forum The Princess' Scandal (o/o Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lorelei’s smirk only grew at the former Princess’s responses. “Alright.” she purred, pulling out a short dagger that was about the length of her finger and gently slid it down the back of the corset, cutting through all the strings easily. “How’s that feel?” she asked as she helped pull the offending garment away from Eleanor’s skin.

@emilyevewrites group

Eleanor gasped shakily and let her chest become one with the sea air drifting through the cabin. She took a deep breath and touched her stomach gently. The skin was soft and pale. "Liberating," she whispered, looking back over her shoulder at Lorelei. Her long blonde hair fell down her exposed back.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I would hope so.” Lorelei smiled, as she threw the garment away from them. “And like I said, you don't have to wear one of those ever again.” she reminded her. “Would you like me to button you back up before I take you on a tour of my… our ship and meet everyone?” she teased since she would never let anyone else see her Eleanor like this.

@emilyevewrites group

"And I don't ever plan to," Eleanor remarked, sliding her arms back through the sleeves of her dress so she wasn't completely topless. "Yes," she breathed softly. "Our ship? My darling, what have I done to earn this? You've worked every day for the past ten years to earn this ship. I've done nothing."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lorelei smiled, brushing Eleanor’s hair back over her shoulder before gently fastening the buttons for her. “Nothing? You waited for me and never lost faith that I would come back for you.” she reminded sincerely. “I don't plan for you to take anyone’s place on this ship so you don't have to worry about giving the crew orders but as long as this ship is mine, it's yours too.” she assured before adding with a smirk, “Besides, there’s always been a special place for you on board. And that's right here. Next to me. And I hope you don't mind sharing my cabin.”

@emilyevewrites group

Eleanor's breath hitched. "No, my darling," she murmured, containing the noises of soft pleasure she wanted to make at Lorelei's gentle touch trailing up her back as she rebuttoned the shimmery blue gown. "Of course, I don't." Her heart began to race with excitement at the thought of having a private space to share with Lorelei far away from her parents. "I'd love to meet your crew, though I did meet those two already. What were their names?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lorelei would teasingly deny that she was deliberately brushing her fingers against Eleanor’s exposed skin but they were both too smart to fall for that. “Nic and Niki. Identical twins, if you couldn't tell.” she chuckled. “They are always more than happy to talk about their lives before they joined the crew. It may be a risky choice but they are in charge of ammunition and explosives and are always at each other's side so don't worry about mixing them up.”

@emilyevewrites group

Eleanor nodded as she listened. "Nic and Niki," she repeated quietly, determined to learn all of Lorelei's crewmates. They'd been the ones who had kept her lover safe all these years after all. "And you mentioned a… Jax? Who is that, darling? He sounded important to you the way you spoke of him."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Yeah. He's my first mate.” she nodded. “He taught me everything I know about how to sail and be a pirate… Though he wasn't one when we met. And he’s looking forward to meeting you. Actually, they all are.” Lori chuckled. “Apparently, when I have too much rum, I can't stop talking about you and singing our song badly.”

@emilyevewrites group

Eleanor laughed – truly laughed – which wasn't a sound she had made in a long time. "What in the world have you told them about me?" she asked, arching her eyebrows and turning to face Lorelei when she felt her finish up with the dress's buttons. "All good things, I hope." She winked.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Nothing but. What else could I tell them?” she smiled brightly at the genuine laugh. The sound was just as beautiful as she remembered and still made her heart flutter. “Though I can't say the same for your father…” she admitted, taking a small step back.

@emilyevewrites group

Eleanor's smile faded a bit. "What have you told them about my father?" she asked quietly. While she did despise him for sending Lorelei away, the king was a somewhat decent man at heart. He'd never abused her mother, and he'd done what was best for his kingdom. But he'd made the last 10 years of Eleanor's life a living hell by keeping her from her lover.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Nothing that bad, love.” she quickly assured her. “I just said that I didn't like him much because he sent me away, that I was angry with him, and that I would like to see his face when I come back to get you.” Lorelei admitted with a shrug. “After all, he gave me this ship so I… I don't hate him since it's become more of a home than I’ve ever had. He gave me enough food and water to last until I could make it to the next port so I wouldn't starve. But I know the only reason he gave me clothes was because he caught me in your room without any.” she chuckled, hoping to alleviate some of the awkward tension.

@emilyevewrites group

"Well, we're a bit late to see his face now, darling," Eleanor murmured, reaching up and gently petting Lorelei's raven hair. "And I know deep down, he does care for people. I hate saying this, but he could've done much worse to you for catching you the way he did…" She laughed a bit at the memory. "That was an interesting day, to say the very least."

(Would you be interested in joining a rp similar to this? I was in it with Lynn, but they deleted their account)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I know.” Lorelei nodded, gently catching Eleanor’s hand and holding it close. “I am thankful that he only banished me… and he's not a bad king, I’ve seen worse during my time at sea.” she sighed, shaking her head to push away those thoughts. Hearing her lover laugh again brought a soft smile back to her face. “Interesting seems a bit mild to describe that day. Eventful, painful, emotional are the ones I’ve always used.”

“Cap’t. You wanted me ta tell you when we were out of sight from that kingdom.” Jax announced with a knock on the door, not daring to open it since the whole crew knew their Captain was not alone.

“Thank you, Jax.” Lori called back, barely raising her voice. “We’ll be out in a minute.”

@emilyevewrites group

"I did mention it was interesting to say the least," Eleanor repeated with a grin, and she jumped at the knock. She listened to his voice, then noted it was Jax. She looked into Lorelei's eyes and kissed her softly. "Whenever you're ready, my darling," Eleanor purred.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lorelei smiled softly and returned the kiss. She nodded, gave Eleanor‘s hand a gentle squeeze, walked over to the door, and quickly unlocked it. “Jax. I’d like you to meet my Eleanor. Eleanor, my love, this is Jax. My first mate and practically a father figure to more than a few people on this ship.”

“A pleasure ta finally meet you, milady.” Jax bowed showing off his charming but crooked grin. “Lori’s been talkin’ my ear off about you since I first joined her crew. And I have to admit… she wasn't lyin’ when she said you were a beauty.” he said as he straightened back up to his towering height. He constantly had to duck to enter every doorway on the ship.

@emilyevewrites group

Eleanor followed Lorelei and smiled warmly at Jax. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, Jax. I've already heard a lot about you." She blushed a bit at his words. "Thank you, you're very kind."

The ex-princess extended her hand on instinct and looked at it after she realized what she was doing. She quickly pulled her hand back. "Sorry," she apologized briefly. "Habit."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Jax couldn't help but chuckle at the Princess’s action. “No need ta apologize ta me, milady. Gist don't expect too many people here ta know what you're doing.” he advised. “Especially Drake and Marcus over there. They’d be more likely ta kiss your face than your hand.”

“Thank you, Jax.” Lori sighed. “They’re not that bad and they won't try anything while you're with me.” she assured Eleanor. “They are flirty but it comes out more on land.”

@emilyevewrites group

Eleanor leaned into Lorelei and nuzzled her partner's cheek with her nose. "As much as I hate to say it, I've dealt with an absurd amount of clingy, overly assertive, and borderline insane suitors over the past ten years, my darling. I don't believe two crewmates of yours will even come close to some of the things that have been said to me."

She smiled to reassure Lori, but it was fleeting. Her father had wanted her married off so badly that he didn't even think to check the backgrounds or kingdoms certain suitors hailed from.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lorelei’s eyes closed instinctively at the touch but her brow furrowed as she listed to what her Princess was saying. “Oh, really?” she found herself almost growling. “And which kingdoms did you say those suitors were from?”

“Lori…” Jax interrupted with a stern tone of voice, the very same one that the crew referred to as his “scolding dad” voice.

@emilyevewrites group

Eleanor's cheeks flushed at her lover's protective tone. She was grateful when Jax intervened. "It doesn't matter. I promise, my darling, there's nothing you have to be worried about. I stayed true to you the entire time, and only a few tried to–" She quickly cut herself off. "It doesn't matter," she repeated.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Wit all due respect, milady, that may not have been the best thing to say.” Jax warned, seeing Lorelei’s green eyes flash dangerously at the way Eleanor stopped speaking.

“It doesn't matter?” she asked, both hurt and angry. Not at her Princess but at the men who had dared lay their hands on her. “Eleanor… If you are trying to not tell me that those bastards tried to force you… then of course it matters!”

“Might I suggest you two go down ta t’e kitchen and take some time to relax. Go and see Charlie and her cabin boy.” Jax said, knowing that Charlie would definitely be able to help both ladies calm down. “Gist go down two sets of stairs.” he winked at the Princess with a brief gesture towards the entrance to the first set.

@emilyevewrites group

Eleanor winced as Lorelei raised her voice. "Can't we talk about this later, my love?" she whispered. The memories were too painful to revisit, and she'd never intended for Lorelei to find out in the first place. "I don't talk about it because I don't like talking about it."

At Jax's suggestion, Eleanor smiled briefly and was immensely grateful for the distraction. She was also eager to meet more of Lorelei's crewmates, so she murmured a polite "Thank you" to Jax before tugging Lorelei's arm and pulling her to the stairs Jax had directed them towards.