forum Wait, that's not me...
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

"You're too excited." She finally broke as a small smile crept on her lips.


"I- I am not," the boy indigently protested, stomping his foot. His troubles were quickly forgotten, however, as a shrill scream echoed over the line emanating from the zip-line. His face instantly lit up happily as Rowl tried discretely peeking over others, to see the wonders of the zip-line.

Deleted user

Ginger took his hand and weaved their fingers together. "Patience my boyfriend," she whispered softly.


His breath caught at her words as a smug smile started spreading over his countenance. Alongside, warmth began sprouting in his chest - a nice, welcoming feeling. "Of course, my girlfriend."

Deleted user

She blushed and rested her head on his shoulder.


Looking down at their still interlocked hands, Rowl absently traced patterns over her arms. He was, indeed, waiting patiently for the slug of a line to inch forward bit by bit every year. He conveniently angled his own head to lean on hers, softly closing his eyes.

Deleted user

"There you go," she murmured, her smile never dropping.


He made a noise of content, eyes still serenely resting shut. "My patience is running thin," he warned as the sun dipped lower and the line moved forward a nanometer.

Deleted user

"Ginger?" a heavily accented voice said in front of her.
Ginger looked up and beamed. "Fleur! What are you doing here?"
The sweet French girl approached them. She wore a sky blue polo shirt which looked strange on her compared to get usual modeling attire. "I convinced my mother to let me get a job here. Who is this?" she asked, looking at Rowl curiously.
Ginger blushed.


Swinging an arm around Ginger possessively, he preened, "Her boyfriend." How it felt to watch the words settle in the air, pride lingering, how he could finally, exclusively call her his and him hers.

Deleted user

Fleur smiled at them. "You look adorable together!" she gushed.
Ginger hid her face with her hair and squeaked.


(Ack I'm so happy you're back :D)

His smirk was a flash of white that darted over his lips. Rowl glowed with pride as he nodded smugly. "Yes, yes we do."

Deleted user

(Aww, thanks! <3)

Ginger smiled. "We're almost at the front," she murmured.


His hair flopped over his eyes, clouding the shining orbs. His fingers flexed, and he centered himself, the giddiness still transparent to anyone who looked their way. "Almost!"

Deleted user

Ginger giggled at his excitement again.

Fleur extended her hand to Rowl politely. "I am Fleur, a friend of Ginger," she greeted him.


"Hi, Fleur," he said, taking a step forward to shake her outstretched hand. He sent a questioning glance at Ginger, as if to ask how close the two were.

Deleted user

"Fleur is an exchange student from France. I'm her new student guide," Ginger explained quickly.
"A very good one," Fleur remarked, shaking Rowl's hand firmly.
The shy girl smiled. "Thank you, Fleur. She's also a French model."


Rowl let out a low whistle, laughing kindly afterward. He hoped he hadn’t offended the girl- you have, a small voice taunted. Offering a warm smile and pushing aside the voice, he invited Fleur to go zip lining with them.

Deleted user

"No, that is alright," she politely declined. "I should be getting home now. I saw Ginger, and I thought I would say hello. It was very nice to meet you, Rowl."

Ginger rubbed his arm comfortingly, sensing that something was wrong. A talent of hers was being able to read people very well.


He leaned into her warm hand, relieved that she always understood. "You, too," he nodded, tipping his head to the side. "I'll see you around?"

Deleted user

"Yes, see you!" Fleur called, waving as she walked away.

The line had progressed. Ginger walked her fingers up his arm. "Look at how close we are," she sang softly.


A smile beamed on his face, as the pair approached the front of the line. "I know," he said softly, focusing on the drumming of her fingertips over his arm.

Deleted user

She rested her head on his shoulder and hummed the chorus of What Ifs by Kane Brown softly.