forum | The Under World | Possibly 5/6 | Open; starting | Futuristic/Science fiction/CRIME/Dystopian
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Here's my babes :3
I hope you like him but I can always write up another character if you dont (that might take another two or three hours since I'm using my phone to write all of this up lol)

Name: Jezariah Shields
Age: 20 (I can change it if needed and might once I've seen the other characters ages)
Gender: Male
Backstory: grew up with both parents and two younger siblings until his father committed suicide after a homicide hes committed. It took a toll on him for a while until around 18. At around 16 his mother remarried to a pastor whom he hated and still does to this day trying to shove religion down his throat. His family accepted it and took it in as their own as he didnt. That made him feel pretty rejected and he never bothered to deal with it as he doesnt think it matters. He still tries to have good records, friendly with others after highschool. As he wasnt so good around 2 years ago. But not too bad. Got caught up with the police every now and then.

Personality Overview:
Hes calm and collected but not cool per say. Hes a hot head with a bit of anger issues but he would never hurt anyone he cares about or anyone who didnt deserve it. Jez would usually like to keep to himself a few years back but lately hes come out of his shell and became quite the extrovert. Loving social interactions and attention he didnt get when he was younger.
He's always ready for a fight and everyone around him knows it. He holds himself with confidence which a lot of times is percieved as narcissism and cockiness. At first many people dont like him and the ones who do like him at first are either really perceptive or shallow and stupid.
He can let emotions get in the way of thinking when it comes to stressful times but hes able to step up and be a leader when needed. Usually when he shows emotions it more aggravated but he never wants to be alone. Jezariah can and will be extremely protective of his family and any loved ones. That includes friends and/or lovers.

Strengths: other than his physical strengths, lying/fooling others, sneaking around, hiding emotions (to an extent), flirting and hes good with adults or authority figures

Weaknesses: his little siblings, (17 year old sister and an 8 year old brother) other men. He feels threatened by them. Sour foods, and physiological attacks about his trauma (if that makes sense)

Likes & Hobbies:cats, nice sweatpants, piercings though he doesn't have many, fire, boxing, flowers.
Dislikes: people complaining, marshmellows, dogs, bright lights, fishing, and small cars.

Appearance: here's a pinterest board I've made for him ♡

Build: Muscular standing at 6 feet maybe an inch or two taller. He makes sure to work out and stay in shape. His torso is a Slightly triangulated shape but more on the blocky side. Thicker arms and broad shoulders. Just by his build he appears to be more threatening and scary to others but more attractive as his face is pretty average.
Skin— dark chocolate with a touch of caramel. A golden touch in the sunlight but not too much. Darker around his elbows, knees. Nice Red and yellow undertones. Acne scars every now and then but not too noticeable due to his dark tones
A few tattoos on him though he never told anyone about them. Just let's them see for themselves if the opportunity was given. A shadow of a small raven midflight on his chest and his dads signature in ink on his wrist, the others random stuff. An alien head with the words "AREA 51" on his finger along with some tribal patterns sleeping his right arm from his elbow on down, with dark flowers stitched through.the patterns.

Hair— dark, fluffy, a bit of a coily afro. Frizzy when he doesn't care too much to take care of. Clean cut hairline and shorter near the back. He makes sure to take good care of himself and that includes his hair. He can stick so many pencils in his afro it's not even funny.
Eyes/Face— green eyes more on the darker rainy side with a bit of deep brown to them. Sharper, yet calm eyeshape with the every now and dark circles. Longer eyelashes, dark and full. Not curled much. Defined sharp jawline leading to bigger ears but the hair around them levels them a bit so it's not so prominent but still noticeable. Piercings on both of them. Usually simple silver, gold, or black hoops depending on his choice of clothing. Jess has got a wide nose with a smooth yet rather prominent bridge. No piercings but the thought of one crosses his mind regularly. Straight teeth and a neat, playful smile that's actually pretty big, making his cheekbones really prominent. Nice full lips he uses with confidence as well as his other features.
Sharp thick eyebrows, a bit on the messy side with a bit of plucking here and there. Black eyebrow piercing on his right eyebrow. He can easily grow facial hair but he shaves every now and then. He has a natural yet thick scruff but he never let's it get longer than that When he actually does neglect the chore of shaving. Hes got a nasty glare when hes tipped off. But usually he wouldn't let the side of him show.
Clothes— depending on where he was going and what type of setting he knew he would be in. He'll always wear a jacket, never tight. T shirts and tanks in the summer, not afraid to wear casual basket ball shorts but loves to find excuses to wear something nice. In the winter, Jeans and sweaters. No watches although if he had good money he would most likely wear one. Though hes never liked showing off money, he likes dressing nice. Greens, reds, oranges and brown tend to look better on him and he takes advantage of that.
Other— none atm?

Deleted user

(I- I love the Idea of this RP! Count me in! But just a warning. I never go on, on Saturday And I’m EST)


(That's totally fine, and you're both welcome to join! I'd appreciate it if you dropped a writing sample first but tbh I'm no longer in the mood to be picky like I was when this started so I'm probably not gonna say no.)


(I'm going to probably post my starter tmrw morning, but if you don't have your sign-ups done by then it's no biggie. You can just throw them down whenever they're finished and we'll dive in.)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He had barely snuck out of the stables on his horse when the alarm sounded and he fought the urge to run off in a hurry. Calm down it will take them a while to find you He calmly rode on his horse until he was past the gates before taking off as fast as he could towards the forest and outlands. Someone saw him leaving in a hurry and called out. "I've spotted the prince! He's on his horse heading for the forest and the outlands beyond the city limits!" He cursed under his breath. going faster and faster untilhe had to slow down a tad from exhausting his horse. He managed to reach the city limits anyway, "Yes!" He did a fist pump into the arrow when an arrow flew by his face cutting it slightly, he cursed again.


Another arrow flew by his face as he dodged it. He put a hand to his horse's face feeling the temperature making sure it wasnt over heated, it was pretty heated. He sighed jumping off his horse and smacking her behind. "Run back home girl!" the horse neighed before doing just that. An arrow landed at the area between his feet as he jumped away from it dodging another arrow. He looked through the trees trying to spot the bandits, he manged to spot one or two but he knew there was never only one or two aiming to kill him. He ran up to the tree and jumped grabbing and tree branch and hosting himself up onto it an arrow just between his middle finger and his pinkie, he bit down on his lip to keep any cry of pain from coming out. he pulled the arrow out and threw it back where it came from. "you lost something!" he heard a cry in response and someone fell from the tree. He pulled ou a dagger, sneaking up on one of them and presing the knife to the back of there throat but they kicked out his leg and from somewhere in the trees shot the back of his knee and they both fell. He stabbed the knife through the bandits neck cursing while doing it. he hated killing, he hated blood. Another arrow whized past his ear before a horn sounded,

The patrol!

"Protect the prince!" The task captain yelled out quickly blocking an arrow from my head as i leaned back relaxing a little bit letting out a sigh. before chuckling, "Hello Task captain, have a nice evening?"

"Dont make jokes with me boy, lets just get you back to the castle." He held his hand out to me, I took it trying to pull myself up but the arrow in the back of knee wouldn't let me stand well. "Get on the horse." He lugged me up onto his horse and signaled a retreat.