forum To Save Another // One on One // Closed
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

Oton began the climb, which wasn’t really a climb at all. More of a steep walk, if anything. At this point there weren’t any really big rocks to hide, so he was more out in the open, hoping the dragon didn’t have good eyesight. The dragon seemed to lower its head.

At that point, Oton’s disguise spell dispersed a tiny bit more, apparently alerting the dragon, who suddenly flared out its wings, and took off, clearly put off by something else. Oton pressed against the rocks, looking out at the dragon, which swerved above the spire like a vulture. Currently, it didn’t see anyone, but Oton knew it wouldn’t be that long. He was close enough to the ground that he could get down quickly enough.

He began to go back to the ground while the dragon flew above.


Luna watched the dragon flare and went to drop down to the forest floor. The dragon taking off and now flying around the spire worried her. She softly dropped down after putting the arrow back in the quiver. She didn't know what caused the dragon to react as it did, but she figured it had something to do with the same chill she got. Her mind went through every possibility that she could think of to explain her symptoms and the sudden reaction of the dragon, yet she couldn't think of anything. At least anything reasonable.

The only possibility she had come up with was that there was a Lich nearby. But that was false because, one they didn't exist anymore, and two the only reason it lined up with her symptoms would be if she was partially an angel. Which she wasn't. The use of magic could be another one, however, it only explained the reaction of the dragon and not her physical ailments. Unless a spell of some sort had been placed on her, but why would it act up sometimes and not others? Then again, why was she assuming the two were connected? They probably weren't and Luna should stop thinking like they were.

@Mojack group

Oton landed at the floor and almost immediately spotted movement just as his potion began to wear off. In that amount of time, the dragon swerved down and landing on the rocky clearing behind him, seeming to have spotted Oton, but only Oton.

Oton spun around as the dragon gave a growl, folding its wings in. The dragon studied him, taking a moment or two before it spoke, in a deep but loud and rumbling voice. ”I haven’t seen any of your kind in forever..I was wondering what I sensed earlier. Your scent..familiar, too.” It flicked out a tongue.

Oton stayed silent, taking out a silver sword.


Luna watched as the dragon landed and moved to see if she could get closer to him. Her chill only increased as the mercenary finally entered her view. She didn't know what he was doing here, but she figured he was as good as dead considering the dragon had spotted him. She quietly removed an arrow from her quiver when the dragon spoke. What did it mean 'his kind in forever'? Her hand hesitated, but she finished the movement holding the bow at the ready, though staying out of both their line of sights from where she was.

She was as sure as dead if she got spotted.

@Mojack group

”Yes, I remember it now. Back when I was only the size of a horse, centuries ago. When the lands were almost constantly at war…dark times, for you maybe.” The dragon sniffed, keeping focus on Oton, who stayed alerted.

”I met you, only once, and that was to put you into your grave. But it seems you survived..somehow. Humans don’t live that long, however.”

Oton gripped the sword, moving to the side.

”I thought your kind was extinct. Seems I’m wrong…” The dragon paused, closing its eyes. It then resumed. ”Lich.” It hissed.
Oton didn’t see a point in making the first move right now. He did, however, see a point in gathering some of his energy. Indeed, what vegetation around him seemed to grey as the life from it was literally sucked away. He backed away, circling the dragon who kept a close eye on him, somewhat even closer now that he’d shown the ability to use magic.


Luna stepped back as she heard the dragon continue to speak. He was a Lich, an honest to god Lich. Her heart was racing which she contributed to fear rather than anything else. She kept away from the pair seeing the vegetation grow dead. Her ears were filled with the rush of blood as her heart pounded on. This all didn't seem real. She had to be deep in a dream.

She didn't know where to point her arrow, but she knew to stay away from the edge of the forest. She kept low as she moved away from the dying vegetation, just waiting to see what would happen next.

@Mojack group

The dragon swayed its tail once, and only once, before Oton leapt forwards to attempt to slice at the dragon with his sword. Barely scraping its scales, Oton dove away again.

I really hate to retreat in a battle, but if things get too bad.. Oton glanced behind him, just as the dragon charged forwards, jumping into the air. Oton moved away just as the dragon hit the ground. The dragon stood up more from its attack, and hissed, staring at Oton. ”I do believe we have spectators,”

What? The other mercenaries? That was the only thing Oton could really think of right now. Oton lunged forwards again, swinging at the same spot. This time, he did a bit more damage. But it wasn’t enough. He dove away again just before the dragon snapped at him.


Luna watched the fight in both fascination and horror. She was fine with waiting to see if the, the Lich needed any help, but the dragon had spotted her. Her blood instantly ran cold and she moved from her position to get a better shot. Her movement was quick and short before she pulled the arrow to her cheek.

She took a deep breath in and out lining up and predicting the dragons movements before letting the arrow loose. It sailed through the air right towards where the dragons eye would be and so far her line of sight remained true. She hoped it would hit at the very least as she reached and pulled back another arrow ready to shoot again.

@Mojack group

Preparing to move in again, Oton found himself audibly going ’oh’ as an arrow, seemingly from nowhere struck the dragon’s eye. The dragon, rearing back with a roar, immediately lifted a claw to its eye as it backed up. Oton sheathed his sword for the time behind, only muttering a few words. ”Lueth ji, lil' v'dre de' dosst sol ml'aen gos ulu uns'aa.” There was a blue glow emerging from his hands, which shot out towards the dragon’s face. The blue glow returned to him, before fading away.

The dragon snarled. ”I cannot see…” It flicked out its tongue. ”But I can hear you still..I..I can smell you..” It paused, glancing towards the trees. ”Both of you…”


Luna would have frozen in fear with those last words if she hadn’t already known the dragon knew where she was. She was surprised at the magic for but a moment, but took the opportunity with the dragon rearing back in pain to fire an arrow at it’s underbelly. The place it was obviously softest, though still covered in scales. It soared and it true prompting Luna to ready another arrow. She may not have magic, but her quiver was full and ready to be used.

@Mojack group

The dragon went back onto all fours just as the arrow hit, but did not land its mark. It did hit the dragon, but on the much tougher scales, barely piercing it. It didn’t even seem to notice as its jaws began to fill with a familiar smoke.

Oton promptly realized what was happening and knew he would not be able to dodge this..physically, anyways. He knew he did have a resistance against fire, but he didn’t want to risk it just yet. Instead, Oton used some of his magick to transport himself to the nearest living thing NOT the dragon, which happened to be the woman hiding in the trees. He seemed to vanish from sight, almost in a cloud of black ‘air’, reappearing right behind the woman just as the dragon sent a blast of fire where Oton formerly stood.

The dragon opened its wings again and took off, but it wasn’t leaving the area just yet.


Luna watched the dragon’s mouth fill with smoke and promptly realize she wasn’t in the blast zone. However, her lich acquaintance was. Her eyes watched as he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. Teleportation, if she had to bet the spell. For a moment she wondered where he could be until a deep chill settled into her and her heart began to pound. She quickly turned around and jumped just slightly seeing him reappear behind her. Sheer willpower kept her from speaking and after moving away from him ever so slightly she returned her eyes to where the dragon had been.

@Mojack group

Head tilted, Oton recognized the woman from before, though there was no time to ask ‘what are you doing here?’ The dragon was soaring above, circling again, much like a vulture. But anyone with good eyes could easily see the electricity which crackled on the edges of its wings.

Oton moved forwards again, looking above at the dragon. The only way he himself could reach the dragon at this distance was using his magic..though he was unsure if it had any effect, given he wasn’t at full strength right now.


Luna spotted the electricity on the wings edges. She knew it was no good and looked to Oton as he moved forward. Was he crazy or did he just not see the danger? She didn't try and pull him away from where he was. It was his own mistake to make. Her hand reached and pulled out another arrow notching it quickly ready to shoot. The moment she thought her arrow would pierce the dragon, would she fire the arrow.

@Mojack group

Oton turned towards the woman again. “Your arrow will not reach the dragon, given it’s currently using a magic shield to defend itself right now. But if you would allow me, I can place a spell on your arrow to help it reach the dragon from here.” He spoke, his voice somewhat calm for this situation.


Luna looked to him as he spoke. So that's what the electricity was. If her arrow wasn't going to make it like it was, then she would let him place a spell. She pushed the arrow closer to him aimed down at the ground. The chill was still there, but at least her voice wasn't shaking, "You may."

@Mojack group

Oton nodded, moving his hands forward. In what looked like motions that seemed nonsensical, he casted a spell upon the arrow. For a second or two, a blue glow surrounded it, then faded away. Oton put his hands back, glancing at the dragon.

“Though you do not have to listen to me, aim for the chest of the dragon.”


"Will the arrow pierce the thick scales there?" Luna asked him pulling her bow back as she tacked the motion of the flying dragon. It was a consistent circle so it wasn't extremely hard to keep track of. She quickly found the pattern and so could shoot at a moment's notice once she got confirmation from the Litch. She wasn't going to waste a spelled arrow if it wouldn't hit.

@Mojack group

“With the spell, it will, yes. And from the sky, it will fall.” Upon the dragon’s chest was a very faint scar, as though it had been struck there before. “If you see it, aim for the scar. It’ll make this a lot easier.”


Luna saw the faint scar and pulled the bow back the rest of the way. She lined her arrow up to take the shot and took a steadying breath in and out. As she released her breath she released the arrow letting it fly towards the dragon's scar at full speed. Her aim looked true and she had a slight smirk on despite her racing heart.

@Mojack group

There was a small blue flash as the arrow bypassed the dragon’s shield and dove right into the scales. While not enough to kill it, it was enough to stun the dragon, it’s wings suddenly freezing up, and sending it onto the ground with a crash. The dragon stilled on the ground for a few seconds, although it began to move again, beginning to stand back up.

Oton watched, before standing up and approaching the dragon at a walk.


Luna pulled another arrow out and drew it back ready to fire. She couldn't cast magic as he did, but hopefully, the dragon's shields were down for good. She followed after the Lich trailing behind him ready to shoot. The dragon started to stand back up and she moved back into cover.

@Mojack group

Oton muttered a few words under his breath, before the dragon almost seemed to be ‘chained’ to the ground. By a spell, probably. Oton had to monitor his magic usage right now. He didn’t want to use too much in one situation.
He didn’t walk too close to the dragon, however, as he stopped, a few feet away from it. Hopefully enough to dodge if he need be.

The dragon gave a snarl, before speaking in a gruff voice. “What is it that you want, really?

“Answers,” Oton spoke.