forum Wait, that's not me...
Started by Deleted user

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Everything fell into place with her lips on his, his on hers. Arms tightening around her waist, pressing with a little more force, kissing her like his life depended on it.

Deleted user

Ginger moaned softly and played with his hair absently. She opened her mouth slightly if he wanted the invitation, he had it.


Tenderly, Rowl let his tongue explore her mouth, taking in the sweetness. His hands spread on her back as he molded her against him, so soft and perfect.

Deleted user

She was careful not to let any of her bracelets catch in his hair as she wove her fingers in slowly. Her other hand was placed between his shoulder blades, pushing until his upper back.


He gasped into the kiss, listening to her pants. Rumbling out a, "Breath control?", he resumed kissing her into bliss.

Deleted user

She broke away to murmur, "I like this better than running" before diving right back in.


He began peppering kisses down the column of her throat, gently giving love-bites. "I do, too," his breath fanned over her neck.

Deleted user

She moaned softly. "There's people watching us," she whispered, quickly shifting closer to hide her face. She hated being the center of attention.


Slowly, with one final bite, Rowl pulled away from his glorious Ginger. Somehow, he managed to get out: "So, who do you think loves the other more?"

Deleted user

"Could we somewhere more private?" she asked quietly.

Deleted user

"Fine…" she conceited reluctantly. "You're very lucky I love you."


"I know," Rowl grinned, "I thank Fate everyday." Lightly, he led Ginger to the end of a slowly expanding line, bouncing on his toes.


He threw the red-head a look that clearly communicated: I-am-not-excited-for-a-zip-line-I-am-too-old-for-this-shiz-shut-up-you-do-not-see-me-jumping-up-and-down-it-is-a-trick-of-the-light.
Crossing his arms, he pecked her on the cheek. Trying to act like not a seven year old… as the boy jumped up and down.

Deleted user

Ginger giggled. "Calm down or I'll put you in a timeout," she teased.


"I am calm," Rowl pouted, dramatically huffing. Muttering, he let out a low, "I haven't had a timeout in over a couple years."


Eyebrows raising at her antics, the boy let out an unexpected grin. "You're adorable when you try to be threatening," he mumbled, hiding his own blush.

Deleted user

She frowned. "I mean it…" He could tell they were teasing, hollow words.


Playing along, "What kind of timeout, then?" He waggled his eyebrows, eyes sparkling. The innuendo was laced through his voice, saturating every word.

Deleted user

"Where you stand in the corner and think about what you did," she replied firmly.