"Hot pockets hot pockets." Aika sang quietly, pulling out a couple of them.
"Hot pockets hot pockets." Aika sang quietly, pulling out a couple of them.
"Ava. She's just saying that to you to try to see her as a good guy. It's not true Ava. Hang in there. I'll find you." Shockwave said
Ava nodded. But the she looked so happy when she told that story.
"Hey Doc, want anythin' while I'm in here?" Aika called, leaning out the doorway.
"Uhh I'm f-fine." Ava said as Shockwave's connection was shut off.
"Well, there's food and stuff in the kitchen." Aika offered as she bounced back out, a plate and two mugs somehow balanced in her hands. "She get cut?" She asked as she set the dishes down, pulling a pocket knife from her pocket.
"I-I guess." Ava said, looking warily at the knife in her hand.
Aika walked over, crouching next to Ava and fiddling with the ropes out of view. "You can't get out, I'll tell you that right now."
"A-Alright!" Ava said, nodding her head.
"And…there." The ropes fell away, and Aika stood back up, pulling to pesky ones with her and tossing them on the ground. "Feel free to go get something to eat, or whatever."
Ava was suprised to feel the ropes fall off her wrists. She moved her arm to up in front of her and rubed her wrists. "Th-Thank you." She said.
"You're a prisoner, but like…not, at the same time." Aika said, gesturing vaguely with her hand, seemingly unaware that that probably didn't make sense. "Oh, and bathroom is right down the hall to the left. Third door."
Ava nodded as she headed in the direction of the bathroom.
Aika sat bag in her chair, shoving a hot pocket half in her mouth as she began spinning.
After going to the restroom she walked back to the room, not really sure where she was and wasn't allowed to go. She could try to escape but that would probably just make Siren mad.
Aika looked up as she came back, part of the hot pocket still sticking out of her mouth. She chewed quickly and swallowed before speaking. "Uh, pretty much any where is free for you to roam, 'cept for the room with the 'keep out' sign on the door. I've never been a fan of people going in my bedroom."
Ava nodded but still sat down on the chair, pulling her leg's up to her chest. She really didn't want to do anything or explore.
Aika studied Ava, sipping her coffee. Most people would eventually become mad about being stuck here. They yell and swear, try and escape. But she just…doesn't.
Ava sighed. She actually didn't mind being here. It wasn't too different from her house. But she did miss her robots. I hope their not worrying to much about me.
"So, I'm kinda stuck, now that you've refused to tell me anything. Any ideas for what to do next?"
Ava looked at Siren and shrugged. "Your the villain here. Not me." She said quietly.
"Oh, right." Her face twisted up in thought as she fell silent.
"S-Sorry! I-I shouldn't o-of said th-that." Ava said.
"You apologize a lot." Aika stated, grabbing her laptop suddenly, typing quickly.
Ava sat there in silence for a momment. "I-I guess I d-do. I-Is that a-a problem?" Ava asked.
"You're also worryingly submissive." Aika's eyes moved back and forth across her screen. "Nah, it's not a problem. A tad bit…annoying? But I can understand why."
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