forum The Elemental Hybrids, A.K.A. I'm Weak (5/6)
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

May I please enter your roleplay Lex?

Yes, you may.

Also.. I have no clue where the hybrid thing is going to come in, but it's going to come in.

Deleted user

Just post a small paragraph on your character, don't reveal anything about their background

Deleted user

Just post a small paragraph on your character, don't reveal anything about their background

So are we not doing the standard thing?

Nope, I have a burning hatred for forms.
They take too long and tend to have a lot of unneeded info.

Deleted user

Okay, so y'alls characters need to be at least 18 and the eldest are in their twenties. They do not have their elements starting off as they are gifted with them near the start of the rp… I know I probably should've mentioned this earlier but I kinda forgot.

Deleted user

Rubs temples This is not the character I'm using, but… it's an example.

The Mad Hatter

A.K.A Damon, a flamboyant and very insane man. Almost anything you do will send him into a fit of giggles and spawn a wild look in his eyes that never leaves. It's hard to believe that he once "ruled" over a drug ring, fighting ring, and was an all-around murderer. He is quite attractive with his silky brown hair and good taste in fashion and he knows it, how else do you think he managed to fund all his exploits? His eyes are strange and one of the reasons he is known as The Mad Hatter, they are multicolored. One eye as dark as an onyx and the other a bizarre version of a rainbow opal.