forum The Bird and The Wolf
Started by @croccin-champagne

people_alt 53 followers


((hey! sorry for taking so long, it's been a hectic week. family is building our back deck and i'm getting payed for work in the hot sun lmao. how you been?))

"Tokyo." Rico said, cutting off Canary, who shot him a look with her face scrunched up. "We've been given hotel rooms near the Shibuya district, because of the commuter stations." He explained, pulling out a brochure and handing it to Marco. "This is a guide to the districts. It's not the first time Canary and I have been, but it's useful for newcomers to have a guide. The city isn't quite the same as American cities, at least in terms of terminology."

"Try to avoid red light districts unless they're on any of our stops, and you've got a guide." Canary warned. "It's easy t' get into trouble."

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(Spent the last week prepping for a trip to grandmas.))
Marco took the map, pocketing it. "I'm pretty sure we can handle trouble on our own, but we appreciate the warning." he said.
Skye nodded, "Seeing as you two know your way around I suppose you should lead the way for now?"


((fun? or not fun? also should we say they're already there?))

"Oh, I love being in charge." Canary clapped her hands together, grinning wildly as she spun on her heel, marching off into the crowd and expecting the others to follow. "We all think we can handle trouble, right up until we catch ourselves vulnerable. Trouble has a habit of finding you then. Where'd my duffel go?"

"I have it. You left it on the ground."

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(Both and I say we get them moving then skip to when they're there)
Skye hummed, "You've got a point there." he said, trailing after her with Marco at his heels. "Luckily for me I don't normally let my guard down long enough for that to happen."
Marco shook his head, Not like you can being a mindreader he told Skye, earning a smirk from his friend.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Hey… @crocs-to-a-knife-fight I really don't want this to die…
I really don't..
So.. could you maybe come back and reply? Or at least give me some notice as to weather you are still up for doing this at all.


((ah, this is entirely on me! i have a very, very bad habit of losing the ability to write for certain rps until my brain kicks back up again. hence why some will go from constant response to none at all for a bit. i'm okay keeping it going, but you deserve the heads up on that!))

Canary and Rico shared a look at that, before motioning for the other two to follow. As they started off into the crowd, Canary bouncing as she moved, Rico couldn't help feeling like this wouldn't go near as smoothly as any of them hoped.

"Hey, earth to Rico." As Canary snapped her fingers in his face, the man in question blinked suddenly, shaking his head and looking around. The group was gathered by the luggage train, waiting for the bags that they had brought along. Canary was solely there for support. Her only bag was her carry on, as she preferred buying any clothes she needed in the place she was, and then donating them before leaving.

"Uh-yeah, yeah. I'm awake." Still half asleep from his nap on the plane, Rico rubbed at his eyes, grumbling as he turned to their companions. "You guys got all yours yet? I swear if they lost any of my bags–that's expensive ass tech in there."

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(Its cool! I was just a bit concerned that it was dying cause I can't be on all that much)
Skye shrugged, "Niether of us has all that much to speak of. Marco's got one bag that we need to grab, but that's it." He said, hefting his duffle.
Marco rolled his eyes, "Yeah, Because technology doesn't always for in a carry on duffle."