forum The Soldier, the Poet and the Ruler (3/3)
Started by @Shadow_Knight group

people_alt 41 followers


(By the way… Do you prefer being called Lex or Logan? I've seen you use Logan on a few more recent threads if I remember correctly, plus it's in your username.)

Deleted user

Logan, I've been feeling a lot more masculine as of late,.//


(Alright! Good to know, and if you ever switch it feel free to correct me on what name to use.)


(No problem! Also Shadow? You never really gave a clear answer on whether this will be continued or if I should start looking for something else to join.)

@Shadow_Knight group

(Hey guys! I've been trying to pull off Notebook discussions so I'm going to pull out of most of my RP except for the ones the I have been in forever (namely Altir city) and maybe some ones shots. I'm sorry. Maybe we can try to start this up later or you can steal this idea for another RP with someone else.)


(That's alright! I just needed to know so I was sure I wouldn't be in too many threads. Also I stopped bumping Altir over the break so it might be dead… but I left that saying if anyone posts it can be picked up again. Like you said we can start this some other time, if you think you need to drop some discussions that's fine!)