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forum That statue is alive? // OxO// CLOSED
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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Sorry lol, I'm trying to be more active, but I've been quite busy!)

Starting up the engine, she pulls out of the garage,
"Hold on tight!"
She says as she adjusts her helmet a little, then racing down the streets. This town was actually on a huge hill, so the road was bordered by fences so they wouldn't go flying off. Around the hill, on one side trees surrounded them, on the other, another huge city below them, with the mountains in the distance, clouds circling the tips, and on the other side the ocean the seemed to go on forever and the only time you could see the horizon was at sunset or sunrise.

Deleted user

(I totally understand, I've been pretty busy myself)
As Harley started the bike, Penelope held on. She watched as the landscape went by. Being on a motorbike made her feel free and peaceful, she loved every second of it.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Harley had put her hair up before he put the helmet on, and she was glad she did. Penelope seemed to be enjoying it……it would be a shame if….hair was flying in her face every passing second. >:]
Pulling up at her house, she parked the motorbike just outside. She lived in a trustworthy neighborhood, nobody was going to steal it. And all of these people were old rick people who looked down upon motorbikes, so she had nothing to worry about.

Deleted user

Penelope got off of the bike and took off her helmet. "Thanks, Harley! I'm going to have to find mine one of these days." She smiled and waited for Harley to unlock the door.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Oh, you have one?"
She says taking the helmet off and letting her hair fall over her shoulders. She couldn't remember if she had told her if she had a bike or not. Harley didn't have the best memory.

Deleted user

She nodded. "Yeah, or I used to have one. I'm not sure if it's still around or still works though."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Well….i could buy you one someday if we can't find it"
She says with warm smile, getting off of the bike and unlocking the door, opening it for her.

Deleted user

"Oh, that isn't necessary! Motorbikes are expensive." Penelope smiled as she stepped inside Harley's house, saying "Thank you." as she passed through.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"That's true….but i have connections"
She says with a wink as she closed the door behind her. Stepping into the living room, it was a good size, definitely bigger than Elijahs but not unnecessarily large. A coffee table with half a U shape, leading into the kitchen, the checkered floor, extremely clean. Near the entry way was a room, she called the mudroom. She had her shoes and her keys and coats, along with the washer and drier. Down the hallway next to the kitchen, there was only bedroom and a bathroom. Her bedroom was downstairs. Beside that were the stairs leading upstairs, only for a bathroom and two bedrooms.
"Make yourself at home!"

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Penelope looked around in slight awe. "Okay, thank you!" She stepped in a little looking around. "Hey, where am I going to be sleeping? I'm actually very tired."

Deleted user

"Okay, thank you!" Penelope smiled and went upstairs to one of the bedrooms. She didn't really choose one, she just walked in and laid on the bed then stood up. "Goodnight, Harley!" She yelled as she got in bed.

Deleted user

When it was finally morning, Penelope woke up a bit confused. She sat up looking around trying to remember where she was. After getting out of bed, she went to the door and left her bedroom. After going downstairs, she remembered where she was. "Ohh yeah." She whispered to herself.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Harley usually slept in, which she probably should change since she had someone else living with her.
Elijah on the other hand had gotten up at around 6 in the morning to go to work. Sitting in the flower shop, the only reason most of the girls came was for Elijah. He was the main attraction at the beach. So many boyfriends had hated him, which wasn't even his fault. He couldn't help being good looking.

Deleted user

Penelope looked around for Harley but after a few minutes she decided Harley was still sleeping, so she wouldn't bother her. She went to the kitchen to take an inventory of what Harley had so she could make breakfast. She decided to make scrambled eggs. "If only Harley ha a stool as well…" She said in a whisper.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Haha i love that)

Elijah let out a sigh as two girls walked into the flower shop giggling.
"Hello how may i help you?"
He says in a nice, soft voice. He was always so tempted to tell them to get out and stop wasting his time, but he had all of the time to waste and nothing to do. Sometimes he would flirt back and other times he wouldn't. Depending on his mood. And he didn't feel like flirting today.
"Oh, well, what's your favorite flowers?"
One of the girls says leaning over the counter twirling her hair between her fingers. The other girl smacking gum around in her mouth made him cringe.
"The cacti over there"
He says dryly as he points over to the cacti. He was so sick of these girls who would come in almost every day to flirt with him. Hopefully one day instead of sticking their noses up in his business they'll stick them in the cacti.

Deleted user

(Lol thanks!)
Penelope sighed as she turned around to where Harley's shoes were. She was looking for some tall high heels. She looked for quite a while, but she never found anything. Giving up, she laid on the ground where she was. She closed her eyes so she could calm herself a little.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Oh? Like the ones with the flowers?"
Said the girl smacking her lips constantly.
"Yep, those are the ones"
He says with a little sigh. He always had to be nice to customers, or else they might not come back, and that's bad for the small business.
"Are you buying anything ladies?"
He says straightening up a little

Deleted user

Penelope opened her eyes and slowly sat up shaking her head. She stood up and started putting back all the shoes she took out. She tried to put them back the same way they were so Harley wouldn't suspect anything.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Well, I don't see your heart on the shelves….so no thank you. Unless…."
The girl winked at him.
"Sorry I have a girlfriend"
He says to them with a smirk. He was lying of course, but technically. I mean he did just meet his soulmate yesterday.
The girls stormed out of the shop, the cute bell ringing on their way out as two guys walked in, confused as to why two girls ran out of the shop crying.
"Why hello Mr. Heartbreaker"
His friends from yesterday walk in laughing a bit.
"Oh, hey guys"
He says with a small wave as he runs his fingers through his wavy hair.
"So how's it going with your gal huh?"
One says leaning over the counter.
"Good….and her names Penelope"
He says with a smile at the sound of her name.

Deleted user

After organizing the shoes, Penelope decided to go into the kitchen again to see if she could reach the stove on her toes. Thankfully, she could. She did some prep then started cooking.