forum The Traveler (closed)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc let himself laugh at her confident attitude but shook his head. “I'm just here for my job. Don't let it get to your head, sweetheart.” he scolded playfully. “But I'm glad you're going to recover soon. You look like you're enjoying a vacation for someone who was so eager to leave.”


Ariella just gave him a teasing smile. She knew he was here doing his job. She was trying be playful to make this whole thing more enjoyable. It was working a bit. She looked at the movie paused on the screen and then back at Marcus. She was enjoying herself. "Well, since I'm being babysat I might as well enjoy myself until I'm free to go." It's not to say she couldn't get out even with a guard at the door but it wouldn't be easy, especially with the wounds. And she had been hungry. Might as well take advantage of a free meal.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc nodded, somewhat understanding. “I'm glad you're not going to try to run at least.” he chuckled as he glanced at the tv. “Makes everything easier. But you must have been bored to put this on.” he teased.


Ariella gave him a slight smile. "A little. And I'm in London. What better place to watch Harry Potter than here? Maybe not in a hospital would be more preferable but I'll take what I can get." She shrugged her shoulders. "What are you doing here? Putting in overtime?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc just shook his head. “Is it just because the actors are British that people think that way?” he asked, half curious. “Because the school is supposed to be in Scotland. And the books are better.” he couldn't help but quip.

“No, I’m not here for overtime.” he replied, bringing the chair back over to the bed. “I'm here to make sure that nothing happens to you. And if you feel like talking, maybe get some more information about your crash and car chase.” he admitted with a smile.


Ariella shook her head. "No, it's because kingcross station is here. When near platform 9¾, you must watch Harry Potter. It's the rule, at least for outsiders." And it had been years since she had last watched the movies. It had been on and she didn't want to watch the news so Harry Potter it was. She was already on the fourth movie, her favorite.

"Hmm, do you think because I like you I'll be more inclined to share information with you?" She asked, an eyebrow raised. "Well, I've told you everything I'm going to say about it. So prepare for a long night."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Oi, I’ve seen the movies.” Marc defended. “I still think the books are better and Kingscross Station is actually rather boring. They even put up a bloody sign for Platform 9¾ and people walk into that wall all the time.” he groaned.

He chuckled a little and gave a shrug. “Worth a try. Besides, I’m fine with long nights. It's better than slow mornings.” he smiled.


Ariella couldn't hold back the laugh. She didn't lice in London but she supposed after so many years of the same shenanigans, it could get old very quickly. "The books are better. They're always better in my opinion, but they did a wonderful job creating the movies. Besides, it's been awhile and I don't want to watch reruns of the news."

She tilted her head thoughtfully. She didn't really understand that. She had never had a stable job before. "Well, I promise to give you and entertaining night. Not in the way you'll let me but I can figure out ither ways."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc sighed, giving a grateful nod at the agreement. “There are many books that have been made into worse movies than this. But I’m surprised you don't want to watch your little adventure on the news.” he smirked.

“So far being in the same room as you is certainly entertaining enough.” he admitted, getting comfortable. “But you can leave on your movie. You’re the patient, I’m just visiting.”


Ariella rolled her eyes with a playful smile. She most definitely did not want to watch that. She didn't want to hear what anyone had to say about her. "Not really, no. Besides, I'm already on the fourth movie. I'm doing a marathon here. I'm going to try to watch as much of it as I can." There was only one way to watch Harry Potter. A marathon.

She wasn't sure if she should be offended by that or not. How was her presence entertaining? She narrowed her eyes at him but pressed play on the movie regardless. The volume was low so it didn't irritate her headache. "Hmm, what about sleep? You will need it."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc chuckled, holding his hands up in mock surrender. “Well, don't let me stop you in the middle of the Goblet of Fire.” he grinned. “Too bad I missed the Chamber of Secrets. I really like that one, if only to pick at it.”

“Oh, I got some sleep earlier.” he assured. “I knew I was going to have a night shift so I got some time off during the day. I can last the night, even if the coffee here is… not very good.”


Ariella grinned at home. "I like Goblet of Fire. I think it's the hair and the Yule ball that does it for me. I just like the whole ambiance of it all." Starting up her movie again, she was just at the beginning of the second task. It was the lake scene where the contestants had to jump in the lake and save something valuable to them.

"What about tea? Isn't there caffeine in most of those? And you are in England. English people drink tea." She did not care that she was stereotyping. In fact, she was looking to get a little bit of a reaction out of him. She was baiting him with that innocent smile.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I appreciate Goblet of Fire. The subterfuge that’s going on the whole time. Though I don't remember Ron being this much of an arse in the books.” he chuckled, glad to be having a nice casual conversation. “And Hagird’s little romance makes me smile in this one.”

He rolled his eyes at the stereotyping and shook his head. “I already told you; I’m Irish. I just live here. I don't dislike tea but given the choice I will always pick coffee first. So, don't go there.” he chuckled a little, unfortunately used to this kind of treatment.


Ariella agreed with him. It was a nice little touch to the movies, especially at the Yule ball as Hagrid danced with he Heasmistress. She was surprised that it was something he noted. Most men cared more for the dragons and fighting than the romance. It spoke about his character, a romantic. Those were hard to come by these days.

"I can make a stereotype about you being Irish as well, though I'm not sure if you would like it more than the tea." He'd probably hate it more. There were more than a few things she could tease him about.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I’m sure you can.” Marc sighed, decidedly not happy with this turn in the conversation. “But I’m also sure that I’ve heard them all before. Most likely in the academy when I was earning my place as an officer. Not to mention every day when I’m on the streets doing my job.” he pointed out. “Which one were you going to go with? Call me a leprechaun or make some comments about if I spend a lot of time at the pub or if I have a temper?” he challenged, his eyes narrowing slightly on reflex.


Ariella pursed her lips, turning her head away for a moment. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, you're way to tall to be a leprechaun. And you're missing the red hair as well, which is a dead give away." She shifted her eyes back to him. "I forgot you call it a pub here. Sounds so posh. I like bar better. And I like going to bars." She was going to poke at the whole drinking thing but not anymore. Besides, she wasn't one to judge. She enjoyed a few drinks, enjoyed partying and having fun while she was still able. It had gotten her into trouble a few times but that was just part of it.

"I'm not sure it's quite appropriate for you to be sitting in here," she changed the subject, lightly teasing him. "I won't tell, of course. My lips are sealed. You're too pretty for me to try to get you in trouble." For now, at least.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marcus closed his eyes and looked away, rubbing his forehead. He didn't mean to get so riled. He was proud of his heritage but he had spent so much of his life defending it that this type of reaction came up too often. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you.” he apologized. Though he had to chuckle a little as she pointed out his hair color and height. “Yeah, but a lot of people don't let that stop them.” he admitted with a helpless shrug. “And pub is just short for ‘public house’. Not quite as posh as you think. It's more like an inn or tavern.”

He looked back up at her, raising a brow at Ariella’s first comment but laughed softly when he picked up on the teasing. This was something he could handle. “Well, if you want me to leave, I can just go back into the hall and let you be bored. Alone. With no one to talk to.” he smirked softly.


Ariella shrugged her shoulders. She wasn't mad that he snapped at her. She could understand being made of of simply for they were. She had dealt with it enough. Turns out, bullying really doesn't get that much better in other realms either. "Okay, but when you inn or tavern I think medieval fantasy book or video game. And it still sounds cooler than bar."

Her grin quickly transformed into a frown. That was not how she wanted that to go. She was kind of relieved about the company. The other guard had just stood outside no matter how much she tried to coax him in. And the nurses never responded to her. "You know what? I take that back. Forget I ever said anything."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc chuckled at the comparison and raised a brow. “Considering how much of that stuff is based on Medieval England, I'm not surprised.” he pointed out. “Honestly, bar sounds like I should duck or have studied harder for law.”

“That's what I thought.” he actually laughed this time. He had been hoping that she would change her mind. Most of the other officers were very by the book and likely wouldn't have stepped in the room unless it was part of the job. But, while he enjoyed the overall conversation, he was also hoping to draw the possible attackers out by leaving the door unguarded.


Ariella shrugged. "If you're visiting a dive bar, you probably should duck. Something wild always happens at one of those." The last dive bar she had gone to on Earth, she had gotten into a bar fight with some guy who had been creeping on these girls and didn't know how to take no as an answer.

She shook her head, rolling her eyes at him even though there was no malice behind any of it. She raised her hand to her mouth as she yawned and shifted in the hospital bed. She was tired but she wasn't quite ready to sleep just yet. Not only did she want to finish her movie, she was curious about the officer sitting in the chair next to her bed. "So why move from Ireland to London. I thought England and Ireland hated each other."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc laughed at the warning and nodded even though he wasn't sure what a dive bar was. “I don't think I’ll be visiting America any time soon but I’ll remember that.”

He smiled a little as he noticed how tired she was and made himself as comfortable as he could in the hospital chair. This might turn into a long night after all. “Oh, it was years ago. My father got a surprisingly good job here and we stayed. Though I wouldn't say we hate each other. Just some radicals who keep a grudge for far too long.” he shrugged. “What about you? What brings a young American like yourself across the pond?” he asked, just as curious.


And Ariella didn't blame him. The time that she had spent in America hadn't been the best. The last time she had checked, women's rights were doing under question. She didn't know how much that had progressed and she didn't want to know. Just one of the few reasons she didn't prefer Earth.

She smiled, turning her head to him as he spoke about his family. Then huffed a small laugh as he spike about the difference between countries. Too true that people could keep long grudges. However, his question threw her off guard. She should have been expecting it but she had let herself get too comfortable. But she didn't let it show that she was put off by it. She simply smiled at him. "A woman has her secrets, Mister Malone. I can't give them all up on the first date. It ruins the mystery."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc let out an involuntary surprised snort at the coy response but shook his head. “I would hardly call being in a hospital room a date, Ms. Smith. But you keep your secrets if you want.” he smirked, turning his attention back to the movie.

“You know one thing that I really dislike about these movies?” he asked rhetorically. “They didn't put any actual dragons in it. They replaced them with Wyverns and expected no one to notice.” he shook his head.


Ariella threw her head back in a laugh as he snorted, then proceeded to wince as it hurt both her nose and her head. "I don't know, a movie, a bed, and we can easily call for food. Sounds like a date to me. The only thing we need is for you to join me in the bed." She knew that wouldn't happen but it was worth a try.

She raised an eyebrow at his words. "So, you're a little bit of a nerd then huh?" She gave him a teasing smile. "Most people don't know the difference. It's the same with Game of Thrones. They're wyverns, not dragons."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc let himself laugh at that and gave a slight nod. “Ok, you may have a point there but I have to decline. Technically, I’m still working and that would be very comprising. In multiple ways.” he reminded both her and himself.

“I prefer the term fantasy enthusiast.” he smirked back. “I’ve always been interested in myths and legends to an extent. But I have to admit, I still haven't gotten around to Game of Thrones.” he shrugged.