@Wolfy over here!!
@Wolfy over here!!
IM HERE!!!!!
alright! temps or nah, and where do we want to start this off? did we have much of a plot outline that we can put down to refer back to?
Temps might be a good idea, but they'll take forever.
And as far as I know our basic plot was our group was on some kind of espionage mission in a foreign country with Skye and your girl playing famous musical act and my boi Marco and a mother one of yours playing backup tech expert peeps.
No idea what their mission is, so we should probs figure that out.
we definitely should. any ideas for a main objective? it might be easier to figure if we pick a country, tbh
all i know is that sending canary to russia would cause so many problems for her
We could do basic European countries, or maybe south American? Like Brazil?
Or maybe China…
Even Korea or Japan possibly…
Possibly even Canada?
I'm assuming we're basing this out of a sterotypical US… right?
Also maybe they're after some kind of magical artifact that's been stolen off the black market? But they don't know where it is just some names as to who might?
probably out of the us, yeah, as canary did grow up between there and cuba, and of course the obligatory russia time
japan would have the yakuza, which could be interesting. they could just straight go to the uk and cause problems while canary makes fun of british accents in a perfect british accent
Also maybe they're after some kind of magical artifact that's been stolen off the black market? But they don't know where it is just some names as to who might?
ooo, i like that. maybe something with enough power to be used to go after the royal family, which is the goal?
That sounds pretty good! Though Idk what the yakuza are.
I get if something came up, but this is my last day on before I have to go…. so… yeah.
dfgdfg i've been so swamped in character templates i keep forgetting discussions exist
the yakuza are basically the japanese mafia
I feel that….
Also thanks for the explanation.
Shall we get started on our thingy? Or do you still wanna do temps? (Personally I think blind is gonna be okay)
blind might be best at this point
do we want to do japan? and are w going to have them hired by the government? i was thinking 'threat of prison' but 'if you live we'll let you off for a little while longer' type thing
That works really nicely with the usual backdrop I use for my bois!!
The jail thing, that is.
fufhfh then perfect. who's start?
Can you please? I'm still horrible at setting the stage.
Ah, airports. They were loud, exceedingly so, packed with people and a certain air of 'rushing' that left you slightly breathless and anxious no matter how on time you were. Canary knew that feeling well. In the span of her lifetime, she'd been in so many airports she could pick out the different stereotypes of travelers, and could bring to mind the sounds just by closing her eyes. Not that she needed to, considering she was in one now.
Why she was there was a mess, to say the least.
It didn't matter how good a criminal she was, somehow, she always managed to get caught by the same people. In the same goddamn coffee shop. Three times now.
And every time, they offered her the same deal. Do them a favor only a criminal could take care of, and she was let off for another bit of time. Probably before they'd come knocking again.
"Where d'you think they are? We didn't get pictures, so it's honestly a tossup if we'll even find each other." Canary said, turning to look at the guy with her. Just slightly taller than her, he didn't stand out near as much as she did in her yellow jacket, scrunchie, and converse. In fact, he nearly seemed to fade into the shadow of her presence, and looked completely happy there.
"I was told they'd be here before our flight. That's all. I know about as much as you, Raf."
Skye growled in annoyance as Marco led the way through the crowd. Remind me why we're here again? he asked the other silently, still keeping an eye on their surroundings with his mental abilities.
"We're here because we got caught." he reminded the other aloud, "And you really need to stop being so mad about it."
"I think I have a right to be mad about it." huffed Skye, brushing back a lock of violet and silver hair, and then glaring down a "Karen" who would dare call him out for his dark skin.
"Try not to draw so much attention and help me keep an eye out for our contact" said Marco, swatting him playfully.
Skye rolled his eyes, "They're over there." he gestured to Canary. "They're looking for us," he shrugged, ruffling Marco's messy black and blue hair.
Marco glared at him, "Quit doing that!"
"Why should I?" asked Skye.
"Because you doofus." scowled Marco, moving off towards the indicated people.
(Sorry, got distracted)
(HEY @crocs-to-a-knife-fight WHERE ARE YOU???? I LEAVE AGAIN TOMORROW))
Canary noted the two men moving towards her and Rico, slapping his arm and pointing. Nothing about her screamed criminal. She moved with the energy of a child, or a bird. Hopping, bouncing on her feet, flitting about and around Rico in the crowded airport. "Found 'em!"
While Canary lifted her arm, waving wildly and nearly smacking Rico in the chin, the man in question hunched down even more. His hands were tucked into the pockets of his hoodie, and his eyes found the men to squint–despite his glasses–and eye them. Canary was the physical criminal, but Rico carried the wariness of someone who partook in not the most morally-correct acts. He was a hacker, after all.
"Well well well, look who finally showed up. Where's the excitement?" Canary teased, grinning brightly as she greeted the newcomers. "Japan! Not many opportunities for trips like this, huh? Getting booted to Japan by the US government for criminal activities, just to do more criminal things?"
"Someone's overly cheerful for the world tour" said Skye with a laugh.
"Better this than jail." mused Marco, "Anyway, we were told you two would have out first destination in mind."
Skye nodded, "Yeah, then we can talk over our game plan." his tone took on a more serious note at that.
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