forum Tis Another Greek Mythology Roleplay || Group RP || Closed
Started by @spacebluelily language

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she groaned "i stole it from some girl who bumped into me, she dropped her stuff then i took the shiniest thing i saw and booked it away"


"please tell me your not gonna punish me again…last time i had to sit through poseidon talking about his love for the sea for a week and that was torture"


"oh my gods no! i'll do anything other than listening to the gods ramble on about the things they like its torture!" she begged to be given a different punishment


"oh i'll happily take care of that adorable hound…i'd love to have Orthrus as a pet but Heracles killed him" (hercules' actual greek name)


"bring cerberus here but…shrink him down so no one freaks out" jumps up and sits on helix's shoulders "this is my seat now"


"Helix we are in the mortal world humans would freak out if they saw a 7 story tall three headed dog walking around"


Ryan is running backwards, trying to catch something that his friend threw. He bumps into the group and Helix drops the bracelet. "Whoops, sorry!" He bends down and picks it up. "Who's is this?"