@lavender_ladybug group
Levi mirrored the frown, not completely believing Fiori’s words, “I’m sure he does.” He paused for a moment before looking up at Fiori, “Are you sure you’re alright?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed with concern.
Levi mirrored the frown, not completely believing Fiori’s words, “I’m sure he does.” He paused for a moment before looking up at Fiori, “Are you sure you’re alright?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed with concern.
Fiori relaxed a little when Levi didn't question him, still nervous but a little less tense. His hand was rubbing the outside of his left thigh, just barely covered by his pants. He stopped suddenly when Levi asked his question, snapped back into reality. "… Yes?"
“You just suddenly seemed tense,” he clarified, “I didn’t say something wrong, did I?” He fixed his sleeve that hung over his shoulder the closer they got to the kitchen. He walked a tad closer to Fiori and lightly bumped his arm, “I’m here to listen if you want to talk. You’ve given me no motive to ever betray you or your thoughts…but you don’t have to, of course. I know we only just met.”
"No, nothing's wrong." A hesitant smile forced its way onto Fiori's face when Levi nudged him, so he bumped him back playfully. They were quickly approaching the double doors that lead into the kitchen. "I just… I prefer not to talk about my time away. Things were done that aren't easy to think or talk about, and I dislike the memories."
He opened his mouth to offer another comment, but decided against it. "That's alright," he acquiesced, "I'm sorry those are bad memories. Hopefully whatever it was won't have to happen again." He turned his face to the double doors and smiled, "I assume that's the kitchen?"
Fi smiled in relief when Levi dropped the conversation, nodding eagerly at the double doors. "Yep! I haven't been down here in ages, I miss it a lot." He pushed the doors open with a bright grin and the sound of bustling people and hushed chatter floating up from the center of the kitchens.
A woman scurried up, shooting them both a disapproving look before her eyes landed on Fi's face and she softened. "Cadmus' in his usual corner, lad. Make sure ye' both wash yer hands before you scuttle deeper into the kitchen." She spoke with a thick drawl, something vaguely southern.
Levi took a half step back, wary of her initial coldness. When her expression softened, he relaxed again. He dipped his head and looked over to any of the possible corners Cadmus might be. He didn’t know what he looked like, but he assumed he’d soon find out.
Fi laughed and nodded obediently. "We will, Thelma. Is… um… is he working?" The woman laughed, warm and familial.
"He's always working ye great brute. But… he'll be happy to see you. He's missed yer sorry ass."
Fi brightened at that, pulling Levi deep into the depths of the kitchen. He paused only to wash his hands in a large stone basin of water, pushing Levi towards it impatiently as he dried his hands off on his trousers. He was thrumming with an unusual excitement, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waited for his friend to finish washing.
Levi plunges his hands into the basin to rinse them, smiling with half confusion at Fiori’s excitement; he hadn’t seen him this happy today—he and this friend must be really close. It made Levi excited to meet him as well. Once he was done washing his hands, he flicked some excess water back into the basin, “Alright, alright, I’m ready,” he grinned.
"Great!" Fionn beamed at Levi and he seemed truly happy for the first time since he'd met Levi. His normal shy smile was nothing compared to this, a dazzling spectacle that lit up his face and turned his severre features into a work of art. "Cadmus was my bràhiar, my… second in command. He's had my back all my life you'll love hi-"
He was cut off when a boy came rushing up from the kitchen, launching himself into Fi's arms with an equally bright smile. His skin was tanned, his eyes a dusty green, and Fi only flinched for a second before his arms locked around his thighs to hold him aloft. "Fi!! You're back you ass, I thought you were gonna tell me when you were gettin' back!!"
Levi remained quiet for now, but his smile widened even more, baring his teeth in a friendly manner. He chuckled a bit and looked between Cadmus and Fiori while he waited for an opportunity to introduce himself—if he could. He chuckled at the interaction between the two of them; it reminded him of how some of his siblings light-heartedly antagonized each other.
Fi held Cadmus until he wriggled impatielty and got set down, sticking close to the other boy with a dazed sort of smile. It was clear he held a lot of admiration for Cadmus and even clearer that he'd missed him. Cadmus just laughed when he noticed how close Fi was hoovering, popping up onto his tiptoes to ruffle the prince's hair with a jovial smile before he turned to Levi. "Nice to met ya'. I'm Cadmus, though I expect the great lug's already told ya that. How're you finding our fine palace?"
Levi took a step back to give them room, studying Cadmus’ expression as he looked at Fiori. The longer the day went on, the more he liked Fiori, especially after seeing him with his friends. “Yes, indeed he did,” Levi smiled and chuckled in return, “Nice to meet you too. I haven’t seen the entire palace yet, at least I assume, but..it’s dazzling so far. I’m Leviticus.”
Cadmus reached out and gave him a firm handshake. His hands were calloused and covered in a thin layer of flour. Fiori hoovered behind, watching the two talk with a soft smile. It was clear he held a lot of affection for this man, even more than he did for Tharis. Cadmus leaned casually against his broad chest, letting Fi wrap his arms around his waist. "The dazzle of the place'll fade, the dazzle of this monster," he patted Fi's cheel affectionately. "Will not. Has he been a good guide?"
Levi looked between the two of them as his smile shifted into thought. He lightly squinted. We’re these two…? The closeness of the two of them did seem to be a little bit more than friends. He silently decided to ask Fiori about it later. If his suspicions were correct, that was really sweet.
“Hah…aw, yeah—yes. He’s been pretty good at showing me around. We just got back from Tharis, actually. She measured me to make me some new clothes, which is definitely needed in this weather,” he chuckled.
Fi smiled dreamily down at Cadmus before he popped up and offered Levi a slightly goofier one. He nuzzled the top of Cadmus' head happily and Cadmus reached up to pat his cheek. "Ah! Tharis, what a dame. How's she been? I haven't been up to visit her in ages, she's been so busy lately."
“She seems to be alright. Fiori would know more about how she usually is than I would. I’ve only just met her,” he answered cheerfully, at least until he was interrupted by a painful cramp in his stomach. “Oh,” he winced, “Could I possibly have something to eat please? It doesn’t have to be much, just something small.” He didn’t remember the last time he ate; maybe when he was on the road?
"Of course ya can!" Cadmus smacked Fi's wrists lightly to get him to let go, tromping down the stairs without a care in the world. Fiori followed easily, gesturing for Levi to join them down on the kitchen floor. When they got there Cadmus was already ruffling through some cabinets, checking around for pota and pans. He popped his head up when he heard them approaching, slapping a pan down on top of a crude woodstove. "I'll fry you up some bear meat, d'you think that'll hold you over?"
"Oh," Levi smiled, and his eyes lit up. His mouth began to water at the thought, "That was more than I was expecting, thank you! I appreciate it, so so much." He followed the two of the down into the kitchen, looking around to take in the scene. If he could recall correctly in his hazy mindset, the kitchen's setup here were very similar to his own kingdom's. But well, a kitchen was a kitchen, right? The design didn't have to differ much. What really mattered was the food.
Cadmus laughed, a lilting drawl that seemed as golden as the sunlight streaming in from the windows. Fi seemed to melt when he heard it, giving Cadmus a fond look as he slung a few slivers of meat into the pan and began to fry them up. "Levi, hon, would you be a doll and grab some bread for me? It should be on the counter, I just wanna make sure we can get a full meal in ya before ya go."
“Of course,” Levi dipped his head. He began to head over to the counter where he directed. He kept an eye on the two of them, still wearing a smile. Eventually he had to take his eyes off of them to look for the bread.
Fi, who had seemed determined to maintain a bit of polite distance fro Cadmus while Levi was still around, immediately attached himself to the cook's side with a soft smile. One of his arms was slung around Cadmus' waist, casually possessive, while the other gestured mildly as he talked about what had happened while he was away. Cadmus was petting him again, hands dragging slowly through his short black hair.
Levi couldn’t keep the smile off his face. The thought of them were too sweet, and it was strange (though not unwelcome) to see such a different demeanor in Fiori—greatly contrasted with when they first met not even a whole day ago. He took a bit longer than necessary to locate the bread. When he did find it there on the counter, he picked it up, and while walking back he called, “Is this it?”
Cadmus turned to look it over, tapping Fiori's hip gently to get him to detach as Levi walked closer. Fi did do easily, squeezing Cadmus closer slightly before he let go and started looking through the cabinets for a frying pan. "Yup! You want me to fry it up with the meat, or just toast it for ya?"
“Toast sounds good,” he answered, handing him the bread. “Thank you for doing this. I don’t think you’ve started, and I can already smell it,” he said with a stifled chuckle. The cramping pang in his stomach wouldn’t let him laugh as loudly, but it didn’t bother him so much now. He bounced on his heels once, twice.
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