forum "...-To deaf ears they fall." oxo mlm
Started by @CaseyJ group

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(Alrighty. I have a nervous, homeless boy who has wind powers, an autistic person with healing powers & wants to be a pediatrician, an angsty prince who can talk to snakes, and a serious-looking demiboy with insomnia (and ironically, sleep and dream abilities). Each character has a different plot attached to them so it’s up to you)


(cool. honestly i might use the prince bc i haven't used him in a long time. he lives in a kingdom where it always rains and he's like. really sheltered. if you want it could be like a prince x commoner kind of thing)


It was raining, as per usual. It came down lightly and softly, the air cool and scented with petrichor. Theo looked out the window, a hood over their head. Everything was quiet and still, except for the rain. And Theo’s heart.
“Are you sure about this?” He looked down at the snake beside him.
Well, it’s the only good way, the snake hissed.
Theo sighed and carefully went out the window and over the edge. They dropped down onto the roof, and carefully made their way down the bamboo and timber palace. The snake followed.

@CaseyJ group

Connor stood outside of his home, appearing to be watching the rain dripping from the end of the roof, when really he was looking past that, into the future.