@V01DtheFae group
Helix chuckled and swept Eve off her feet with ease "Better ma'lady"
Helix chuckled and swept Eve off her feet with ease "Better ma'lady"
"yes much better"
Helix laughed at her friend and then saw the throne room "Shitake mushrooms"
Hecate yawned as they approached the Throne Room.
"scary place"
Ryan coughs, being crushed by the huge dog and struggles to stand up. “Okay, lets get you back inside,” he says, leading Cerberus back towards the house.
cerberus yanked the guy inside and shut the door
“Whoa boy!” he says, laughing, and tries to push past the dog, but Cerberus doesn’t let him. “What’s wrong? What do you want?”
Cerberus whimpered wanting love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but he's still being a little meanie
“I’m sorry, boy! But I have to get back to my work now.” (Can Cerberus do something so that Ryan doesn’t have to go back to work? Like he has to stay with the girls or something? Like transport him to the Underworld or summin?)
Cerberus bites his leg and with tremendous strength keeps ryan from leaving its not even possible for him to move
He screams, grabbing at his leg. “Let GO!”
growls pulling him down and sitting on him
He is crushed again. Ryan groans from pain and passes out.
(cerberus is the size of a pitbull right now…doesn't way that much just has his mountain like strength XD)
(Well… Cerberus is sitting on his injured leg, which would still hurt sooo…)
Cerberus moves and sits on the guys chest his three heads growling whenever the guy stirred awake
"Cerberus, Off!" Merin looks to Cerberus.
Helix shrugged as she looked away from the throne
Ryan groans again and slowly comes to, hissing at the pain in his leg.
Eve nuzzled helix and Cerberus acted like a brat ignoring merin
Helix looked at Eve "Are you okay?"
Merin walked over to Cerberus, and yanked on his collar, pulling him off Ryan.
“Aaahh thank you!” Ryan says, clutching at his leg and wincing, slowly sitting up.
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