forum "...-To deaf ears they fall." oxo mlm
Started by @CaseyJ group

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Theo and the snake, named Ko, scaled down the walls and roofs, all without getting caught somehow. When they finally made it down to the gardens, they headed in the direction of the city. Little irrigated streams fed into the huts and houses, and thin curtains protected the streets from the rain. Theo kept his hood over his face, and some time later he walked into the backstreets.

@CaseyJ group

Connor stood a foot from the wall of his house, standing with his hands held together in front of his chest, his eyes darting back and forth, yet not seeing anything. He was lost in the future. Although no one knew of his ability, he did not find a reason to try to hide when he was seeing.


Ko eventually curled around his arm. Sssssso, she hissed. Where are we going?
“Not sure yet,” they murmured. “Maybe we could find the market and see what’s there?”
I hope there will be something to bite, the snake said, making a sound like laughter.
“There just might be.”
Theo kept their voice low. No one knew of his ability either, though he did try to keep it a secret. The prince and their snake passed through a residential area, approaching Connor’s home. They heard the sounds of the market up ahead.

@CaseyJ group

Connor, content with what he saw, took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. He hadn't seen anything particularly interesting, mostly just… rain. He sighed. He looked down the street both ways, seeing someone approach he squinted at them. Using his ability to see more. He shook his head at himself. Based on what he saw it was the prince approaching him.

@CaseyJ group

(Technically Theo is trying to stay discreet, so I don’t think Connor would recognize him? Just thought I’d point that out)

(I meant like, Connor sees a person coming and looks into his future)


Connor, content with what he saw, took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. He hadn't seen anything particularly interesting, mostly just… rain. He sighed. He looked down the street both ways, seeing someone approach he squinted at them. Using his ability to see more. He shook his head at himself. Based on what he saw it was the prince approaching him.

As they came up to him, Theo made sure to adjust their hood more so their face was less visible. It would not be good if he were recognized and garnered unwanted attention. Unbeknownst to him though, the individual he passed had an easy time of gathering who he was.


They quickly got nervous when they realized they were being followed. He quickened his pace and tried to lose him in the crowds of the market.
I sense your pulse quickening, Ko remarked.
“Not sure why he’s following…” Theo muttered. He looked around for a good place they could stay and maybe hide.

@CaseyJ group

Connor knew exactly where the prince was going, so he was in no rush. Although it might appear he was lost to the crowds, as he stopped to greet a few people, he was only a few yards behind the prince.


Theo quickly turned into a backroad and looked out to see if he could spot the guy following them, or maybe someone else he might know. Soon they did see him, and so tried to make themself more inconspicuous.
Maybe just… talk to him? Ko suggested.
“No, that’s a bad idea.”
Well, I don’t think he’s trying to mug you or anything. And you can talk to him and still keep your identity a secret.
Theo sighed. “Maybe… if I was lucky.”


He was just trying to stay calm and figure out a way to get out of this situation when the man approached the backroad. Theo spotted him and kept their head down, trying to not to stand out.

@CaseyJ group

Connor approached the prince, waving in a friendly manner, making sure both of his hands were visably empty, as to not be taken as a threat.


Theo took a deep breath and turned to face the man. "Why are you following me?" he asked. Even if the other had no visible weapons, that doesn't guarantee that his intentions were harmless.

@CaseyJ group

Carter made the sign for being deaf. Not sure if the prince understood sign language, he decided to give it a shot and signed, 'I know who you are, I am curious as to why you are here'