@lavender_ladybug group
Levi continued to smile, “Of course that’s good! As long as you don’t get sick, but that would have been worse if you got first. So second is very good.” He tucked the letter away and stood up. “Do you know the time?”
Levi continued to smile, “Of course that’s good! As long as you don’t get sick, but that would have been worse if you got first. So second is very good.” He tucked the letter away and stood up. “Do you know the time?”
Fiori sighed, relaxing when Levi reassured him. He was half pressed into the pillows, one eye watching lazily as Levi moved around his room. "I feel great! Or… kinda great. Semi-great?" He hummed, thinking about it for a second before he got distracted by Levi's question. "Um… an hour after I left?"
Levi laughed, “I guess that works.” He sat down on the edge of the bed, “Anyway, even if it isn’t late, I’m really tired.” Especially after writing the letter, it mentally drained him to focus on the details he had put off thinking about.
Fi hummed, rolling over a couple times and then patting the newly emptied space beside him. "Lay down. Get sleep, sleep is good! Sleep makes you untired, you'll be real happy if you get some."
“Truer words have never been spoken,” he chortled. Levi found drunk Fiori highly amusing. He laid back into the empty spot beside him in the bed, resting his hands clasped over his stomach.
Fi hummed when he saw Levi laughing, reaching up to poke his cheek. "You're laughing," he murmured, eyebrows pushing together in confusion. "What's funny? I didn't make any jokes, did I?" He hummed, trying to remember if he had. All the memories were kind of smearing together at this point.
He raised his eyebrows and looked over, still grinning. “You didn’t, but you’re just funny in general right now. You’re almost the opposite of what you’re like when you’re sober, and it’s very amusing.”
"It's cause thinking gets harder. Or… impossible? Or at lease really weird." He made a face, pressing his finger into Levi's cheek a little harder before he flopped the hand over his hip and smiled like he'd had a revelation. "You should get drunk too! We can be drunk buddies!"
“Hm! Yeah, that sounds fun.” Levi snickered. He didn’t get drunk very often, at least debilitatingly drunk. He’d gotten tipsy plenty of times at social parties and the like. “I’ll do that with you.”
"Yayyyy!" Fi cheered, rolling over onto his back. He must've been pretty drunk because his whole head felt like it was spinning from the momentum. "Get the whiskey! Let's have a drunk person party!"
He looked over at the whiskey in the table, “There’s not enough whiskey in the bottle for me to get drunk off of…you drank it all.” He jokingly pouted, rolling his head back to look at Fiori.
"You're so little though," Fiori protested, gesturing to him with a confused frown. "Little people get more drunk on less booze, that's just science and math and…" he hummed "… and other things, which I can definitely name."
“I might get a little bit tipsy with that but far from as fun as you.” He debated, “Unless you have some more stored somewhere close. I’m not about to go down to the kitchens.”
"Oh!" Fiori wriggled off the bed, half crushing Levi as he got to the floor and shook off the dizziness. "I've got some…" He rifled around in his dresser before he pulled out a bottle of brandy with a grin. "… right here! Catch!" He tossed it to Levi and then grabbed the whiskey and clambered back into bed.
“Oh!” Levi grunted at being half crushed, and watched him shuffle through the dresser. He caught the bottle in his stomach with a sharp, “uff! That works.”
"Good! I have whiskey if it doesn't!" Fiori pushed him to the side with more gentleness then he seemed capable of given his current state and flopped down against the blankets. "Now drink! I can't be the only drunk person, you've gotta join me!"
He sat up, laughing as he pried off the cork. “Not five minutes ago you were telling me to sleep! Don’t be surprised if I fall asleep halfway through our drunk person party,” he said before pressing the rim of the bottle to his lips.
"I changed my mind!" Fiori grinned at him, dimples pressed into his cheeks as he opened the whiskey and took a sip. "You gotta stay awake, I hate being the only person awake. Even if you probably need the sleep. You should just sleep, actually, am I a bad person for wanting you to stay up?"
He took a long drink and lowered the bottle. He brought his other hand to his mouth, coughing. As soon as he caught his breath her answered, “Nah, I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway. If anything this’ll help me fall asleep. And to forget about everything.”
Fiori patted his chest wide worried eyes. The look was out of place on him. He ould be so big- so scary- and here he was watching Levi cough like it was the most terrifying thing in the world. "Forget? What do you need to…" He frowned, shaking Levi lightly. "The letter! I forgot about the letter!"
He took another drink of Brandy, but as he was shook, a bit trickled down his chin. He lowered the bottle to his knee and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. “It’s fine, I’ll show you later, maybe tomorrow. I’d rather forget it that anyhow.”
Fiori frowned but after he gave Levi a good solid look he let it drop. "Alright. Let's forget about it then." The smile he offered was small but sincere. "Why don't we do something people do at parties? Like… um… like a game or something."
“A game, a game… I’m up for a game.” He crossed his legs, leaning forward on his knees. He held the Brandy protectively in both hands. “What kind of game?”
"Um… truth or dare? I dunno, I never go to good parties." His nose wrinkled up. "Just the princely kind where you do nothing but talk to people you don't like and then your beloved drags you into a corner to make out and you forget there was even a party in the first place."
Levi sputtered out messy laughter, because that was very true, and it had happened to him once or twice. But he didn’t tell Fiori that. “That sounds like great fun, but one we can’t do…” he scowled. Why did Mordecai have to be in a whole other country? “We could make a game.”
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