "Calm down, it's just me," She tells him.

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Cameron crossed his arms when she stepped over, moonlight illuminating the pair, throwing their shadows out onto the gritty roofs. His toned muscles were visible through the cloth in the lighting, and despite him wearing a mask, his mottled jaw could be seen, and his eyes reflected in the light.
"Uhuh. Why are you following me? I'm fine."


"You're kinda pathetic right now, feel free to take offence. I didn't think you'd making it home without somehow fucking up," Ava tells the man with a slight shrug and a smirk. "Some of my hard earned medical supplies were used on you so I figure that I might as well make sure that they weren't wasted." She peers at him, using the light of the moon to study him.

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Cameron shook his head and turned his back on her, continuing at a trot. "I promise you, they are not at waste. Thanks for helping, anyway," He said, waving his hand to dismiss her with a faint hum, his muscles gleaming attractively in the light.


"Suit yourself," Ava tells him, not going to argue. If he wants to go off on his own and take his chances, she's not going to stop him. She turns around and starts to head back to the library. With a running start, she leaps off of the roof and gracefully lands on the one next to it.

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Cameron lept the rooftops, humming softly as he landed near the curving road to his home. He climbed down carefully as to not disturb any loose pannels or creaky sills, before plopping down on the ground with a small wobble of the legs. He shook himself out and took off his mask and gun, hurrying into his home before any curious neighbors could poke around. He called for his dog, named Lily, and she came bounding in with soft grphs of greeting.


Ava moves swiftly across the rooftops, only stopped when absolutely nessicary. When she finally reaches the library, she makes quick work of getting inside and going to the stairs. "I'm back, love!" She calls out, emerging from the trap door. Kreja trots over to her, barking and snuffing around. When he catches the man's scent, he let's out a low growl. "Don't worry, I'm fine," She assures her companion as she grabs the bag of dog food on the table. She fills up his bowl and sets it down for him. While he eats, she starts to look for some food for herself. Once she secures her meal she begins to tell him about the events of that evening.