Ophelia almost ran into the door of the biology classroom, looking up at the last moment. “Oh. We’re here,” she said, glancing at Esmerelda. She was honestly a bit glad they shared a first class today.
Ophelia almost ran into the door of the biology classroom, looking up at the last moment. “Oh. We’re here,” she said, glancing at Esmerelda. She was honestly a bit glad they shared a first class today.
Esmeralda smiled, pushing the door open and walking in, greeting the teacher.
Ophelia gave a nod to the teacher, being polite but not any more than that. Some of her teachers liked her, but most did not. She didn’t usually care to any more than polite to her teachers, not caring much about the subjects that most of them taught. She slid into her desk and kept looking at the flashcards.
Esmeralda sat down, looking back to her book while she waited for class.
When the teacher walked to the front of the room, she demanded that everyone clear their desks. Ophelia put the flashcards in the side pocket of her backpack again, sighing. The teacher passed out the tests and Ophelia began.
Esmeralda smiled, looking down at the test as she calmly started.
Ophelia kept working up until the bell rang. As it did, she muttered under her breath. "Shit, I'm not done failing my test yet." She hurried and guessed on the last four questions and then turned her test in to the front. Well, that had gone great.
Esmeralda stood, handing in her test and wishing the teacher a good day before leaving.
Ophelia gave the teacher a smile like she hadn’t just been completely failing. At the flashcards had helped a little. She had English class next, which she hated slightly less.
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