"What a pleasant room," Adrielle said, sitting on the edge of her bed, swinging her legs, looking for all the world like this was normal. Her sharp blue eyes observed everything around her, wary and cold. "It does lack a bit of color, though, doesn't it?"
She was confused as to how she got there. She had severe insomnia, and so sleeping was rare for her, let alone deep sleep. And somehow, during one of her rare deep sleep moments, she had been taken to… well, wherever she was. Not that she was worried. Life was weird, and this would probably be interesting. And it was better than that hole she had been sleeping in before, anyway.
She twisted a golden curl around her finger and studied the other people around her. Several of them were awake already, and she scowled. She wished she was alone.
Cas didn't even bother getting out of bed. He lay on his side, cold eyes staring at the wall, a scowl on his handsome face. He hated waking up in strange places, although this certainly wasn't the worst place he had done so. He heard voices from other people in the room and stiffened a bit.
Finally, he rolled over and stood up, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, an imposing aura coming from him. He glared stoically around at the seven other people in the room with him.
"The real question is why there are so many beds," he said in a cold, low voice.